Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 184: Cultivating the 8rd level of Tao Wu 3 Gods and Demons

Chapter 184 Completing the Third Level of Tao Wu’s Eighteen Gods and Demons

After killing Shao Yan Chou and briefly checking the treasures, Wei Wen returned to Anchan County.

At this moment, the bustle has dissipated, and it is time for Ji Ning and Immortal Diancai to leave.

"Ji Ning, these are some treasures that I have no use for, so I'm giving them to you." Wei Wen looked at Ji Ning.

"This..." Ji Ning couldn't help but be shocked when he looked at the resources.

"Take it, it's useless to me, but with these resources, you can grow faster and cope with future crises." Wei Wen said casually.

"Thank you!" Ji Ning said gratefully.

[You will receive a large amount of resources from your bound friends, and you will receive a large amount of resources back (including all the resources of Tao, Wu and Shiba)! 】

After giving some resources and even the World Prison to Ji Ning, he did not return the World Prison, but directly returned all the resources of the third level of Tao Wu's Eighteen Gods and Demons.

Ji Ning's Tao Wu's eighteen gods and demons were able to merge into one body, relying on the secret technique of the only original deity.

However, the secret technique of the only true master also has a flaw, that is, after merging the clones, the clones cannot be separated again, but the third level of Tao Wu's eighteen gods and demons can do it.

With this return, Wei Wen could directly cultivate the third level of Tao Wu's Eighteen Gods and Demons within a period of time. This was a state that even Ji Ning could not reach.

As for why the World Prison was not returned, Wei Wen guessed that there were many living people there, so it was not returned.

However, the return of resources is very generous, reaching about a hundred times, which is considered a give-and-take.

These resources are enough for Wei Wen to easily polish his divine body, magic power, and even mental strength to the realm of true gods and true immortals.

If Wei Wen could understand the way of heaven, he could even directly break through the ancestral immortals and ancestral gods!


After Ji Ning obtained enough resources, he went to the capital of Daxia.

After Wei Wen killed Shao Yan Chou, he chose a remote place to retreat.

He now needs to spend time polishing his immortal and divine power to break through the realms of gods, true gods, and true immortals. Secondly, he also plans to cultivate to the third level of Tao Wu Eighteen Gods and Demons.

The first level of Tao Wu's Eighteen Gods and Demons is the easiest. In fact, it only requires some pure Yang elixir.

For example, he killed many clones of Shao Yan Chou before, but obtained a large amount of pure Yang elixir.

Through the operation of the system, it far exceeds the resources required by his own body and the second soul to reach the first level.

Wei Wen absorbed a large amount of pure Yang elixir. As golden light appeared around Wei Wen, Wei Wen transformed into eighteen clones with the same aura and the same strength.

"It's true that only one-tenth of it is strength. It's really weak." Wei Wenqian felt the third-grade golden elixir in his body and couldn't help but shake his head secretly.

The third-class Heavenly Immortal Golden Pill itself is the lowest level. Now that it has split into more clones, the original third-class Pure Yang Golden Pill seems to have dropped to the lowest level ever.

Not only is his mana far less powerful and pure than before, even his golden elixir space is only one-eighteenth of its previous size.

Moreover, his soul has also become weaker, and he has even fallen into the heavenly realm.

"Fortunately, through the return, I have enough resources to continue practicing at the third level, so I will cultivate to the second level first."

Wei Wen opened a black bottle that was not full, and drops of chaotic spiritual liquid rolled out, and were absorbed and refined by the eighteen clones of the original deity and the second soul.

The strength of his group of clones began to increase rapidly. After about a few hours, the clones reached the same strength as the original body and the second soul.

"It's done."

All the clones opened their eyes at the same time, with cheerful smiles on their faces.

As for the third level, it requires enlightenment, and by returning it, Wei Wen is equivalent to having fully realized it and directly reached the third level!

I saw the clones of Venerable Wei Wen and the Second Soul sitting cross-legged. Gradually, the bodies of two of the clones began to emit a hazy white light. The divine body, golden elixir, soul, etc. all began to emit a misty white light.

There are mysterious divine patterns faintly appearing in the white light. Wei Wen is completely imitating them. Wei Wen cannot understand them at all, but he just needs to know how to use them.

Just like the innate secret method, even if you don't understand the principle, you can use it naturally.

“Buzz buzz~~~”

I saw two of the clones gradually getting closer, and one flew directly into the other clone's body, and the white light emitted suddenly became stronger.

That ball of white light enveloped the vague clone. At this moment, the wrapped clone couldn't think at all. It was obvious that the golden elixir, soul, divine body, etc. in the body were beginning to merge.

Because they come from the same source, they can be easily integrated.

These clones of Wei Wen's true form, golden elixir, divine body, soul, etc. are all exactly the same, so naturally there is no difference at all!

And if there is a slight difference, then it cannot be perfectly integrated.

For example, because Wei Wen's second soul was cultivated with the help of the World Ring, the second soul is naturally very different from his original body.

Therefore, the different clones of the second soul and the main body cannot be fused. Of course, the eighteen clones of the second soul can be fused with each other.


The misty white light completely converged, and finally converged into the clone, and Wei Wen's consciousness soon returned.

The moment he regained consciousness, Wei Wen immediately felt something extraordinary.

The magic power has undergone a subtle transformation, the magic power of the golden elixir in my body has become more pure, and the space of the golden elixir has also become larger.

As for Wei Wen's soul, it has become stronger...

After all, these are two identical clones fused into one, and of course they will become more powerful.

So this is the same as the level of life genes, it is all-round, and every aspect is improved simultaneously.

"Keep merging."


Another clone of Yibai merged into it, and the strength of the second soul increased again, and the divine power, soul, mana, etc. were all transformed.

As all the clones merged, only one of the original body and the second spirit remained.

The more clones that are fused, the stronger the strength will naturally be.

If Wei Wen could cultivate into the even more exaggerated "Sacred Scripture of Thousands of Bodies" and completely integrate 1000 clones, then the improvement in strength would be even more exaggerated.

The God of Heaven can be compared to the True God, the True God can be compared to the Ancestral God, the Ancestral God can be compared to the World God, and the World Realm can be compared to the One-Step Dao Lord. This is the heaven-defying thing about the "Thousand Body Sacred Scripture" method!

It's just that the cost of practicing that method is too high. Even if you practice with a weak god, the first level alone will consume a heart of the world.

Just like after the Three Realms passed through an era of chaos, it was only the birth of a heart of the world. This shows its value!

And if a more powerful person were to practice, the price would be unimaginable even to Wei Wen.

"What a strange feeling." Wei Wen felt his spiritual thoughts in all directions. He found that his spiritual thoughts were much stronger than in the past, and even comprehending the 'Tao' was significantly faster.

Even if the thirty-six clones of the original deity and the second soul were enlightened at the same time, they would not be able to comprehend it as fast as the deity that has undergone a qualitative change after the fusion.

(End of this chapter)

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