Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 187 Dao Ancestor Transaction, Immortal Fate Conference

Chapter 187 Dao Ancestor Transaction, Immortal Fate Conference

Chi Ming Dao Ancestor and the Bearer of the Wujian Sect. After the Dao Ancestors who fought in the Chi Ming Realm discovered Wei Wen, they did not take action directly.

After all, the war between the Three Realms camp and the Wujianmen camp affects the whole body. Now is not the time to start a full-scale war.

"I have a grudge against the Shaoyan clan, and the entire Shaoyan clan should be destroyed." Wei Wen's voice sounded.

He had a reason to take action.

"Huh?" The Taoist Patriarch of Wujian Sect frowned and was weighing the pros and cons.

Wei Wen's aura was unfamiliar, but his strength was very strong. He estimated that Wei Wen could barely fight Dao Ancestor.

Although Wei Wen is a strong man in the Chiming Realm, he does not seem to be a strong man under Chiming Daozu.

But a strong person with this kind of strength can easily change the war between Daxia World and Wujianmen, and it can also have a great impact on the war between Wujianmen and Chiming Realm.

And what about Shao Yan Chou?

A strong man who is barely comparable to a true immortal.

It was to protect Shao Yan Chou and let Wei Wen join forces with Chi Ming Dao Ancestor to participate in the Chi Ming realm and take the opportunity to kill Shao Yan Chou.

Or let Shao Yan Chou die directly and exchange for other promises...

Which is more important?

"I can let you kill Shao Yan Chou, but you need to make a promise. You are not allowed to participate in the war between my Wujian Sect and Chiming Realm!" The Taoist ancestor of Wujian Sect was silent for a moment.

As for the Chiming Ancestor, he would naturally not protect the Shaoyan clan who had taken refuge in the Wujian Sect!

A master of Wei Wen's level naturally has so-called arrogance. Once a contract is reached, he will naturally not break the contract.

"Okay." Wei Wen's voice sounded.

As soon as Wei Wen finished speaking, all the strong men of the Shaoyan clan had been suddenly imprisoned by Wei Wen, and then brought to his Anchan County by means of time and space.

After that, before Shao Yan Chou and others could see who the enemy was, they all felt their spirits tremble and suddenly lost all consciousness.

Wei Wen's display of time and space methods can be regarded as showing Wu Jian Sect that he is not to be trifled with!

"What a mysterious time and space method!" The Taoist Patriarch of the Wujian Sect took a deep breath.

With Wei Wen's method, even if he takes action to protect Shao Yan Chou, Wei Wen must be able to kill Shao Yan Chou, but that will be very troublesome.

Not to mention the Taoist Patriarch of the Wujian Sect, even the Chiming Patriarch was shocked.

The relationship between Patriarch Chiming and Patriarch Bodhi is very good, and they naturally understand the time and space methods of Patriarch Bodhi.

But I didn't expect that except for Patriarch Bodhi, other true immortals could actually understand the way of time and space to this extent.

Infinite door.

"Taozu Mozhu, are you sure you can kill this strange true immortal?" The black-robed God King looked at Taozu Mozhu.

Mozhu Taozu is responsible for the war between Wujianmen and Chiming Realm. The person who just sent a message to Wei Wen is Mozhu Taozu.

On the surface, Mozhu Daozu is just a strong Daozu. During the war with Chiming Realm, he did not show any strength. He was just "on par" with Chiming Daozu.

But Wei Wen, as a time traveler, knew very well that this old guy was very powerful. He was considered a Taoist and Ancestral God with leader-level strength, and his strength was at the top Ancestral God level.

Yes, there are only a few ancestral gods in the entire Three Realms, but Mozhu Daozu is one of them. His strength is comparable to that of leaders such as Sanqing.

There are only a dozen strong men of this strength in the entire Three Realms.

Ordinary Tao Ancestors are no match for an Ancestral God of this level.

