Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 195 The End of Tongtian Bridge

Chapter 195 The End of Tongtian Bridge

Wei Wen came here this time just to verify his own understanding, not to cheat to get through the overpass.

After all, no matter how many levels of the Sky Bridge he breaks through, relying solely on the income from breaking through the Sky Bridge will not do him any good.

"Your Highness Wei Wen!" The opponent on the 17th floor looked at Wei Wen in confusion.

"It's beyond description that His Highness is able to break through here at the cosmic level. You will be able to leave a name in our human race in the future!"

"Let's start!" Wei Wen's expression did not change at all. He had already anticipated his own limit.


The two sides didn't waste any time and just went full force. Under the pressure of the time and space dimensions, the entire Tongtian Bridge seemed to be distorted under the pressure of some kind of heavy aura.

The deeper the understanding of the original laws of time and space, the stronger the power.

It seems that understanding the original laws of space or time is enough to become a cosmic master.

But once you fully realize it, you will be the Lord of the Universe. The Lord of the Universe is far more powerful than the Lord of the Universe.

From this point alone, we can see how powerful the combination of time and space is.

Wei Wen realized that he had reached the 17th floor with his original laws of time and space, and he estimated that it would be more than enough to pass through the 20th floor of the ordinary Tongtian Bridge!

After all, Wei Wen's moves not only have the effect of traveling through the void, but also have effects such as time acceleration, distortion, and acceleration!

An instant attack can appear in front of the opponent faster than a strong person who only understands time and space.

If Wei Wen breaks through the realm master, not counting the blessing of the life gene level, the terrifying lethality of the combination of time and space is enough to kill the immortal powerhouse.

If it is considered a blessing at the life gene level, Wei Wen can easily kill the feudal lord immortal at the realm master level!

The sword light flickers on and off, appearing and disappearing, and their figures are constantly traveling through the dimensions of time and space to fight!

Judging from the current situation alone, the opponents seem to be faintly suppressed, but they will not be defeated instantly.

"It's interesting." Wei Wen took a deep breath.

Originally, he thought that his understanding of the original laws of time and space would be enough to pass through the 17th floor of the Tongtian Bridge, but he underestimated the level of the gatekeepers on the 17th floor.

Moreover, it is indeed too reluctant to activate such profound power of the original law of time and space at the cosmic level. It is simply impossible for him to achieve it perfectly.

Since he can't be perfect, all he can do is be reckless!

In this case, control and proficiency are even more tested.

Wei Wen's whole body momentum suddenly changed, and an extremely powerful will burst out.

Will can also affect the situation of the battle. If will can oppress the opponent, it will affect the opponent's performance. Simply put, it will make it easier for the opponent to perform abnormally.

With the blessing of super strong will, Wei Wen is more likely to perform exceptionally and has a higher awareness of combat.


The original cosmic-level force sword seemed to have taken stimulants, and the speed, angle, and strength were even more skillful.


The long sword in Wei Wen's hand pierced the opponent's head like a sword. Under the bombardment of the terrifying power of time and space, the opponent's head was shot instantly without any accident!

Wei Wen successfully broke through the 17th floor of the Universe Tongtian Bridge!

Even if Wei Wen is a Domain Lord-level genius, he has already set a new record, let alone Wei Wen who is only a Universe-level genius.

At this moment, the beautiful central island in the Tongtianqiao plane was completely silent. Even the Lords of the Universe and the Venerables of the Universe made no sound.

They just silently looked at Wei Wen who was killing everyone on the screen, with expressions of doubt on life!

How come the gap between people is so big? !


Virtual universe, original area manor.

After Wei Wen came out of the Tongtian Bridge plane, he appeared directly in the manor's study. He was in a pretty good mood at the moment.

Not only did he test his understanding of the original laws of time and space, he also broke through the 17th floor of the Tongtian Bridge, which was enough to directly cross the domain lord level and break through to the world lord level.

He also tested the power of mind, or the secret technique of will.

In this way, his goal of breaking through the overpass has been achieved. "There are a lot of emails again." Wei Wen couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

There were more than thousands of emails, most of which were from friends Wei Wen knew or from other cosmic lords congratulating him.

Of course, Wei Wen had "openly" apprenticed to the Lord of Chaos City, so it was naturally impossible for those Universe Venerables to mention anything about recruiting disciples this time.

Instead, they expressed their appreciation and kindness to Wei Wen in the email, and even had a hint of flattery and compliment.

After all, as long as they are not stupid, they can all see that it is easy for Wei Wen to become the master of the universe, even the strongest person in the universe.

In short, as long as Wei Wen doesn't fall, his achievements will definitely be no worse than those of the Master of the Universe!

Fawning over Wei Wen before he has grown up, even if it is just the icing on the cake, is better than doing nothing at all.

"The enthusiasm of Lord Universe makes me feel a little embarrassed." Wei Wen shook his head helplessly.

"But this time I broke through the 17th floor of Tongtian Bridge... Thinking about it carefully, maybe it's not my limit."

"As for the 18th floor, if you use all your methods, you can get through, but I don't think it's necessary."

"Well, wait until I enter the four secret realms and see if I can get a chance. If not, then directly break through to the World Lord level."

"After all, with my current understanding, I can already conquer the universe-level and domain-lord-level primitive Tongtian Mountain."


Chaos City.

Time flies, and there is still one day left before Wei Wen and others leave Chaos City.

"Master, someone is visiting." Barbara's voice sounded.

"Huh?" Wei Wen opened his eyes and walked out doubtfully. He saw three immortal men in purple robes standing outside the door.

"Your Highness Wei Wen, we are here on the orders of the Lord of Chaos City to give you a special item."

The purple-robed messenger waved his hand, and an ancient ring flew toward Wei Wen. Wei Wen caught it and refined it easily.

"This is..." Wei Wen raised his head.

"This is a secret that we cannot know. His Highness Wei Wen will know after checking it himself. Let's take our leave." The three purple-robed envoys turned and left.

Wei Wen doubtfully took the simple black ring back to the living room of his residence and began to carefully examine the items inside.

The Lord of Chaos City suddenly gave him a ring and asked him to check it for himself?

Wei Wen clearly saw a golden token placed in the ring space. There were also faint carvings on the token, which seemed to be a vague city.

Wei Wen just felt something in his heart and seemed to realize what it was.

"This should be a token to call the Lord of Chaos City for help?" Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

Wei Wen casually put his mind deep into the golden token, and soon obtained the spiritual imprint information inside, making him completely sure that this was the item he thought about.

Virtual Universe, Rain Phase Mountain, Primitive Zone.

"Senior brother!" In the living room of the manor, Wei Wen stood in front of the Lord of Chaos City wearing a golden robe.

"Have you received the space ring just now?" The Chaos City Lord looked at Wei Wen with a hint of a smile.

"You are about to leave Chaos City and go to the four secret realms to practice."

"Although I also have a clone sitting in the original secret realm, you also need to venture to other secret realms. With this token, I can appear as quickly as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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