Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 196 Original Secret Realm

Chapter 196 Original Secret Realm

"Thank you, senior brother." Wei Wen smiled.

Wei Wen is already the strongest genius in the human race, and his potential has reached an unimaginable level, so he will naturally be targeted by other races.

As Wei Wen grows up, he may encounter many dangers in the future.

The Lord of Chaos City gave this thing to Wei Wen because he was worried that Wei Wen would get into trouble and fall...

Of course, Wei Wen would not rely on this to be unscrupulous. After all, there were many people in the original universe who could kill him.


"Huh?" Wei Wen's partial consciousness had just exited the virtual universe when he suddenly received an email from the Tongtianqiao plane.

Wei Wen briefly glanced at the content and suddenly showed a hint of surprise.

"Luo Feng... actually broke through the 8th floor of Tongtian Bridge?"

Not only Wei Wen, but also the new talents of Virtual Universe Company, including some high-level experts who paid attention to them, also received the email.

When they opened the email, they were shocked to see the message.

"How could he be so fast...?"

"Luo Feng is not simple either!"

Apart from Wei Wen, a monster that is far beyond the norm, without discussing it, Luo Feng's Demon Killer Clan clone is actually at a level that only appeared in thousands of epochs.

Now that Bo Lan is majoring in space, he is more talented than Luo Feng.

But now Bo Lan only passed through the 7th floor of Tongtian Bridge, but Luo Feng went straight through the 8th floor!

You must know that according to the plot, during Luo Feng's first secret realm qualification battle 100 years later, Tongtianqiao's understanding was only at the 7th level.

But how could he break through the 8th floor of Tongtian Bridge now?

Therefore, even Luo Feng was surprised by the news that Luo Feng had broken through the 8th floor of Tongtian Bridge.

Chaos City.

One after another, figures followed the entrance of the belly hatch of the "big fish" and flew into the spacecraft.

In the rest hall.

Wei Wen and other geniuses who were familiar with each other briefly chatted, and Wei Wen, who had just passed through the 17th floor of Tongtian Bridge, was surrounded by many acquaintances.

"Wei Wen, you went a little too far by sneaking through the 17th floor of Tongtian Bridge without saying a word." Luo Feng was speechless.

"I'm lucky. I just happened to get a chance in Chaos City, so I had an epiphany." Wei Wen smiled slightly.

In fact, he would not say that he could comprehend the Chaos Monument all the time.

Although the effect is only about several times that of the enhanced version of the principle of time and space, it is still extremely exaggerated.

Coupled with the blessing of the Chaos Spirit, it is normal for Wei Wen to make rapid progress.

He felt that after he broke through to the World Lord level, he would soon be able to break through the 20th floor of the Tongtian Bridge, and even become the Lord of the Universe and the Lord of the Universe.

Therefore, the achievement on the 17th floor of Tongtian Bridge is really nothing to Wei Wen.

Time passed unconsciously, and the figure of Lord Nine Swords appeared.

"The 30 years in Chaos City have ended. The next step is to assign you to enter the four secret realms." Lord Nine Swords simply explained.

"If you look at the mortality rate alone, your class is indeed relatively poor, but if you look at the results, it is definitely the best class."

"Especially Wei Wen, as well as Luo Feng, Bo Lan, Ai Chen and others are all very good."

"Wei Wen, Luo Feng, and Bo Lan from the primitive area are going to the primitive secret realm and follow me. As for the others, they will enter other secret realms in batches later..."

"The original secret realm is relatively close to the headquarters. It only takes a month at most." "You don't need to spend too much time to get there. If the three of you feel bored, you can go back to your room to rest and practice."


Time flies by, time passes day by day, and 10 days have passed in the blink of an eye.

"All three of you, come out." The voice of the Nine Swords Venerable echoed throughout the entire spacecraft, "We have now arrived at the original secret realm, and we will soon start traveling through the universe!"


Wei Wen stood up, with a hint of expectation in his eyes. The practice of the original secret realm has finally arrived!

"Start traveling through the dark universe, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6...3...2...1..."

Immediately, the entire spacecraft began to slow down rapidly. After a moment, it dropped below the speed of light and appeared in the original universe. The spacecraft resumed normal flight.

In the spacecraft control room, Wei Wen couldn't help but be surprised when he looked at the simulated primitive secret realm.

"These 136 unique stars form a space and time of their own, and you will be extremely safe living in them." Lord Nine Swords simply explained.

"Even powerful men at the level of the Universe Venerable cannot forcefully break into that time and space."

I saw 136 huge stars appearing in front of me, constantly circling and orbiting each other in unique trajectories in the dimension of time and space.

Wei Wen looked at the stars in front of him and couldn't help but fall into a unique artistic conception.

The first picture, the second picture, and the third picture of the Chaos Monument of the Universe could not help but appear in Wei Wen's mind. There were many star movements and mysteries in the third picture.

"It is indeed a primitive secret realm. The efficiency of practicing here is probably comparable to that of Chaos City." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

Among them, Wei Wen could clearly feel the movement trajectories of the 136 planets, and some of the mysteries of the original laws of time and space contained in them made Wei Wen understand the original laws of time and space with greater clarity.

"Okay, no more talking nonsense, the place has been delivered, you go down first, there will be someone in front to guide you to where you used to live."

Lord Nine Swords waved his hand, and the figures of Wei Wen and others appeared on one of the unique continents.

Then the big blue fish of Lord Nine Swords swung its tail and quickly disappeared into the primitive secret realm.

Wei Wen looked at the void. Now they were in the center of space and time where 136 stars were rotating.

This is an extremely dazzling continent, with exquisite palaces scattered across the suspended continent.

The original secret realm is also known as the Ninth Time and Space and Wuchen Time and Space. The Wuchen Continent is extremely vast, and each genius can probably be allocated a manor with a radius of one million kilometers.

Under the arrangement of the envoy, Wei Wen and others stayed in it. After briefly understanding the situation, they directly connected to the virtual universe network.

Virtual universe, original zone.

After each batch of new talents leave Chaos City, some changes will occur in their authority. Many things that could not be done in the past can now be done.

"In Chaos City, I was just busy understanding the laws and practicing, and there was no need to improve my strength. Now I can finally improve my physical fitness." Wei Wen couldn't help but sigh.

Wei Wen had long thought that after he left Chaos City, he could actually directly skip the Domain Lord level and directly reach the World Lord level.


First of all, the points awarded by the universe-level points mission are meaningless. After all, Wei Wen is not short of points.

By chance in one of the missions, the Blood Luo Crystal was of no use to Wei Wen.

The second magic sound god will inherit... Haha, he can just wait for Luo Feng to enter Magic Sound Mountain and enjoy the results.

The highest points task for the main level of the three domains needs to be released externally. Wei Wen is mentally ill and would put himself in danger just for a few points.

There may be other reasons. For example, after Wei Wen breaks through to the World Lord level, his origin law will be clearer and his growth rate will naturally be faster.

(End of this chapter)

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