This is why Wei Wen did not choose to kill Shao Yan Chou, but instead reached a deal with Mo Zhu Taozu.

"His time and space methods are indeed very mysterious, and the threat to our Wujian Sect is indeed not small, but it is difficult for me to kill him with my Tao Ancestor-level strength... unless I reveal all my strength." Mo Zhu Tao Ancestor shook his head slightly.

"But once your strength is exposed, let alone whether you can really kill him, even if you can really kill him, it is not worth the gain to just kill a true immortal who is comparable to ordinary Taoist ancestors!"

"Even a powerful Dao Ancestor like Chi Ming Dao Ancestor is not worthy of me exposing my strength!" "If I have to expose my strength as a last resort, I have to at least kill an Ancestral God-level combat power Dao Ancestor who is close to the leader. For a true immortal, obviously, It’s not necessary.”

"And the battle between our Wujian Sect and the Three Realms for destiny has just begun, and destiny has not yet truly emerged and condensed."

"In short, for various reasons, it is not the right time to take action now, which is why I chose to trade with him."

"That's it." The black-robed God King frowned and said nothing more.


At this moment, with his strength reaching Wei Wen's level, it was difficult to achieve any improvement in retreat, so Wei Wen ended the retreat.

As for the current timeline, the Immortal Fate Conference has begun.

"Fellow Daoist Xia Mang, today I came to Daxia World uninvited. I wonder if you can welcome me?" A deep voice sounded.

The face of the black-robed emperor changed slightly, and the thousands of immortals below also became quiet.

I saw eight figures appearing in the clouds and mist above the royal capital. They all looked different, but the auras of these eight people were all mysterious and unpredictable.

This made the thousands of immortals present secretly guess that this must be at least a powerful person at the level of a god or a true immortal.

At this moment, the Emperor of Daxia also stood up and stepped down from the throne, confirming the guesses of many immortals.

"Why do you fellow Taoists think of coming to my Daxia?" The black-robed Xia Emperor frowned, "Come on, come on, come and take a seat."

Emperor Xia waved his big hand, and seats and tables appeared around his throne.

The fairy fruits and fairy brews that appear on the top are obviously much better than the fairy below.

"Why do we come to Daxia? Don't you know, fellow Taoist Xia Mang?" the man in green robe carrying a fairy sword said with a smile.

"The entire Three Realms and Wujianmen camp are now undercurrents, and I'm afraid there will be great turmoil."

"It is precisely because of this that luck becomes ethereal, and it is the best time for heroes and heroes to be born."

"And it happens that the Immortal Fate Conference is being held in Daxia World, which is the beginning of the condensation of destiny. Maybe a peerless figure will be born in the future."

"That's why I, Lu Dongbin, came here shamelessly. Fellow Taoist Xia Mang will not care about it, right?"

"Senior Brother Xia Mang, the Immortal Fate Conference has just concluded in my big world. Donghua went to my place before, and now he drags me over to take a look." Another burly man with golden eyes in a dragon robe said helplessly.

"Di Hao, you know that Lu Dongbin is shameless, so you should drag him away first." The corner of Emperor Xia's mouth twitched.

Emperor Xia knew the thoughts of Lu Dongbin and others without even guessing.

"Old man, I'm just watching the fun, don't worry, I will never steal the genius from your Daxia world." Another old man riding a bull said with a smile.

These powerful men in front of me are all famous gods and true immortals in the three realms.

For example, Lu Dongbin became a disciple of Sanqing, and Sanqing was much stronger than his teacher Chiming Taozu.

For example, the Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva of Buddhism studied under the Tathagata Buddha of Buddhism, and his strength is comparable to that of the Three Pure Ones.

These people... are not easy to mess with!

At this moment, Wei Wen's figure also appeared around everyone.

These people expressed that they did not know Wei Wen, but Wei Wen's time and space skills and aura should not be underestimated.

Emperor Xia glanced at Wei Wen and reluctantly made another case.

(End of this chapter)

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