Chapter 194 Level 17

"Such a genius monster actually appears among us. I don't know if it's luck or misfortune." Bolan said with emotion.

"Even in the history of the human race, I'm afraid there is no genius like Wei Wen. We are completely incomparable." Rong Jun sighed.

Wei Wen's talent itself is higher than theirs and his growth rate is faster.

As a result, the human race will attach great importance to them, and unimaginable resources will be invested in their training in the future. In short, the gap between them will become wider and wider.

In the end, they could only see Wei Wen's back, oh, no, or they could only look up at Wei Wen's back now.


The 16th floor of Tongtian Bridge.

"You can break through the 16th floor at the cosmic level. You are simply inhuman." The masked opponent looked at Wei Wen in confusion.

"It's an honor for me to fight with a genius like you, but in the next battle... I won't be merciful because of this!"

"The 16th floor is a bigger threshold than the 15th floor, but the difficulty is completely different from the 15th floor."

"Let's begin." Wei Wen slowly raised the sword in his hand!

The perfect combination of the original laws of time and space is not even as obvious as before.

In addition to the spatial fluctuations when the sword was first swung, it only took a moment before it appeared in front of the opponent.

"An attack beyond the dimensions of time and space?!" The opponent's voice stopped suddenly, and his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

"This method alone shows that your understanding has reached the 17th floor of Tongtian Bridge!"

"This is the insight I have honed in various environments. You are the first real opponent to whom I have unleashed all my strength. Let you experience the edge of this move." Wei Wen took a deep breath.

Perhaps in the world of the Wild Era, Wei Wen did not have a deep understanding of the original laws of time and space, and did not have the blessing of feedback.

But in the worlds of Devouring Starry Sky and Lord Snow Eagle, Wei Wen's perception of space improved by leaps and bounds.

It stands to reason that Wei Wen's talent for the Space Origin Law is not as good as his talent for the Time Origin Law, but now he is able to keep pace with him. It can only be said that it is the credit of Luo Feng and Dong Bo Xueying.

Needless to say, Luo Feng, who devoured the starry sky world, has the advantages of "Time and Space Essay", Eye of Space, and Demon Killer Clan's clones being conceived in advance compared to the original work.

Through feedback, Wei Wen gained a lot.

As for the world of Lord Snow Eagle, although Dongbo Snow Eagle has not been able to realize the true meaning of time and space in recent years, he has also realized many similar true meanings, such as the true meaning of virtual world, the true meaning of extreme penetration, etc.

Now that Wei Wen's enlightenment has fully exploded, not only did he frighten his opponents, but even the Lord of Fire Chaos City and others realized that Wei Wen was an unprecedented monster.

On the 16th floor of Tongtian Bridge, Wei Wen wins!

"Hahahaha..." Wei Wen smiled excitedly.

Wei Wen took one step forward and turned into a stream of light, flying quickly towards the entrance to the 17th floor where the Tongtian Bridge appeared.

After 30 years of hard training, Wei Wen just wants a thrilling battle!

The reason for this is because Wei Wen does not plan to stay at the Domain Lord level for a long time, but directly steps into the World Lord level!

He felt that after his potential exploded this time, it would be very possible for the strongest person in the universe to assassinate him.

But the Territory Lord level needs to be released. If something unexpected happens, he might be left in the cold.

So the best way is to directly prevent such accidents.

And once he breaks through to the World Lord level, he can stay in Chaos City for at least 3000 years.


I don’t know if Wei Wen is crazy or not, but the many geniuses and powerful people gathered on the island in the Tongtianqiao plane are going crazy.

"My God!"

"This Wei Wen is too powerful!" "The universe level actually broke through the 16th floor?!"

"There are very few domain lord-level geniuses who can break through the 16th floor of the Universe Tongtian Bridge. After all, not all the strongest geniuses are good at the original laws of time and space."

If the strongest genius is also good at the original laws of time and space, then the difficulty of becoming the Lord of the Universe should be about the same as becoming the Master of the Universe.

For example, if the human race has a village that lasts for more than one trillion eras, naturally many geniuses will emerge within tens of millions of eras.

There may not be many who have become the Lords of the Universe. There are only more than 10 powerful Lords of the Universe so far.

Secondly, on the 15th floor of Tongtian Bridge, those who usually pass through it are the immortals of the feudal lords, and on the 18th floor of the Tongtian Bridge, those who pass through it are the immortal kings.

And Wei Wen, a universe-level genius who has practiced for less than a hundred years, has now reached the 17th floor of Tongtian Bridge!

He has been practicing for less than a hundred years and is a genius at the cosmic level, but now he has the understanding of the immortal law of the feudal lord. What level of genius is this?

What's more, Wei Wen is still the most difficult cosmic chaos monument to cultivate, and he can cultivate the two original laws of time and space at the same time!

"If Wei Wen doesn't die, he will definitely become a super strong man who will surpass us in the future!" the Nine Swords Venerable said with emotion.

No Venerable Universe felt wrong about the words of the Nine Swords Venerable.

Such a genius is unprecedented in the history of the human race. His talent is enough to be called the strongest genius. It is probably a certainty that he will become a sage and the master of the universe.

I'm afraid Wei Wen still has a high chance of becoming the strongest being in the universe at a higher level!

For a time, many geniuses and strong men had many ideas in their hearts.

Luo Feng, who was among the crowd, also looked at Wei Wen bravely advancing on the screen with a look of astonishment, but the scene of them getting along when they were young many years ago came to mind.

They were so weak at that time, but who could have imagined that his childhood friend could actually grow to such an extent?

"Wei Wen..." Luo Feng was also excited, "Let's see where we can go in the end!"


Far away at the origin of the virtual universe somewhere in an endless distance, a white-robed figure appeared next to a towering statue.

The original ancestor suddenly opened his eyes, the origin of the surrounding universe was disillusioned, and the dimensions of time and space were distorted.

"Wei Wen... I didn't expect you to be so great, and even we took it wrong." Yuanzu murmured.

In fact, Wei Wen's previous talent was already astonishing, and the top experts in the human race believed that Wei Wen could grow to the level of the original ancestor.

Although Wei Wen at that time had greatly exceeded their expectations, now Wei Wen makes them feel unbelievable.

According to the original ancestor's prediction, Wei Wen might have only broken through the 15th floor of Tongtian Bridge during his stay in Chaos City.

But now?

Wei Wen's growth rate has exceeded their expectations by relying on his feedback of secret techniques, insights, and the super-limit improvement of the Chaos True Spirit.

"It stands to reason that he has an unparalleled fate. No matter how high his understanding of the law is, he can't break through the 17th floor of the Tongtian Bridge at the cosmic level?" The original ancestor looked confused.

"But so what, he is the genius of my human race, and it is our human race that ultimately benefits."

Once a peerless strong person appears in a ethnic group, it will indeed make the ethnic group rise.

If the original ancestors were still there, no ethnic group would dare to easily provoke the human ethnic group, which has greatly benefited the human ethnic group in all aspects.


Tongtian Bridge.

Wei Wen had reached the end of Tongtian Bridge on the 17th floor, but he did not choose the illusionist as his opponent. This time the opponent was still a warrior.

(End of this chapter)

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