Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 183 Tao Wu 8 Gods and Demons

Chapter 183 Tao Wu’s Eighteen Gods and Demons

Shao Yan Chou's two clones are in the Wu Jian Sect camp, which is considered a hostile camp in the Three Realms and is even more dangerous there. Naturally, all his resources are not in the Wu Jian Sect camp.

It's just that he doesn't know very well whether Shao Yan Chou has brought the Inherited World Prison with him.

Immediately, Wei Wen stopped thinking about it and began to be immersed in examining Shao Yan Chou's relics.

Wei Wen's golden elixir space contains a bunch of treasures. These are the spoils obtained after killing Shao Yan Chou this time.

Wei Wen quickly started refining and found that most of the treasures were not of much help to him.

"Pure Yang True Immortal Level Magical Treasure?" Wei Wen's eyes suddenly lit up, "There is even an innate spiritual treasure, but it is only an innate low-grade one, but it is quite interesting."

"He even has a lot of Pure Yang elixir and Da Luo elixir?"

Wei Wen quickly liquidated all the treasures obtained from killing Shao Yan Chou, which surprised Wei Wen.

With these resources, he can go further in breaking through to the True Immortal Queen.

Relying on the feedback from the system, it is easy to at least increase the immortal power to the perfection of true immortality.

As for breaking through to the Ancestral Immortal...if you want to break through in the Three Realms, you need to understand a kind of heavenly way.

The power and level of Heavenly Dao... If there is a comparison, Wei Wen feels that it should be comparable to the third level of the power of time and space, and the highest is no more than the fourth level.


For example, if a Taoist ancestor has realized an ordinary way of heaven, if he has no other means, he is still an ordinary Taoist ancestor.

As for the Taoist ancestors who have realized the fifth level of the power of time and space and the power of Tai Chi, such as Patriarch Bodhi and Lu Dongbin, their strength is not comparable to that of ordinary Taoist ancestors.

Therefore, according to Wei Wen's feeling, the ordinary level of heaven cannot hold up to the fourth level of the power of time and space, and it is estimated that it is only the third level.

The difficulty of understanding it is naturally not low. After all, Wei Wen does not have the talent related to the Wilderness Ji Tiandao.

The speed of his progress in understanding the way of heaven is far less than one ten thousandth of that of the way of time and space.

However, Wei Wen is not in a hurry. It is estimated that Ji Ning will soon realize a Five Elements Way, and by then he will probably realize a Five Elements Way of Heaven.

Therefore, his next focus is still on the way of time and space, rather than the so-called way of heaven.

"I won't be able to reach the Ancestral Immortal in the short term, but the True Immortal Realm is enough. I can even break through to the Heavenly God and the True God soon." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

In the realm of true gods, coupled with the power of time and space, it is not difficult to defeat an ancestor.

As for his life-saving ability, Wei Wen is definitely not inferior to others.

Judging from the fact that the powerful Ancestral Immortals, and even the top Ancestral Gods such as Sanqing and others, cannot find the cave of Ancestor Bodhi, as long as Ancestor Bodhi does not take action, no one can even find Wei Wen.

After thinking for a moment, Wei Wen began to carefully look at the trophies from killing Shao Yan Chou.

Because after a brief inspection, he didn't seem to find the treasure he wanted most.

As Wei Wen searched carefully, an item soon caught Wei Wen's attention.

This is a huge black stone tablet that looks completely unremarkable.

But before Wei Wen used his spiritual mind to examine the stone tablet, it felt empty, as if there was no hospital at all.

It's really weird that it can be seen with the naked eye, but it can't be detected.

And he was surprised to find that the stone tablet exuded a faint pressure. Although it was a bit weak, to Wei Wen, it was as high as the difference in life levels.

Wei Wen looked carefully at the suspended black stone tablet and soon discovered the secret inside it.

"This writing is indeed not owned by the Three Realms. At least I have never seen this kind of special writing." After careful observation, Wei Wen thought that this should be the treasure he was looking for.

This thought immediately flashed through Wei Wen's mind and he began to read the words on the stone tablet, but unfortunately he could not understand them at all. "Then try refining first." Wei Wen sat cross-legged, integrating his magic power into the huge stone tablet in front of him.

When mana poured into the two largest words on the front of the stone tablet, Wei Wen suddenly felt a wave of waves coming into his mind.

" seems like it is indeed the prison of the world!" Wei Wen showed a smile.

Wei Wen refined some elixirs and once again spent a lot of energy to pour them into them.

The force surged through the stone tablet, and soon the countless words on the other side of the stone tablet lit up.

The moment it lit up, Wei Wen felt invisible resistance.

Obviously, he wanted to forcefully understand the message of the countless words on it, which was a bit beyond the range of his 'Third Class Celestial Immortal' level power.

After all, this thing can suppress the ancestral gods and ancestral immortals in the world realm, so it is naturally not a treasure that ordinary immortals can easily refine.

However, there were only a million words on it, and Wei Wen quickly mastered it completely.

"For me, the most important transformation is "Tao Wu Eighteen Gods and Demons"!"

An ancient method immediately poured into Wei Wen's mind, and soon the entire method was memorized by Wei Wen.

The text on the stone tablet is divided into seven parts, and there are seven powerful methods.

The first part is "Eighteen Gods and Demons of Tao Wu", where one deity can be transformed into eighteen clones.

In fact, powerful gods and demons can also create a large number of incarnations, but once the avatar dies, the soul in it will also be destroyed.

Once the soul is damaged too much, it is entirely possible to die directly.

But if you practice this method to the first level, you can perfectly divide the soul of the deity into eighteen clones.

On the first level, each clone's strength is only about 10% of the original one, but they can all exist independently.

Even if all seventeen clones are destroyed, as long as there is the last clone, other clones can gradually be born.

If you reach the second level of cultivation, all eighteen clones will have the same strength as the original one.

If you can cultivate to the third level of perfection, the eighteen sub-bodies can be merged into the original body at any time. At this time, the strength will be greatly improved.

For example, if the clones of Ji Ning's ancestral god realm merge into one, the divine body will be close to the world realm.

The clones at the world level are unified, and the divine body can be called a half-step master.

The entire Tao Wu Eighteen Gods Magic Gate can completely distribute the eighteen clones in different places when fighting is not needed to reduce the risk of death as much as possible.

Even if you need to fight, the eighteen clones can be reunited with the original body anytime and anywhere to exert eighteen times the original combat power!

What a heaven-defying method is this?

"I don't know if this method of Tao Wu's Eighteen Gods and Demons can improve the level of life genes..." Wei Wen thought to himself.

In fact, Wei Wen has also fallen into a bottleneck recently, and many of his clones have even reached the 100-fold gene limit of the realm below the Lord of the Universe.

Without breaking through the Master of the Universe, it is impossible to break through the 100x gene.

Before, he only had one way, and that was the Nine Tribulations Secret Code, but now he has another way of thinking.

But the world of the Wild World and the world of Swallowing Starry Sky are different after all, so he doesn't know whether it can be realized.

And judging from Ji Ning's situation, if you want to reach the third level, you must at least need the top ancestor god, or even the world level, to hope to reach the third level.

So in the short term, Tao Wu's Eighteen Gods and Demons are a bit useless.

(End of this chapter)

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