Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 164: Die together on the 9th floor

Chapter 164: Die together on the ninth floor

Tongtianqiao plane, central island.

One by one, the immortal and cosmic lords almost felt suffocated after watching Wei Wen fight with his opponents on the screen and easily kill the eighth-level opponents.

"He actually passed the 8th floor?"

"His space perception has reached the 8th floor of Tongtian Bridge, otherwise he would never have been able to get through the 8th floor so easily!"

"This...his spatial talent should only be at the level of tens of millions of epochs. It has only been three years. How is this possible!"

"And it doesn't look like it's very difficult for him to pass the 8th floor. Could it be that he can pass the 9th floor?"

"He chose the "Cosmic Chaos Monument"?!"

Their experience of hundreds of millions of years seems to have failed on Wei Wen, and they are not sure whether Wei Wen has the ability to further create miracles.


The end of the 9th floor of Tongtian Bridge.

Wei Wen held a long sword and looked at the opponent in front of him.

"It's very rare for young people of the first level of the universe to be able to break into the ninth level. I've only met a few of them." The opponent said in surprise.

"As for the geniuses who can break through directly, there is no one!"

"Then I'll break a record." Wei Wen said with a smile.

Wei Wen really didn't have much confidence. After all, his understanding of the original laws of space had not reached the ninth level.

However, his understanding of the origin of time is stronger than that of the ninth level.

So whether he can break through depends on the performance of him and his opponent.

Of course, if he cheated with swordsmanship, he could get through, but it doesn't mean much.

"You are quite confident." Tongtianqiao's opponent showed a smile, "But I am much stronger than the one on the 8th floor, so you have to be careful."

The opponent was like a silver stream of light, like a shooting star, following the exquisite curve of the oscillating ripples of time and space, and suddenly stabbed towards Wei Wen.

call out!

With a vague afterimage, the speed was extremely fast, and the long sword contained the heart-stopping aura of the original laws of space and time.

Under that sword, the dimension of space was distorted and turned into countless sword shadows. The flow of time also became disordered, making the sword shadows invisible!


Wei Wen drew his sword and the sword energy sounded!

An extremely bright sword light suddenly lit up. It seemed slow, but it blocked the long sword in an instant.


The moment the weapons of the two sides collided, the opponent's eyes burst into cold light.

The terrifying penetrating power of the long sword not only penetrated space, but even the time dimension was faintly affected.

Wei Wen instantly felt terrible oppression, and his whole body seemed to be shackled in the space.

"Haha... your understanding of the origin of time is indeed very strong." The opponent laughed loudly, "But you want to break through to the ninth level at the first level of the universe, so you should go back and practice again."

Wei Wen took one step forward and his figure turned into a streak of light and dodged away.

"His attacks are more erratic, completely integrating the essential artistic conception of time and space, and the artistic conception is constantly changing." Wei Wen shook his head secretly.

"And under the interweaving of time and space, infinite changes have evolved. Could it be that it is the original law of time and space fusion?"

"No, it shouldn't be. If it is fused with the original law, it shouldn't be so weak. It should be combined using a special method."

Behind the Cosmic Chaos Monument is the original law of space-time fusion, which Wei Wen knew very well. But I didn’t expect that not the fusion method, but the combination method alone could make the original law of space and time be applied to such an extent.


On the beautiful central island, the immortals and cosmic lords were talking a lot.

"Can't you take advantage?"

"Wei Wen's talent and understanding of the original laws of time and space are indeed very strong, but the combination is very rough and quite imperfect."

"It's incredible that he was able to comprehend the original laws of time and space to such an extent in such a short period of time. If he could still expend energy on learning and applying it, it would be impossible for him to make such rapid progress..."

They are right, Wei Wenzun has the talent of the original law of time, and the void clone has the talent of the original law of space.

Although because of his soul consciousness, Wei Wen can be considered to be gifted with the original laws of time and space.

But when the original deity comprehends and uses the origin of space, there is absolutely no miraculous effect like that of the void clone, and the same is true.

Therefore, in terms of combining the original laws of time and space, Wei Wen does not have a high talent, and he does not waste energy in this area.

After all, if he wants to grow faster, he should simply follow the original laws of time and space to break through the Lord of the Universe as soon as possible.

As for the combination or even fusion of time and space, he doesn't think it's necessary.

After Wei Wen discovered this shortcoming, he actually thought of a solution. He was also thinking about it during the battle.

He calmly observed his opponent during the battle. His opponent's swordsmanship combined time and space very coincidentally. It was either weird or unpredictable, or the world was shattering. The swordsmanship that combined the mystery of time and space was smooth and sharp.

"My advantage is that I have glimpsed the essence of the original law of time and space, and secondly, I have a better secret method of the principle of chaos." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

"Even though the combination of his swordsmanship is perfect, in my eyes, there are still some flaws!"

"But the opponent's understanding of the origin of time and space is very cleverly combined. There is no problem in trying to compete, but it is extremely difficult to kill."

"There's no point in dragging it out like this, so let's just decide the outcome with one strike." A sharp light flashed in Wei Wen's eyes.

In fact, Wei Wen has practiced a better secret method of Chaos Principle. If he fights for a long time, Wei Wen may be able to find a flaw, but this is meaningless.

For example, many geniuses break through the sky bridge to understand the opportunities and points of the Chaos Monument.

But Wei Wen doesn't lack these two, so it doesn't matter to Wei Wen how many levels he reaches.

Instead of being distracted by fighting your opponent, it is better to end it as soon as possible and devote yourself to the understanding of the Cosmic Chaos Monument.


The opponent's long sword suddenly struck down. Wei Wen did not block it, but just dodged and struck straight away.

"Poof!" Blood spilled from the corner of Wei Wen's mouth.

Wei Wen's ultimate attack was achieved at the expense of defense. The mysteries of time and space at the tip of the long sword came together extremely delicately, and then penetrated everything!

"Madman." The opponent looked confused.

He wanted to pull away and retreat, but Wei Wen's sword came with strong fluctuations in time and space. It was impossible for him to dodge at such a close distance.

The opponent had no choice but to twist around, and was struck with a sword wound on his chest that was as deep as his internal organs. His left arm was also cut off instantly, and was quickly twisted into blood mist by the fluctuations of time and space.

At such a close distance, it all depends on who hits the vital point first and kills the opponent!

"In exchange for injury, I may not have no chance of winning!" The opponent also fell into madness and roared, and the long sword was like a poisonous snake, "biting" Wei Wen fiercely!


In the plane of Tongtianqiao, on the central island, immortals and cosmic lords looked at the live broadcast on the screen in confusion.

Even though they were mentally prepared, they still felt heartfelt shock when Wei Wen and his opponent died together.

(End of this chapter)

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