Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 177 The mysterious ancestor arrives, and Wei Wen becomes an immortal

Chapter 177 The mysterious ancestor arrives, and Wei Wen becomes an immortal

"This kind of power..." All the Earth Immortals suddenly couldn't help but widen their eyes.


The terrifying purple electric light tore through the void in an instant, and the electric python that tore through the sky and earth crashed down towards the second soul.

Wherever the thunderstorm passes, the dimensions of time and space are distorted, showing the power of thunder and lightning.

Even though all the earthly and heavenly immortals were only watching from a distance, just by feeling the destructive aura escaping from the terrifying tribulation thunder, they felt an illusion of impending disaster.

That's not to mention the pressure faced by the second soul facing the thunder.

boom! boom! boom!

Six thunderbolts struck down coldly one after another, and the power of the thunder became stronger as it went back.

By the eightieth thunder, the power had rapidly soared to the sum of the seven thunders before the ninety-nine thunder tribulations.

"Is he an Earth Immortal?"

"Is this the Nine-Nine Heavenly Immortal Tribulation?"

The only two Celestial Immortals in Anchan County, the Medium Celestial Immortal Tuoshan and the Extreme Celestial Immortal Tonghe Sword Immortal looked at Wei Wen in confusion.


Just when the earthly immortals and heavenly immortals were filled with emotion, the last wave of thunder of the Nine-Ninth Tribulation had already landed.

However, seeing the power of Wei Wen's "Sword Light", Tuoshan and Tonghe Tianxian were full of confidence in Wei Wen at this time.

It's not that they have never seen a true immortal take action, but the feeling Wei Wen gave them seemed to be comparable to that of a true immortal!

In fact, this situation is normal. For example, the ordinary third-level golden elixir ancestors and immortals in the three realms can be comparable to the true gods.

Ancestor Bodhi, who has realized the fifth level of the power of time and space, is close to the leader level, which is the top ancestor god level.

There are some evildoers who are third-level Golden Pill Patriarch Immortals and have even reached the level of leaders.

Like other strong men, such as Lu Dongbin at the fifth level of Tai Chi Power, their combat power is comparable to that of ordinary ancestral gods.

It can be seen that if the understanding is very profound, it is completely possible to fight beyond a big realm.

Wei Wen had quite a few tricks up his sleeve, and it was not impossible for him to be able to compete with ordinary immortals as a heavenly immortal.

So what does the mere Nine-Nine Heavenly Immortal Tribulation Thunder count?

"how is this possible?"

"This won't even kill you!"

Each and every Earth Immortal couldn't help shouting in their hearts.

Even if there are four or nine heavenly tribulations, there is only one earthly immortal who can successfully overcome the tribulation.

This is the ninth tribulation, especially the power of the last thunder tribulation. These earth immortals all see it.

In fact, it’s not surprising that they were shocked, because the power of the last level of the Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation was indeed astonishing, even better than the attack of the True Immortal.

Even if he is the Tonghe Sword Immortal who is the ultimate immortal, he feels that he must use all his methods, otherwise he will never be able to withstand it.

It's a pity that the second soul is not an ordinary powerful immortal. After all, he is different from other immortals in the three realms.

In short, with the passage of the last wave of thunder tribulations, no matter how unbelievable this group of strong men are, it has already shown that Wei Wen has completely passed through the ninety-nine thunder tribulations.

Seeing that the huge calamity clouds in the sky were gradually dissipating, the second soul couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, but the last level of inner demon calamity quietly struck.


The second soul suddenly felt that his consciousness was in a trance, and he instantly fell into a strange and bizarre world.

"Is this the inner demon calamity?"

Different from the first three tribulations of heavenly tribulation, the inner demon tribulation targets the soul.

In short, among the four heavenly tribulations, the thunder tribulation may be the most violent and the probability of falling into it is the highest, but the inner demon tribulation is the most difficult to prevent.

No matter how advanced your cultivation is, as long as your will and Taoist heart are not up to standard, you will eventually fail.

