Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 189 Trading Method, Surprised Bodhi Patriarch

Chapter 189 Trading Method, Surprised Bodhi Patriarch

"You ask me, how do I know what the master is thinking?" Jiang Jun shook his head slightly, "But the master wants that little guy."

"Anyway, I'm just here to ask for someone. Fellow Taoists, please give me some respect and don't choose Ji Ning. I will take him away directly after that."

"Jining?" Xia Huang and others were stunned.

It is said that Patriarch Bodhi has a very eccentric personality and has many disciples.

But every time he accepted a disciple, Patriarch Bodhi would strictly instruct the disciple not to reveal his master-disciple relationship, and he was not even allowed to return to Patriarch Bodhi after he left the disciples.

So today Jiang Jun came with such a high profile and said that he wanted to take the disciples back for the master. No wonder the gods and immortals were surprised and curious.

"Oh, by the way, this time and space Taoist, the teacher asked me to come here. One purpose is to accept Ji Ning as a disciple, and the other is that the teacher wants to see you." Jiang Jun said with a smile.

Wei Wen possesses true immortal-level magic power. Through the fluctuations of the magic power, they can tell that he practices the way of time and space.

Regarding Jiang Jun's statement, other gods and true immortals thought it was normal.

"That's fine." Wei Wen nodded.

Patriarch Bodhi's knowledge of time and space was superior to Wei Wen's. If he wanted to hide it, Wei Wen wouldn't be able to find it.

But the Xianyue world that Patriarch Bodhi opened up with his attainments in time and space is so huge that it is impossible to hide it from Wei Wen.

Wei Wen took one step forward, passed through the time and space channel, and entered the world of Xianyue.

Entering Xianyue Great World, Wei Wen quickly arrived at the core of the great world.

The Xianyue Sanxing Cave seems to be formed by the superposition of countless dimensions of time and space, and can accommodate countless things within a square inch.

"He is worthy of being the Patriarch Bodhi who is the best at time and space in the three realms. He opened up the Xianyue world so that no other powerful person can find it." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

"This mountain cave where we usually live is even more mysterious, and it also contains infinite mysteries of time and space."

From a distance, Wei Wen could see a pavilion and palace at the foot of the mountain, among which there were many others. This was the place where the disciples and grandsons of Patriarch Bodhi practiced cultivation.

Wei Wen walked up the mountain road and found that few people set foot on it.

Not far away, Wei Wen heard the rhythmic sound of iron tools chopping wood in the woods.


Along with a roar, a huge old tree fell down, revealing a woodcutter-looking man wearing straw sandals, commoners, and a straw hat.

Maybe the woodcutter doesn't seem to have any mana fluctuations in his body, and he seems to be just a mortal no matter what.

But Wei Wen knew very well that this person was very strong and could be regarded as the strongest person in the entire Three Realms!

Although he is only in the realm of true gods, if he fights to the death, he can kill the top ancestor gods and leader-level combat powerhouses in one blow.

Why is a true god so powerful, with combat power that far exceeds that of other ancestor gods?

Just because of mental strength!

When Wei Wen came to the Great World, what he wanted was not the secret technique of time and space, after all, he had no shortage of it at all, but the perfect mental cultivation method in "Houyi's Archery".

Looking at the entire Three Realms, the complete "Hou Yi's Archery" can only be found here with Patriarch Bodhi. After all, the real Hou Yi is here, that is, the woodcutter in front of him.

The so-called mental power is an ethereal force. It is not visible to the naked eye like divine power, magic power, etc., nor is it like the power of Tai Chi, the power of time and space, etc. that comes from the original power.

Mental power originates from the heart. Generally speaking, every practitioner can have mental power, and the stronger the Taoist heart, the stronger the natural mental power.

In a sense, the spiritual thoughts in the realm of true immortals and gods can also be regarded as an application of mental power at the level of the soul.

But that is not considered true mental power, not even an introduction to mental power.

Real mental power is a special power that is comparable to the original power of time and space, and even more powerful than divine power and magic power.

Because in the entire chaotic universe, in addition to the gods, demons, and Qi refining schools, there is also the most mysterious mental power school. However, mental practitioners are known for their mystery and power in the vast chaotic universe, and it is difficult for ordinary practitioners to achieve success in cultivation.

The reason why Hou Yi, a strong man in the Three Realms, exists is because he gradually created and summarized it through continuous archery while practicing the art of archery.

"My master is still waiting for you. Don't stay here for too long. I also need to continue chopping wood." The woodcutter waved his hand and continued walking into the forest with the ax on his shoulder.

He always felt that the way Wei Wen looked at him seemed a little malicious.

At the entrance of the Taoist temple on the top of Fangcun Mountain, two powerful immortals stood waiting on the left and right.

"Is this Taoist Taoist of Time and Space?" One of the immortals said respectfully, "Master has already given instructions that you can enter the Taoist temple directly."

Inside the Taoist temple.

Wei Wen looked around and saw that there were many futons placed inside, and in front of all the futons was a wooden step that was about a foot high.

One of them, a thin old man with white beard and hair, sat cross-legged on the wooden steps.

"Taoist Time and Space, right?" Patriarch Bodhi's loose Taoist robes were spread out, and his whole body exuded a wave of tranquility.

"Your time secret technique is very mysterious. I wonder where you learned it from?"

"I also had a chance to receive a magical inheritance." Wei Wen said casually.

"Your time and space secret technique is unprecedented in the three realms. It seems that it should be the secret technique of the chaotic alien race." Ancestor Bodhi couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Chaos is vast and boundless. In addition to the three realms that can give birth to billions of creatures in the three realms, creatures can also be born in other places.

The so-called chaotic aliens are practitioners outside the Three Realms.

The inheritance of chaotic alien methods that can fall into the three realms must be at the minimum level of a god.

Moreover, many of the methods of the Chaos Aliens are not in common with the methods of the Three Realms. Wei Wen is not only able to practice, but he can also practice to such an extent, which shows that Wei Wen's talent is indeed exaggerated.

"It's just a fluke." Wei Wen said with a smile.

"If you don't have the talent of time and space, just relying on luck won't be enough for you." Ancestor Bodhi said with emotion.

"There are many disciples under my sect, including several who have become Taoist ancestors, but none of them can match your achievements in time and space."

"And in you, I see the future of the original power of time and space."

"Tao should not be taught lightly...but I still want to discuss Tao with you. It would be better if your secret technique of time and space could be taught to others."

"If you have any needs, I can also help you!" Patriarch Bodhi said expectantly.

"It's okay to talk about Taoism and inheritance. I want the mind power method, as well as some methods on the body refining of gods and demons!" Wei Wen said directly.

Wei Wen waved his hand, and a jade slip appeared in his hand. Wei Wen instilled the secret method of "Chaos Principle" into it.

Maybe the jade slips are far from achieving the effect of the real secret method, but they are also of great use to Patriarch Bodhi. At least they can point him to the way forward.

Anyway, you can get the secret method for free. If you can exchange it for the mental method, it will definitely be a big profit.

"No problem." Patriarch Bodhi took the jade slip and was surprised when he saw the contents.

"You can go to the Palace of Immortals and the Three Realms Palace at will, and the methods there are also completely open to you."

(End of this chapter)

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