Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 186: Breakthrough to True Immortal, Half-Step Ancestor

Chapter 186: Breakthrough to True Immortal, Half-Step Ancestor


Wei Wen suddenly felt a shock in his heart, and began to feel the vast avenue, which was the 'Way of Time and Space'. At this moment, all the mysteries of time and space were in Wei Wen's heart.

When Wei Wen reached the perfection of the Immortal, unlike in the past, when Wei Wen sensed the way of time and space, it caused a lot of fluctuations.

But now, in front of Wei Wen, the way of time and space is like an extremely obedient child, without any resistance at all.

Because Wei Wen has already fully understood, fully mastered, and even transcended the way of time and space, reaching the third level of the original power, naturally there will be no leakage or fluctuation.

"Is this the way of time and space in the Wild World?" Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

If a powerful Heavenly Immortal wants to become a Pure Yang True Immortal, the most important thing is to understand any avenue.

Secondly, the five qi in the chest are condensed, which are the so-called five elements and five paths of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

These five five-element paths are equivalent to bridges connecting heaven and earth. By using these five bridges to absorb massive amounts of mana from the three realms of heaven and earth, one can break through to true immortality.

Once one becomes a Pure Yang True Immortal, the original Heavenly Immortal mana can be refined and purified again into Pure Yang True Immortal level mana, and the space within the Pure Yang Golden Pill will expand again.

When the time comes when the Heavenly Immortal Golden Pill is nourished by the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth, it can transform into a True Immortal Golden Pill again.

"Huh!" He took a deep breath and swallowed a large amount of pills.

When Wei Wen swallowed the elixir, the golden elixir space in his body also began to transform and improve based on the avenue of time and space.


The magic power contained in the elixir is so pure and powerful that even the powerful Dao Ancestor can quickly recover his magic power during the fight. After all, he also took the Great Luo elixir from the Three Realms.

After each grain of Daluo elixir entered Wei Wen's stomach, a wave of mana immediately formed in the elixir space.

The Heavenly Immortal Golden Pill, which had begun to gradually transform and improve, seemed to be thirsty for who knows how long, and began to crazily swallow all the mana.


In front of Wei Wen's chest in green robes, five faint air channels of the power of heaven and earth were condensed.

These five air currents represent the small Tao insights he realized among the five elements.

Under the guidance of him activating the origin of the Wuji Dao, these five paths slowly condensed into a space-time avenue that was half black and half white, and seemed to exist and not exist.

With the guidance of the Tao of Time and Space, the magic power of the elixir absorbed by Wei Wen began to transmit a massive amount of energy, constantly integrating into his elixir.


Just like the thunder from the sky stirring up the fire on the earth, the immortal-level golden elixir instantly began to undergo intense transformation.

The space within the entire Heavenly Immortal Golden Pill is like endless chaos, and it begins to expand and transform... All this seems slow, but in fact it is extremely fast.

With the majestic supply of mana from each Daluo elixir, Wei Wen's Heavenly Immortal elixir had been transformed successfully in just two breaths.

The Heavenly Immortal Golden Pill was transformed into a dark golden Pure Yang True Immortal Grade Golden Pill with more condensed mana and extremely thick texture.

The mana generated by this Pure Yang True Immortal Golden Pill far exceeded the previous Heavenly Immortal level mana, causing Wei Wen's entire Heavenly Immortal body to transform one after another.

The breakthrough from heavenly immortal to true immortal does not require transcending tribulation.

He is only a third-class immortal. Even if he is considered to be the fusion of Tao and Wu's eighteen gods and demons, he is probably comparable to a second-class immortal.

Now that he has broken through to the True Immortal, when his avatars merge into one, he is equivalent to a second-class True Immortal, the so-called Half-Step Ancestor.

Although everything about Wei Wen seemed to be similar to the past, there was an aura deep in his eyes that made people's hearts palpitate.

"It's so satisfying. The feeling of Pure Yang True Immortal is indeed very powerful." Wei Wen clearly felt his own power, and True Immortal level mana surged in his body.

As a powerful true immortal, a single thought can cover the world of Daxia. Of course, some special places and places covered by formations are difficult to detect with thoughts alone.

Important places like Baiji City where the Wujian Gate is located, the capital of Daxia, etc., Wei Wen could not detect with his spiritual thoughts alone.

As a powerful Dao Ancestor, a single thought can cover the three realms.

Wei Wentao, Wu's eighteen gods and demons merged into one, and his magic power, soul, spiritual thoughts, etc. were regarded as half-step ancestors.

He may not be able to cover the three worlds with one thought, but he can easily cover dozens of big worlds.

Wei Wen's perception was extremely high, and after spending a lot of resources, he successfully polished his power to the level of true immortal perfection.

A true immortal must understand the way of heaven before he can break through to the realm of the Taoist ancestors. It can be seen that there is a huge gap between the Tao and the way of heaven.

I don’t know if Wei Wen’s third level of time and space power can match the power of heaven.

He may not be very clear about Wei Wen's specific strength.

Relying on Tao Wu's Eighteen Gods and Demons, and the third level of the power of time and space, his strength must be no less than that of Emperor Xia, and he should be able to barely compete with ordinary Taoist ancestors.

Even if he really couldn't defeat him, Wei Wen could still stay out of it like Patriarch Bodhi by relying on the power of the Way of Time and Space.

Wei Wen's cultivation in the Three Realms has reached this point, and he can already declare in a high-profile manner - he doesn't eat beef!

"Now I suddenly go to Baiji City to kill Shao Yan Chou's other clones. I no longer need any suitable reason." Wei Wen showed a smile.

Only the dead can truly keep secrets, so Shao Yan Chou had to die!

As for whether killing Shao Yan Chou would disturb Wu Jian Sect, Wei Wen didn't care at all.

Wujianmen's strength is very strong. It even has a lot of true gods and Taoist ancestors who surpass the true immortals, and there are also ancestor gods who surpass the Taoist ancestors in a great realm.

But Wei Wen has Tao Wu's eighteen gods and demons' clone method. As long as he has an immortal clone, he is truly immortal.

Coupled with the power of the way of time and space, even if he really turns against Wu Jianmen, he is not afraid at all!

Moreover, Shao Yan Chou had been lurking for such a long time, and basically no secrets were exposed. If he suddenly killed him, outsiders might not discover his true purpose.

Normally, Chunyang True Immortal-level divine thoughts can only cover a large world.

A special place like Baiji City cannot be detected clearly at all.

But Wei Wen is already a top figure among Chunyang True Immortals, and he is also a half-step ancestor in terms of magic power and spiritual consciousness. He can easily detect the situation in Baiji City.

In just a short moment, Wei Wen's mind had memorized the location of Shao Yan Chou's Holy Domain clone.

However, when Wei Wen's spiritual sense was exploring Baiji City, he instantly sensed several different spiritual auras, which were directed toward his spiritual sense.

"I wonder which fellow Taoist is interested in my Wujianmen?" A majestic and steady voice sounded in Baiji City.

Taozu's thoughts enveloped the three realms, and Wei Wen suddenly detected the Baiji City occupied by Wujianmen, which naturally attracted the attention of Taozu of Wujianmen.

Even Emperor Xia, who ruled the world of Daxia, and his master Chiming Taozu, the master of the Chiming Realm, also sensed Wei Wen's existence.

Of course, the fate battle between the Three Realms and the Wujian Sect has just begun, and it usually involves a war at the immortal level.

God and true immortal level combat power rarely take action.

As for the Dao Ancestor level and Ancestral God level combat power, they usually take action in domain battles and all-out wars.

(End of this chapter)

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