Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 198 Choosing to Breakthrough to the Realm Lord Level

Chapter 198 Choosing to Breakthrough to the Realm Lord Level

Wei Wen felt the powerful force and was also surprised.

The level of life genes alone has skyrocketed 18 times, reaching an exaggerated 1800 times gene level, which shows that Wei Wen's comprehension efficiency has increased 18 times.

The effect of enlightenment in one year now is as good as the previous 18 years.

You must know that Wei Wen's own understanding is extremely incredible, and if it skyrockets 18 times... it is unimaginable!


The origin of the virtual universe.

"Teacher." Wei Wen's figure appeared.

"What's the matter?" Yuanzu looked at Wei Wen with a smile.

Wei Wen's performance at Tongtian Bridge was indeed beyond Yuanzu's expectations.

"Teacher, I actually feel that the original law of time and space becomes more difficult the further you go, and it takes longer to comprehend." Wei Wen said in silence for a moment.

"Although my original law talent is super strong, it will take a long time, and accidents may happen during the process."

"Fortunately, I feel like I can break through to the World Lord level at any time. Teacher, do you think it's better for me to stay at the Universe level, or skip the Territory Lord level and go straight to the World Lord level?"

As for why Wei Wen was able to break through so quickly?

One of them, the golden-horned giant beast, has not entered Chaos City, so it has stayed in the original universe for hundreds of years.

By devouring the perfect combination of metals, the golden-horned behemoth grows rapidly and is about to break through to the realm lord level.

As for Wei Wenzun and the Void Clone, as long as they have enough nutrient solution, they can reach the realm lord level!

Just to break through to the World Lord level, you have to take risks, which may cause you to encounter a lot of trouble.

Of course, you can also let the virtual universe forge a vest, just like Luo Feng did, and go on adventures as a vest.

Although Wei Wen had already made his decision in his heart, he still wanted to hear the original ancestor's opinion.

"Your comprehension efficiency is already exaggerated. If you break through to the realm lord level, I don't know how unbelievable it will be!" The original ancestor showed a hint of expectation.

"As for you feeling like you can break through at any time, the choice is of course to break through directly!"

"After all, in practicing a discipline, you do need to be cautious when you should be cautious, but be brave when you should be courageous. The path of cultivation is naturally to move forward bravely and break through all obstacles!"

"And based on your understanding of the 17th level of the Universe Tongtian Bridge, no one at the Territory Lord level can surpass you. What's the point of staying at the Universe level and Territory Lord level and competing with those weaklings?"

"And when you break into the World Lord level... your enlightenment efficiency will be faster, and those who will compete with you will be World Lord level geniuses, and even immortal experts!"

"Because the World Lord level requires life and death training, either going to extraterrestrial battlefields or dangerous secret realms. It is normal to encounter the Immortal level."

"The greater the pressure, the higher the fighting spirit!"

"You are very talented, higher than me. I used to move forward bravely, so you must have an indomitable heart!"

"What's more, the realm master level is the fastest progress in understanding the original laws."

"As for the so-called primitive Tongtian Mountain, with your resource limit, it doesn't matter if you skip it once or twice."

"If you still lack points and treasures by then... I will directly use the treasure trove of the virtual universe as a teacher. As long as it is not the most powerful treasure, I haven't noticed it yet."

Perhaps the Supreme Treasure is very attractive to the Lord of the Universe and the Lord of the Universe, but to the Original Ancestor, it is just so-so.

Wei Wen's performance potential is even higher than that of the original ancestor. For example, Luo Feng can receive treasures from the Lord of Chaos City at the Realm Lord level. It is normal for the human race to give Wei Wen treasures.

"I understand, teacher, I will break through to the Domain Lord level immediately!" Wei Wen nodded.

"Go ahead. Only after you break through to the realm lord level can you go to fight on battlefields outside the territory, or go on adventures and adventures in secret realms before you can truly grow."

"If you stay under the protection of Virtual Universe Company forever, you won't be able to truly grow up."

...the original secret realm.

In Wei Wen's secret training room, the nutrition cabin is placed there. For more than a year, Wei Wen has been lying in the nutrition cabin absorbing the nutrient solution.


The hatch of the nutrition cabin suddenly opened slowly. Wei Wen stood up from the nutrient solution that had become close to clear water, and stepped directly out of the nutrition cabin.

At the same time, Wei Wen's whole body heated up instantly, and the strong force evaporated the nutrient solution on his body surface instantly, and dark black casual clothes appeared.

"The master of the body domain is at the ninth level, and the master of the mind domain is at the ninth level."

Wei Wen exerted a little force on his whole body, and the extremely tough muscles burst out with strong force, causing the surrounding void to faintly explode.

Wei Wen turned around and took a look at the nutrition cabin and nutrient solution. There was still a lot of precious nutrient solution in the storage tank that was not used up.

"In just over a year, I was directly promoted to the ninth level of Territory Lord level in one breath. My physical fitness has just jumped to the point where I have completely reached the saturation state of Territory Lord level."

Wei Wen's physical strength has reached saturation. If the golden-horned giant beast does not break through, he will not be able to improve.

Unless one breaks through to the World Lord level and the world inside the body undergoes transformation, causing the body's genes to jump, there will be a new round of continuous improvement.

Of course... In fact, Venerable Wei Wenwen can now be promoted to the realm lord level, but the world inside his body is only considered as the "ninth level realm lord level" state.

This made it impossible for Wei Wen's body to reach the ninth level of World Lord level in one breath, so he could only endure it for the time being.

When Wei Wen walked out of his house, the servants and guards who were busy in the manor were shocked.

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness!" Everyone saluted respectfully one after another.

"Haha..." Wei Wen looked at the large number of cargo boxes in the manor and couldn't help but smile. "There are so many cargos these days, it's troublesome for you."

"It should be." The immortal guard said quickly.

"Have all the goods arrived?" Wei Wen asked.

"The goods ordered by Your Highness have been delivered, and they are all here." The Immortal Guard said respectfully.

Wei Wen nodded slightly and looked at the items in front of him with bright eyes. The large amount of goods covering an area of ​​more than tens of thousands of kilometers in front of him... He spent a lot of points to purchase them all!

"With these resources, it is enough to cultivate my Moyun Vine to the immortal level!" Wei Wen showed a smile.

With immortal plant life, Wei Wen's travels can be made more convenient.

Because the Immortal level can teleport to the Kingdom of God, the distance of a Kingdom of God teleportation can be said to be exaggerated.

For example, Wei Wen can be teleported directly from the virtual universe company headquarters, the original secret realm to the earth, and even the Ancestral God Religion and extraterritorial battlefields!

For example, if the Lord of Chaos City teleports in the original universe, it usually only lasts for millions of light years at a time.

But the teleportation from the Kingdom of God is no problem even if it is trillions of light years away, but it is so unbelievable!

Moreover, Moyundeng regards Wei Wen as its master and is a completely trustworthy existence. It is necessary to cultivate Moyunteng to the immortal level.

"Secondly, the golden-horned giant beast is also considered to have good combat power." Wei Wen showed a smile.

"Now the golden-horned giant beast has 1800 times the genes thanks to the Eighteen Gods and Demons of Tao Wu!"

"With these resources, the third level of the Golden Horned Behemoth's "Original World" can also be completed. By then, the power amplitude will be 36 times."

"Perhaps the golden-horned giant beast is not as talented as the void clone and the original self, but its combat power will be superior to the original self!"

(End of this chapter)

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