Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 162 Swarming, Level 7

Chapter 162 Swarming, seventh floor

Wei Wen no longer hesitated, took one step forward, turned into a stream of light and flew towards the Universe Tongtian Bridge, and soon he came to the end of the first floor.

There was a huge layer of clouds blocking his way ahead. When he stopped, he heard a voice coming from inside, asking him to choose a different opponent.

A warrior, a spiritual master controller, an illusionist, any one of them can pass through the first level of the Universe Bridge by defeating the opponent.

"Warrior!" Wei Wen made his choice without hesitation.

The cloud transformed for a while, and finally turned into a black figure, wearing a mask and holding a long sword.


On the island, Luo Feng, Bo Lan and others are waiting for the result of Wei Wen breaking through the overpass.

"Lord Baffin, can we watch the live broadcast?" Bolan asked.

"Of course!" Baffin waved his hand, and a big screen appeared in front of the geniuses, just in time to see Wei Wen fighting his opponent.

The next scene surprised them all.

"The realm of force and telekinesis of the gatekeepers is exactly the same as that of the gatekeepers, except that the secret level of the gatekeepers is specifically set according to the different levels!" Guardian Baffin explained.

"Just like Wei Wen, he is now at the cosmic level, and the gatekeeper's cultivation is also at the cosmic level."

"The gatekeeper on the first level, I can tell that his level of secret techniques, attack and kill secret techniques, and fighting experience are indeed very terrifying. He is worthy of being a bridge to the universe." Bolan said with emotion.

"It's just that Wei Wen only activates secret techniques that are lower than those of the gatekeepers. I'm is this possible?"

"Wei Wen's level of secret skills seems to be inferior to that of his opponent, but he actually killed the gatekeeper with one sword?"

"This should be the advantage of analyzing the nature of the original laws of time and space!" Luo Feng seemed to understand.

Although I had known for a long time that Wei Wen was definitely not comparable to the first-level Tongtian Bridge, I didn't expect that Wei Wen's performance was so unexpected.

In fact, Luo Feng also took the route of analyzing the essence. For example, when he broke through the overpass, he was able to defeat the fifth level with the fourth level of the Divine Weapon!

Although the other people saw something mysterious, they were all shocked. After all, most geniuses have not been able to break through the first level, so they naturally knew how terrifying their opponents were.

On the second level after that, the gatekeeper's understanding of the original laws of space reached a deeper level, but he was still killed by Wei Wen with a sword.

Time passed slowly, and Wei Wen continued to break through the overpass.

"King Zhenyan, King Tongnan, and King Longyu." Guardian Baffin saluted respectfully.

"Haha, I didn't expect such a strong person today." King Zhenyan looked around with a smile, and a group of powerful immortals and even cosmic lords appeared next to him.

"Longyu." King Tongnan glanced at the Immortal and Universe Venerables around him, "There are so many big guys here watching, probably waiting to poach the Nine Swords Venerable."

Of course they know why there are so many immortals and even cosmic lords gathered.

Among them, King Zhenyan, King Tongnan, and King Longyu, the three of them probably came to join in the fun.

Most of the other crowned kings were ordered by some venerables to pay attention to Wei Wen. After all, once they passed the third floor of Tongtian Bridge, they could become their disciples.

The Universe Masters in the Virtual Universe Company also have a competitive relationship with each other. Those Universe Masters must be here to see Wei Wen's specific performance.

Of course, Wei Wen's talent has been obvious to all before. Although many Universe Lords were curious about why no Universe Master came forward to accept a disciple, they didn't think much about it.

Since the Lord of the Universe doesn't seem to show up, is it their turn?

In terms of strength, many of them are indeed above the Nine Swords Master.

"The Lord Nine Swords has not shown up yet. He seems not to be worried about poaching by the other Universe Lords. Obviously, the Lord knows the inside story." King Longyu glanced at the other Universe Lords.

"Forget it, the three of us are just here to join in the fun anyway. The matter of the Lord of the Universe has nothing to do with us and we can't interfere." King Zhenyan smiled and said, "Which level do you think Wei Wen can get through?" "Me neither It’s very clear, what level is Wei Wen on now?” King Tongnan looked at the guardian Baffin.

"He just started to break through the overpass, but he has already ended the battle on the 6th floor." Guardian Baffin responded.

As the guardian of the Tongtian Bridge plane, he is aware of the performance of all geniuses on the Tongtian Bridge.

Therefore, even King Zhenyan, King Tongnan and other powerful kings cannot directly detect the battle in Tongtian Bridge. Everything has to rely on Baffin.

Of course, the Master of the Universe has the authority to watch directly, so there is no need to go through Baffin.

"Replay the situation of him breaking through the overpass." King Longyu said directly.

"Yes." Baffin waved his hand, and a huge screen suddenly appeared in front of the kings. On the screen, Wei Wen was standing on the Tongtian Bridge looking at his opponent on the sixth floor.

"The last 1000 geniuses have completed 30 years of training in Chaos City, and the best genius has just passed the fourth floor of Tongtian Bridge!"

"Luo Feng's fifth level is fine, he almost made it past the sixth level!"

"At least he can't be worse than Luo Feng!"

"I think it can reach the seventh level. After all, the genius battle has only been three years!"

"Three years are enough for his space perception to reach the seventh level."

"It's a pity that the Cosmic Chaos Monument he chose is hindered by the original laws of space. It will be difficult for him to break through the eighth level."

"It's hard to say. It is said that Wei Wen's growth rate has been getting stronger, and he might be able to reach the eighth level."

In fact, even though Wei Wen only studied the Chaos Monument for a few days, the results of these seven days may not be worse than those of the previous three years of hard work.

Coupled with the feedback on the advantages of the true god-level secret method, and the feedback from Luo Feng's major space.

Wei Wen's space talent is not as good as the time origin law talent, and his strength has also reached from the sixth level to close to the ninth level in three years.


Wei Wen broke through the overpass one after another and reached the 7th floor in a blink of an eye.

Based on Wei Wen's performance in the Genius Battle a few years ago, although he was able to pass the seventh trial tower, it did not mean that his understanding of the original laws of time and space had reached the seventh level.

At the beginning, his understanding of the original law of time was on the seventh level, and his understanding of the original law of space was estimated to be between the sixth and seventh levels.

Under fellow practitioners of time and space, his combat power is naturally stronger.

For example, the original Tongtian Mountain at the cosmic level generally requires only space perception, or time perception to reach the 12th level of Tongtian Bridge, then it is possible to pass.

As for Wei Wen's route, a time and space practitioner might only need the 10th level of transformation to be able to break through the cosmic-level Tongtian Mountain.

But the Universe Tongtian Bridge is different from the regular Tongtian Bridge, and it is also different from the Trial Tower and Tongtian Mountain. If you want to break through, you must go hand in hand with time and space.

For example, around the 9th level of Bolan's Space Perception during the Secret Realm of the Universe period, the law of the origin of time held back, and in the end, he could not even break through the 7th level.

Based on Wei Wen's current understanding of the original law, the first seven levels are not difficult at all, and there is no need to use all his strength.

Almost as soon as the opponent appears, Wei Wen will be killed with one move, leaving no room for resistance.

(End of this chapter)

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