Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 165 The confused Lord of Chaos City

Chapter 165 The confused Lord of Chaos City

In the Tongtianqiao plane, every genius looked confused.

It was only three years since the Genius War ended. Three years ago, Bolan seemed to still have the courage to compete with Wei Wen.

But now Bolan has only broken through the fifth level, and this is because he chose to specialize in space.

But Wei Wen has already reached the ninth level, and it is also the Cosmic Chaos Monument and Tongtian Bridge.

I know that the gap between each level of the Tongtian Bridge is getting bigger and bigger, and the gap on each subsequent level is like a chasm.

And this is not a matter of breaking through the ninth floor of the Tongtian Bridge just after breaking through the cosmic level. There is something deeper hidden behind this matter.

For example, both Bo Lan and Luo Feng knew that Wei Wen achieved this by analyzing the essential route of the original laws of time and space, and he also analyzed the two most complex and profound original laws of time and space at the same time.

As we all know, it is extremely difficult to analyze the essence of the law. It may not be as difficult as integrating the original law, but it is far from an ordinary genius who can embark on this path.

If within a certain period of time, Tiberan could understand the essence of the 108 laws in the first three pictures and pass through the 12th floor of the Tongtian Bridge.

Then within the same period of time, if he perceives the origin of space normally, he can even comprehend the fifth perfection and pass through the 15th level.

Therefore, it is a waste of time for geniuses who are not talented enough to analyze the essence.

But if that's the case, why do you still admire it so much?

Because this path is about accumulation and accumulation. For example, going from the fourth picture to the sixth picture seems extremely complicated, but in fact it is an integration of these 108 kinds of space and time essences.

After understanding all the origins and essences, and then starting from the essence and working backwards, it will be easier to practice the fourth, fifth, and sixth pictures.

There is no need to stupidly comprehend it like ordinary practitioners. At most, it will take a little more time, but you will never be stumped.

Therefore, "Lian Luo" who created the secret method of "Blood Floating" could be directly named "Blood Clothed Marquis" as soon as he became immortal!

However, Wei Wen's practice of analyzing the nature of time and space was so short, yet his progress was so fast... In short, it was not easy.

The core geniuses of Virtual Universe Company are also divided into levels. For example, the source of world evolution is "original" and the end of world evolution is "apocalyptic".

When the geniuses saw Wei Wen's performance, they had different thoughts.

"If you can't even recognize the strength of others, it means that you don't have any potential to become a strong person at all." Hong sighed.

"No matter how powerful an opponent is, a powerful partner is a mirror that allows us to see ourselves and the road ahead clearly."

"Wei Wen!" Luo Feng's eyes were like fire, "It turns out that you have been making progress all these years, but you have still never truly unleashed your potential."

"Chaos City is very important these years. The original laws of the universe are essential. I must take this path as soon as possible!"

“Otherwise, the gap will get bigger and bigger in the future until it can’t be bridged!”

"Level 9!" A trace of pain flashed across Bolan's eyes, but it also seemed to be a kind of relief.

Bo Lan silently left the Tongtianqiao plane and walked towards his manor residence.

After entering the quiet room, a person sat cross-legged and looked at a framed photo in the quiet room. It was a photo of an old man teaching a young man to practice swordsmanship.

"Being competitive is a good thing, but it's also a bad thing." Bolan took a deep breath.

"If my training is just to surpass Wei Wen, although it can motivate myself, it is not entirely a good thing."

"In this way, I may only be trapped in a prison that I drew for myself, so sometimes I have to learn to give up when I have to give up. For example, I gave up taking the time route before."


Taichu District.

Rongjun Manor.

"Boom!" Rong Jun waved his big hand, and a sword light flew out. “The teacher gave me a drill on the first ax of the "Great Ax Chaos Monument", which can be regarded as using my will to guide me into the artistic conception and try my best to understand this move."

"Cultivation in Chaos City is very important. If I want to surpass those perverts, I must break through the third level of Tongtian Bridge as soon as possible in about ten years."

"This way I can take classes from other "Axe Chaos Monument" seniors, and my progress will definitely be faster."

"With this quick step, step by step, one day I will have the strength to kill that bastard with my own hands."


Rong Jun looked down at the screen on his arm in confusion, and a new email appeared on it.

"Fuck!" Rong Jun was speechless.

If it is the 8th floor, Rong Jun can still understand it, but what is the concept of the 9th floor?

Rong Jun didn't know, but he knew that he hadn't been able to get past the first level yet... But Wei Wen seemed to have no limit at all!


When the news that Wei Wen broke through the 9th floor of Tongtian Bridge was learned by a group of geniuses, Wei Wen had already started fighting on the 10th floor of Tongtian Bridge.


Wei Wen knew that it was actually very difficult for him to win on the 9th level, and he even just died with his 9th level opponents.

Although he could be considered as having passed through the 9th floor, it was obvious that he was far behind the 10th floor, far beyond what he could handle now.

But even though he has been here, he still wants to give it a try.

"Warrior!" Wei Wen said in a deep voice.

The meteorite suspended in front of him suddenly exploded, and the rubble transformed into a warrior wearing a battle suit and a strange mask.

"A first-level genius at the universe level, your excellence is the only one I have seen in the history of Tongtianqiao, but you have no hope of passing my level." The opponent showed a smile.


The long sword in the opponent's hand triggered the original law of time and space, and the long sword instantly turned into a stream of light, directly penetrating Wei Wen's head!

Wei Wen had already guessed that he would be powerless to resist, and naturally he was not disappointed.

In the end, Wei Wen broke through the overpass for the first time and failed on the 10th floor.

The 10th level... This is a realization that is already comparable to immortality. The world lord level has a lifespan of tens of millions of years, and countless world lords have exhausted their lifespans and cannot break through.

For example, among the geniuses in the genius battle, there are generally only about 10 breakthroughs to immortality in each session.

But Wei Wen's cultivation time was so short, but he was already close to immortal enlightenment!


"Not everyone has the courage to fight. When there is a possibility of victory, there is a high probability that no one will choose to risk their lives!" The Lord of Chaos City said with emotion.

"Of course, if you have a clone, you will naturally not be afraid of a life-and-death fight. Even if you are killed, as long as the original core and original core are still there, you can still return."

"Let's not mention the advantages of the clone for now. It's just that Wei Wen's insights and secret methods seem to be different from the secret methods I created... It seems that my chaos principle secret method has been sorted out and optimized."

"It stands to reason that if Wei Wen can do this, he should have a strong talent for combining time and space, and even a strong talent for the original law of time and space fusion."

"But why does he still seem so unfamiliar with the use of secret techniques?"

Wei Wen's behavior was very strange, which surprised the Lord of Chaos City. He always felt that something was wrong with Wei Wen's behavior.

(End of this chapter)

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