Chapter 163 Sensation

"I choose... warrior!" Wei Wen said directly.

Wei Wen's essence, Void Clone, and Golden Horned Behemoth are obviously the most suitable for the warrior style. It is only because of Luo Feng that Wei Wen occasionally uses the spiritual master style to develop divine weapons.

If he chooses to be the controller, his opponent will use the same telekinesis weapon as himself.

Due to his own special situation, coupled with the fact that the Universe Tongtian Bridge tests his understanding of both time and space at the same time, Yan Shenbing is not suitable.

Wei Wen didn't want to break through the so-called Tongtian Bridge and distract himself from studying suitable telepathy weapons. For him, it was a waste of time.

"Kill!" The man in black snorted coldly, and turned into a stream of light like lightning and rushed towards Wei Wen. He swung out the bloody long sword in his hand, with the power of splitting mountains and breaking mountains.


Wei Wen arrived first, and sword lights lit up around his opponent!

The sword light is extremely bright, containing the artistic conception of the original law of time and space. Along the most essential arc of the time and space dimension, it directly passes over the opponent like an ethereal phantom.

"How could it be——" The opponent's eyes widened. He was counter-killed even before he had a formal fight with Wei Wen, and turned into black liquid and merged into the white mist.

"Eighth floor!" Wei Wen looked at the 8th floor Tongtian Bridge extending upward in front of him, soared directly into the sky, rushed along the 8th floor of the Tongtian Bridge, and rushed towards the end of the 8th floor.


In the Tongtianqiao plane, all the immortals and cosmic lords were shocked.

In fact, the Cosmic Chaos Monument is the most difficult Chaos Monument. Tongtianqiao is naturally more demanding on the challenger's understanding of the original laws of time and space.

Before Wei Wen broke into the seventh level, what they were thinking about was the disadvantages of choosing the Cosmic Chaos Monument.

After all, no matter how talented a person is, his or her own energy is limited.

As the saying goes, everything is strong, but nothing is worse than mastery.

If Wei Wen chooses the Zhouji Chaos Monument, he will naturally have to cultivate both time and space, which will definitely affect his growth rate.

But now - Wei Wen used his ability to kill the seventh level instantly to tell them that even if you are not as good as being proficient, if you concentrate on one subject and it is far behind his growth rate of both time and space, then this sentence has no value in talking about.

And everyone knows that behind the higher difficulty of the Cosmic Chaos Monument is greater strength.

Each of the immortals and cosmic lords looked at the images on the screen extremely seriously, their minds telling them how difficult it was to get through the 8th floor.

But there is also a vague expectation in their hearts, expecting Wei Wen, a genius with the potential to be the master of the universe, to continue to create greater miracles.

"I'm afraid he can really get through the 8th floor of the Universe Tongtian Bridge!"

"Could it be that for him, understanding the original laws of time and space is as simple as eating and drinking?"

"Wei Wen's previous performance in the law of the origin of space was only at the level of a genius born in tens of millions of epochs. I didn't expect that he has improved so much in recent years."

"I'm also very curious, why do his time and space fellow practitioners actually progress faster than ordinary geniuses who emerge from tens of millions of epochs?"

"I don't know, but that's the case with Wei Wen. His potential seems to continue to improve as time goes by. This is the most terrifying aspect."

"Now Wei Wen has just started practicing in Chaos City. Who knows where his potential will be in thirty years?"

"Before, I would have thought that he would not be able to pass through the 12th floor of Tongtian Bridge, but now it seems that he can at least pass through the 12th floor of Tongtian Bridge, right?" One by one, the kings and cosmic lords held their breaths.

For example, in the original work, when Luo Feng was hailed as a genius who emerged from tens of millions of epochs, he spent hundreds of years still not understanding the nature of space, and he was still short of the last few.

100 years in the original universe is roughly equivalent to 30 years in Chaos City. Therefore, based on the performance level of a genius born in ten million eras, many Universe Masters speculated that Wei Wen would not be able to break through the 12th floor of the Tongtian Bridge during his thirty years in Chaos City.

After all, he not only practices the original law of space, but also needs to be distracted to understand the original law of time.

But now Wei Wen's performance surprised them. Many immortals and cosmic sages believed that Wei Wen could break through the 12th floor of Tongtian Bridge within thirty years!

Three years after the Genius War ended and he had just started training in Chaos City, Wei Wen's performance could not be measured at the cosmic level.

But on another level, among those cosmic-level members of the Original Secret Realm and the Taichu Secret Realm, there are only a handful of geniuses who can break through the seventh-level Tongtian Bridge.

If... Wei Wen breaks through the 8th floor now, then where will he end up when he leaves Chaos City?

And when he truly enters the original secret realm, gets more opportunities in the secret realm, and truly begins his cosmic-level cultivation career, what limits will he challenge?


The 8th floor of Tongtian Bridge.

"When you first break through the level, you should have just broken through to the cosmic level." The gatekeeper was filled with emotion.

"You still chose the most difficult Cosmic Tongtian Bridge, but you were able to pass the 7th floor. Ever since the Tongtian Bridge appeared in the trillions of epochs, there have not been many days to achieve this!"

"As for the difficulty of the eighth level, it will naturally be higher than the seventh level."

"Use all your strength, otherwise if I take action, you may not even have the ability to resist."

call out!

Wei Wen rushed forward in an instant, his shots were as fast as lightning, and the sword in his hand was like a shooting star, instantly piercing the sky and killing the gatekeeper.

Even if his talent for controlling time and space cannot take effect in the virtual universe, his compatibility with time and space makes him like a fish in water, and his burst speed in close combat is extremely astonishing.

I saw that Wei Wen's figure was extremely ghostly, and his strange movement skills made it impossible for the gatekeeper to escape Wei Wen's attack.

"Go to hell!" The opponent roared angrily, waving the long sword in mid-air, causing the dimensions of time and space to vibrate, and struck Wei Wen with a blurry afterimage.


Suddenly, a cold light appeared in Wei Wen's hand, and there was a faint trace of a unique secret pattern on the front edge of the light sword light.

"We just broke through the cosmic level, how is this possible?" The opponent's eyes were full of shock.

At this moment, he was horrified to find that the long sword in his hand was stagnant, as if it was solidified by the original law of time and space.

This alone shows that Wei Wen's understanding of the origin of time and space is already higher than his, and the gap is not just a tiny bit.


The sword light flashed past the opponent's neck in an instant, and the force bursting from the sword suddenly detonated the dimension of time and space, and the opponent's entire body exploded!

Level 8 is still easy to pass!

"Ninth floor!" Wei Wen stared ahead, turned into a stream of light, and quickly flew along the ninth floor of the Tongtian Bridge.

As for the ninth level, Wei Wen actually didn't have much confidence.

After all, he was able to improve his space perception from the 6th level to the 8th level within three years, which is already an incredible performance, and is higher than the normal level of a genius born in tens of millions of eras.

As for the ninth level of the Universe Tongtian Bridge, normally he must understand the original laws of time and space to the ninth level before he can pass this level.

(End of this chapter)

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