Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 176 The murderer Ji Ning and Wei Wen take action

Chapter 176 The murderer Ji Ning and Wei Wen take action

Liu Fang, the God and Demon Prime Minister, is very powerful, and Shao Yannong has such a background and status. There are more than 10 powerful immortals in the Shao Yan clan!

Ji Ning, who was knocked away and vomited blood, also showed a shocked expression. In fact, he did not expect that the black ring in the inheritance of the Star Reaching Mansion would be so powerful.

However, Ji Ning was only stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he had embarked on a path of no return.

But then again, when Shao Yannong decided that he was a descendant of the Yuchi family and wanted to kill him, he was already on the road of no return.

He would either be killed by Shao Yannong or kill Shao Yannong in reverse.

As for the counter-killing of Shao Yannong, it is almost certain that he will be the next successor of Lord Yu Shen, and the consequences will definitely be terrible.

"Take it away." Ji Ning simply put away the body of the god and demon and all the treasures.

Ji Ning turned his hand, and the key to the Immortal Mansion appeared in his hand, and he quickly started refining it.

The key to the Immortal Mansion is just a token, so it is naturally much easier to refine.

But Mu Zishuo, Jiulian, Yu Wei and others on the side looked at Ji Ning sweeping away the treasures with bewildered expressions. They were all still in endless shock at this moment.

"Senior brother, you, you killed Shao Yannong?" Muzi took a deep breath.

"How could you kill Shao Yannong? Now the entire Shaoyan clan will definitely hunt them to the ends of the earth. You can't stop the Shaoyan clan's immortals at all." Jiulian's face was full of eagerness.

"After all, he is one of the four young masters in the capital of Daxia, and the Shaoyan clan is even more famous. According to my understanding, the Shaoyan clan can be ranked among the top five in the Daxia world, and at least there are nearly 10 immortals."

"I have no choice. I have only two options. One is for Shao Yannong to kill me, and the other is for me to kill him. The only result is a fight to the death!" Ji Ning said with a firm look.

After all, Shao Yannong has been killed, and the most important thing next is how to escape and how to save his family.

"And you don't have to panic." Ji Ning showed a smile.

"I believe it is impossible for you to take the initiative to report me. Naturally, the strong men of the Shaoyan clan will not know who killed Shaoyannong in a short period of time."

"Their investigation will take time, and I will leave Immortal Mansion soon. At that time, you will each return to Dongyan Clan and Black and White Academy."

"In short, all this has nothing to do with you. I believe Shaoyan clan will not attack you."

"When Shaoyan finds out everything, I have already arranged everything and escaped."

"Junior brother Ji Ning, you are wrong." Yu Wei shook her head slightly.

"The immortals have very strong abilities in the big world. They can turn back time and recreate everything that happened before. Through this, they can directly discover that you are the murderer."

"The ability to rewind time?" Ning suddenly felt that the situation was even worse than he imagined, "If you don't talk nonsense, I will send you out of the Immortal Mansion immediately!"

Ji Ning stopped talking nonsense and began to prepare various means.


Even if the immortals of the Shaoyan clan want to take action in person, they have to go to the Wujiang Immortal Mansion, find the place where Shaoyan Nong was killed, the 'Wujiang Palace Master's Hall', and then use 'time back'...

But even if he used Time Recall, he knew that the murderer was Ji Ning, and it would probably take some time to find out some details about Ji Ning.

The King of Great Xia is the ruling core of this big world. A large number of earthly immortals and heavenly immortals gather here. All the top tribes, sects, and sects will have their bases here!

There is a quiet study room in the Shaoyan family's mansion which covers an area of ​​thousands of miles.

A man wearing a high crown and a golden robe sat at the desk and looked at pieces of information. He was the contemporary patriarch of the Shaoyan clan!

"This Zhuanshui clan is going too far!" The man in gold robe couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Clan leader." Suddenly a hurried voice sounded.

The golden-robed man's face turned dark. What he didn't like the most was the way his subordinates lost their composure in a hurry.

And this subordinate is his personal follower, so he definitely knows his rules, right?


"Clan leader, Shao Yannong..." "Shao Yannong? Didn't he go to the Immortal Mansion to practice? What's wrong?" The man in gold robe asked doubtfully.

"He's dead!" the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi said in fear.

"What?!" The man in gold robe was suddenly shocked, "Why is he dead? How do you know he is dead? Don't talk nonsense about such things."

"The life slip representing him in the ancestral hall has been broken, so..." the middle-aged servant in green clothes shouted.

Shao Yannong is really dead?

its not right?

He also has the Great Teleport Talisman on his body... he can move directly back to the capital of Daxia in the Immortal Mansion, not to mention that he has Liu Fang, the Prime Minister of God and Demon, by his side.

Unless the gods take action, and it's not the gods on one side who take action, how could it be possible to achieve this?

But no matter what, Shao Yannong seemed to be really cold.

Although Shao Yannong is just his unrelated junior, and his relationship with him is not very ordinary. He even likes Shao Yannong too much, but Shao Yannong has the support of gods behind him!

As the apparent contemporary leader of the clan, although he has great power, he is far behind compared to the clan's immortal ancestor.

These powerful immortals who have lived for countless millions of years are the foundation of the top tribes in Daxia. Every time a immortal is born or dies, the entire tribe will be affected.

The man in golden robe didn't think too much and directly contacted the immortal ancestor behind Shao Yannong.

"Nong'er is dead?" Ancestor Xuanji was stunned.


The three tribulations of wind, fire, and thunder are meant to hone one's magic power. At this moment, the ninety-nine thunder tribulations that have been gathering momentum for a long time have finally arrived.


An electric snake suddenly shot out from the sky, shining through the void, and a terrifying thunder immediately struck down fiercely at Wei Wen's second soul.

"Boom, boom..."

After the first thunderbolt, the second and third thunderbolts followed... 2 strikes in a row.

After the 9 thunder tribulations, the thunder tribulation only paused briefly, and then the second wave of 9 thunder tribulations came...

Sure enough, the truth was just as Wei Wen expected. His method of getting on the bus first and then paying for the ticket irritated Tian Dao, or maybe the Lord of the Inner Demon felt that Wei Wen was weird...

In short, his thunder tribulation is indeed far stronger than the ordinary celestial tribulation.

Although Wei Wen's understanding of the way of time and space is strong, there are times when he cannot dodge under the bombardment of wave after wave of calamity thunder.

Finally, after connecting the first eight waves and 72 tribulation thunders, his space-time domain was also broken.

Facing the ninth and final wave of thunder tribulation that was finally gathering momentum, he could only take action to deal with it.

If he didn't resist, the kind of thunder calamity that could kill the heavenly immortal at will would be enough to easily destroy the body of an earthly immortal like him who had condensed his returning magic power.

"Thunder, destroy!"

Wei Wen stretched out his hand and made a gentle move.


In an instant, the power of the space-time dimension around him was powerful, and a little light suddenly lit up in the originally dark void.

Sword lights shining like stars appeared in the void and flew towards the Thunder Tribulation Cloud.

(End of this chapter)

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