Many talented geniuses may be able to survive the most terrifying Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation, but in the end they fall into the inner demon tribulation.

Therefore, despite the fact that the Second Soul easily survived the first three tribulations without any effort, the most dangerous moment has just arrived.

... With a "chila" sound, a hole opened in the legend of the void around Anchan County, and a figure came in from the void, and it was the ancestor of Xuanji.

"This is……"

As soon as he entered Anchan County, he immediately felt something strange around him.

"There seems to be an aura of heavenly calamity. Is it the earthly immortal who is overcoming the calamity?"

Ancestor Xuanji's eyes suddenly lit up, and he glanced around like an eagle, while at the same time spreading out his powerful spiritual thoughts.

As an extremely ancient Celestial Immortal, he may not be very strong, but he has seen many catastrophes.

Even though the first three levels of calamity had passed, he still sensed the unique aura belonging to the calamity immediately.

Moreover, the power of wind, fire and thunder that has not completely dissipated in the surrounding void is also a perfect example at this moment.

The time of transcending the heavenly tribulation, especially the inner demon tribulation, is indeed the most dangerous moment for a practitioner.

Once it is destroyed and fails, it will definitely be destroyed.

In fact, it is not that no one among the many earthly and heavenly immortals in Anchan County had this idea before.

After all, if you kill Wei Wen, you can get Wei Wen's 'inheritance'. Presumably the net worth of a monster like Wei Wen is definitely not bad.

But Wei Wendu's previous performance in the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation was too exaggerated, and no one dared to take action easily.

And the more evil the genius, the more special it is. It is normal to have a second soul, otherwise Wei Wen would not be so arrogant to overcome the disaster in front of everyone.

So maybe it’s just the original deity or the second soul that is going through the tribulation?

If they take action rashly, they may not be looking for death.

But the ancestor of Xuanji didn't know why, and the next moment his eyes were fixed on the second soul sitting on the top of the mountain in the distance.

"Heart Demon Tribulation?" Ancestor Xuanji frowned.

He never expected that when he first came to Anchan County, he would bump into an Earth Immortal who was going through the tribulation. Isn't this the same as giving for nothing?

But he just had a quick sweep of his immortal knowledge, but he didn't take action easily.

Because the surrounding immortals and earthly immortals were acting strangely, no one dared to take action. It seemed that something was wrong with Wei Wen.

"The inner demon tribulation won't end in a moment. I'd better find out who killed Shao Yan Chou first. We'll talk about this weird thing later."

Ancestor Xuanji did not stop, he tore through the void and continued on his way to the place where Shao Yan Chou fell.

Leaning on the departing Ancestor Xuanji, Wei Wen opened his eyes, revealing a hint of murderous intent.

This man seemed to have the intention to kill him before, but it only happened briefly.

But now that he has successfully overcome the tribulation, condensing the immortal golden elixir and building the body of an immortal is the most important thing.

"The Inner Demon Tribulation is pretty good. No wonder a powerful Heavenly Immortal is rarely born in a million years in the Great Xia world. Countless earthly immortals who have returned to the void have tried to overcome the Tribulation but failed one by one." Wei Wen said with emotion.

Wei Wen has a strong will and Taoist heart. Even though he knew that the world of inner demon tribulation was false, he was still immersed in it and stayed in the world of inner demon tribulation for more than ten thousand years!

A life of ten thousand years is countless times more than what he has experienced in his life.

Even with Wei Wen's will and Taoist heart, there is inevitably something difficult to break away from.

He was even immersed in the perfect world created for him by the inner demon calamity, in which he became a saint and became an ancestor, with a slight feeling that he did not want to leave and did not want it all to be shattered.

Even the invisible sinking time and time again, he has been on the edge of 'sinking'.

But precisely because of sinking... Once he gets rid of the shackles of his inner demons and completely masters himself, his will and Taoist heart will gain even more.

After all, there is no gain without sinking.

(End of this chapter)

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