Chapter 188 Ancestor Bodhi

Luck seems to be illusory, but it can affect many factors. It is natural to see changes in luck through these factors.

As the lord of the Daxia world, Emperor Xia can already feel the changes in Daxia's fortune.

Especially with the appearance of Wei Wen, Emperor Xia instantly sensed that his own fortune, and even the fortune of the entire Daxia world, had skyrocketed after Wei Wen's arrival.

Emperor Xia took a deep breath. Wei Wen was much more mysterious than he thought.

Although the purpose of these people may be to get a piece of the cake during the Immortal Fate Conference, Wei Wen gave him a huge surprise.

"Everyone, please sit down. Don't stand alone. You think that my ancient royal family doesn't know how to entertain guests." Emperor Xia said with a smile.

"But you all must also know that my Daxia's Immortal Fate Conference, not only me, but also my master, and even the three emperors and five emperors of the ancient royal family are also paying close attention to it."

"So even if you want to choose a disciple, you have to choose my master first."

"Daozu wants to choose, so of course we won't grab it, but after you have finished choosing, if we like the rest, it's okay to choose again, right?" Lu Dongbin said with a smile.

Lu Dongbin's eyes flickered, and he had already fallen into the huge world of bright moon landscapes outside, carefully observing the fortunes of the young geniuses.

"No problem." Xia Huang said grandly.

Now that the Three Realms are in turmoil, powerful powers from all walks of life will begin to deploy methods.

Since it was Daozu's idea, he had no ability to stop it.

However, we must be careful. If someone else takes a fancy to a certain genius in the Immortal Fate Conference, they may directly abduct the person secretly.


In the landscape painting of the bright moon, Ji Ning moves cautiously.

One-on-one... Ji Ning is indeed considered the top genius. After all, with the resources Wei Wen gave him, his strength has once again skyrocketed.

Although he is strong, he has always been very cautious, lest he be attacked by everyone.


Even though these geniuses are only in the realm of all phenomena, relying on the top gods and demons' body refining methods, they are already comparable to the gods.

Coupled with some methods, it is almost possible to explode the virtual strength.

"Those quite famous geniuses are beginning to show their power." Emperor Xia smiled.

Emperor Xia suddenly saw Lu Dongbin beside him and his eyes lit up. In fact, in the Three Realms, Lu Dongbin also spread many inheritances and was good at being a teacher.

His strength is also ranked at the top among Chunyang True Immortals. After all, he has the fourth level of Tai Chi power, and his strength is no less than that of ordinary Taoist ancestors.

If he didn't have to realize the fifth level of Tai Chi power to become a Taoist, he would have already chosen to break through.

To be able to attract Lu Dongbin's attention, he was obviously not an ordinary person.

"Lu Dongbin, which one of these young people do you think has the strongest luck?" Lu Dongbin said with a smile.

"The strongest luck?" Lu Dongbin thought of Wei Wen and Ji Ning.

"How can I see the luck of Da Xia? Moreover, this luck is unpredictable... Even those with great luck may be killed."

What he said is right, great luck only means more luck. The path of spiritual practice is often like God's help, but you can also be killed by others!

And whoever kills him will also take away his luck... of course, it may also make his own luck even lower.

For example, if someone is the only son of a powerful person, killing this person will definitely arouse the hatred of the powerful person or even take action personally, and the luck in the world will naturally be greatly reduced.

And for example, because someone has received a great opportunity, or possesses a great treasure, his luck will also increase.

And if he is killed and the treasure is obtained by the person who killed him, then the luck of the person who killed him will greatly increase. In short, luck cannot be seen or touched, and it needs to be calculated from all aspects. This requires some means, and Lu Dongbin's Tai Chi power is very suitable.

For now, the people with the greatest luck are indeed Wei Wen and Ji Ning!

"You drunkard, I asked you to say it, but you refused to say it." Emperor Xia smiled helplessly.

"Of course I also know that people with great luck may also be killed, but as a person with great luck... the possibility of becoming the top powerhouse in the three realms is higher after all!"

"I'm telling you, you can't get it either." Lu Dongbin glanced at Emperor Xia vaguely.

"Anyway, it's up to you. I'll definitely let your Dao Ancestor and you pick first, and I'll pick the rest."

Just as everyone was watching the Immortal Fate Conference, another unexpected figure appeared.

"Jiang Jun? Why are you here?" Emperor Xia looked at Jiang Jun in front of him in confusion.

"Haha, my teacher heard that Ancestor Chi Ming was busy here, so he sent me here to take a look. I wonder if I can welcome you?" Jiang Jun said with a smile.

"I can't invite you even if I want to invite you on weekdays. If you can come today, of course I welcome you." Emperor Xia waved his hand, and another throne and jade case appeared next to Jiang Jun.

Jiang Jun greeted several other gods and immortals, then sat down with a smile.

Both Emperor Xia and the gods and immortals present knew very well that this guy must have come with a purpose.

Could it be because of Patriarch Bodhi?

What is the purpose of Patriarch Bodhi?

Is it because of Wei Wen's time and space methods?

Wei Wen, on the other hand, had something in mind. Jiang Jun's arrival was probably because of Ji Ning.

Because Patriarch Bodhi in the original book accepted Ji Ning as his disciple, he sent Jiang Jun.

Of course, it is also possible that he came here for himself, and this is not his own fantasy.

Because according to his understanding, Patriarch Bodhi is best at the way of time and space, and the same is true for Wei Wen.

Perhaps because of his sense of the way of time and space, Patriarch Bodhi paid attention to the world of Daxia in advance and discovered Ji Ning in advance.

"If I can discuss the Tao with Patriarch Bodhi, it would be a good idea for me to take the opportunity to enter the world of Xianyue." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

Perhaps Wei Wen is not lacking in the secrets of time and space, but Bodhi Patriarch Xie Yue has collected various magical powers, techniques, and secrets in the great world.

The mental method was very useful to Wei Wen.

As time passed, the final arena battle ended quickly, and Chiming Daozu had already chosen his disciple... It was still the same as the original work, it was not Ji Ning.

"At this point, it is time to complete the task assigned by the master." Jiang Jun looked at Emperor Xia, "Fellow Taoist, I want to ask you for a little guy to take back to my master as a disciple."

"Become a disciple?" Emperor Xia was immediately shocked, "Bodhi actually wants to accept a disciple?"

"Ordinary disciples of Patriarch Bodhi are not all mystical. If they don't become disciples, they are not qualified to call themselves disciples of Patriarch Bodhi."

"But why are you so high-profile this time and why are you specially sent here?"

Chiming Taoist is the top Taoist, but Bodhi Patriarch is stronger than his master. He can be regarded as the combat power of the Ancestral God Sect, close to the leader level.

When it comes to the strongest Taoist power in the Three Realms, there may still be some controversial voices in the Three Realms.

After all, leader-level beings such as the three emperors of the human race, the Buddhist leader Tathagata, and the Taoist leader Sanqing are far beyond the power of other Taoist ancestors.

But if we say who is the most mysterious among the three realms, Patriarch Bodhi is recognized as the number one.

(End of this chapter)

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