Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 156 Fighting the Peak Natives of Demigods

Chapter 156 Fighting the Peak Natives of Demigods

"Senior, I am Dongbo Snow Eagle!" Dongbo Snow Eagle looked at Wei Wen uneasily, "I wonder who I am, senior?"

At the bottom of the Black Wind Abyss, Dongbo Snow Eagle not only saw alchemy creatures, but also saw a living person for the first time.

Wei Wen alone can easily appear in this strange palace, at least he must be an extraordinary person.

As for the specific level, he didn't know very well, but there might be hope of saving him.

"My name is Wei Wen. I heard that you were killed by a powerful man from the Witch Temple and fell into the Black Wind Abyss, so I came here to see you." Wei Wen said with a smile.

"Wei Wen?" Dongbo Xueying really didn't know him, but "Senior, can you rescue me?"

He fell into the Black Wind Abyss this time, and the younger brother, Uncle Zong, Uncle Tong and others in the outside world didn't know how anxious he was!

And the most important thing for Dongbo Snow Eagle right now is to become extraordinary so that he can go to Mo Yang's house to bring his parents back!

"It's okay to save you, but don't be in a hurry." Wei Wen shook his head slightly, "I still have some things to deal with, and I will take you away after finishing them. After all, this is also a good opportunity for you."

He can obtain the opportunities here in advance, and then obtain a large amount of resources through feedback. It is estimated that he will have no problem reaching the level of demigod in his fighting spirit.

"Thank you, senior." Dongbo Snow Eagle said with determination, "Then I will practice my marksmanship here first, and then go out after senior has finished his work."

"Looking at your marksmanship, you have a deep understanding of the realm of Water of All Things. It seems that you are only one step away from stepping into all things." Wei Wen nodded.

"There is no outside interference here, and there are two alchemy creatures for you to practice with. It's a good place to hone your skills and break through."

What Dong Bo Xueying is best at is the true meaning of the virtual world, and the predecessor of this true meaning is the four true meanings of earth, fire, water, and wind.

As for Wei Wen's true meaning of water, the first realm of Tao that Ning realized at that time was the Tao related to the movement of water. His talent in this area is definitely not bad.

In addition, Wei Wen has occasionally experienced enlightenment. According to his understanding, the level in this aspect must at least be true and perfect, close to the level of the divine mind.

After all, the true meaning of water is only at the level of sixth-grade true meaning. Compared with the Wild Age and Swallowing Star World, its performance is very low, and it is normal that its depth is not high.

"Monkey, what should I do?" The golden roc looked at Wei Wen who was approaching.

"What else can we do?" The golden ape was speechless.

"Our master back then didn't dare to break into the Black Wind Shrine above. He can come here from the palace, and his strength is no less than that of his master. How dare we stop him?"

"But if he succeeds, we will be relieved, and we will have hope to leave here, so this is also a good thing for us."

Wei Wen ignored the two alchemical beings and passed directly by them.

After Wei Wen scoured the palace, he took away all the relics of the owner of the alchemical creatures and ignored the thoughts of the two alchemical creatures.

He returned directly to where Dongbo Snow Eagle was, who was looking at Wei Wen in confusion.

"Two alchemical beings who are evenly matched with me don't even dare to move in front of Wei Wen. They are definitely not ordinary and extraordinary!" Dong Bo Snow Eagle secretly rejoiced.

The stronger Wei Wen is, the greater his hope of getting out.

"These are for you." Wei Wen waved his hand and handed the resources to Dong Bo Xueying, "These resources are enough for your fighting spirit to easily break through to the extraordinary and holy levels."

"This... this is too expensive!" Dongbo Snow Eagle quickly gave way.

"Since you are the first to discover this place, it is naturally destined to you, and these are nothing to me, so just take them for you."

Wei Wen waved his hand and threw the treasure directly to Dongbo Snow Eagle, who was so frightened that Dongbo Snow Eagle hurriedly caught it.

"Oh, boy, I'll give it to you, just take it." The golden ape said quickly.

"My master's strength back then was not as strong as that of my senior. As for what kind of treasure he could possess that would attract my attention, if we can go out in the future, we may have to rely on our senior."

"Thank you, senior." Dongbo Xueying nodded, very confused about Wei Wen's performance. Of course he didn’t know that after he got the opportunity, Wei Wen would get more resource feedback.

"You continue to practice here. With the help of this spiritual liquid and other resources, maybe after I take care of this place, you will be able to directly step into the extraordinary." Wei Wen said directly.


The underground hall deep in the underground palace.

"I, Black Wind, on the other side of this door is a large extraordinary world. If you have not reached the level of demigod, please do not enter!" A prompt sounded.

Large extraordinary worlds can indeed give birth to demigod extraordinary natives easily.

Wei Wen looked at the tall crystal wall in front of him, and with a flick of his hand, a powerful ray of fighting spirit burst out.


Amidst a roar, a passage hundreds of meters high and emitting powerful spatial fluctuations appeared.

As soon as Wei Wen took a step, he entered the world gate hundreds of meters away and entered a large extraordinary world.


Wei Wen had just entered the extraordinary world, and with just a thought, he discovered a towering giant dozens of meters tall.

"A bit strong!" Wei Wen could feel a hint of threat just by detecting it.

"It is very likely that he is an extraordinary native demigod with a high level of talent. He is definitely not comparable to ordinary demigods. After all, his physical strength alone has the strength of a peak demigod."

"If you include your true intentions, I can barely fight against a demigod who has gathered his divine heart but failed to break through to the divine level. I estimate he has the strength of one of the top 10 demigods on the list!"

"Kill him and you should be able to get a lot of resources."

Gathering the divine heart is only a condition for breaking through to the god level. It does not mean that one can become a god by gathering the divine heart!

With a thought, Wei Wen activated the power of his true intention, and his fighting spirit swept away.

The demigod in front of him had a look of astonishment on his face. How could a strong man of the Death Saint level challenge a demigod of his level?

Stunned is followed by rage. Are you kidding me?

"Haha, haha..." the demigod laughed angrily, "You are looking for death!"

A strange wave appeared on the demigod native, and with him as the center, the wave fanned out toward Wei Wencheng.

Wherever it passed, the surrounding space rippled slightly, tearing apart cracks.

Perceiving the power of the true meaning, Wei Wen held up the dimension of time and space, sensing that with the blessing of the true meaning of time and space, the power could never kill him.

Wei Wen then resisted for a while, preparing to test the power of his true meaning, and to test the world's strength level of Lord Snow Eagle.

"It should be the third level of true meaning. According to the fluctuation of true meaning, it should be the fourth level." Wei Wen flew backwards.

What is the true meaning?

The true meaning is the understanding of the three levels of all things. To put it simply, the true meaning is to have a profound enough understanding of the mysteries of all things in the world and to have them materialize and appear.

Judging from the explosion against the demigods, Wei Wen also has a deeper understanding of his own strength.

With a hundredfold genetic blessing, coupled with the blessing of genetic original energy and physical constitution, it can be fully adaptively transformed into the fighting spirit cultivation level of Lord Snow Eagle's world.

His cosmic-level deity is the first to enter the saint level, and the domain lord-level golden-horned giant beast and void clone are the first to enter the demigod level.

(End of this chapter)

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