Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 199 Breakthrough to the Realm Lord Level

Chapter 199 Breakthrough to the Realm Lord Level

The goods in front of me include many precious items for cultivating the Moyun Vine and the Golden-Horned Behemoth. The most important thing is the various precious materials for the Golden-Horned Behemoth to cultivate the "Original World".

There is no need to gain enlightenment to practice "Original World", but the resource requirements are very demanding.

Maybe many golden-horned behemoths only master the first level in their lifetime, but Wei Wen has actually mastered it long ago, which is 3 times the power amplitude!

If the second and third floors are built, the materials required are extremely precious and rare.

But that was only compared to ordinary golden-horned giant beasts, but for Wei Wen, he could get the materials for free no matter how precious they were.

Because once he breaks through to the World Lord level, the free quota for the human race will be beyond imagination.

"Huh!" Wei Wen waved his hand and asked Barbara to put all these goods into the storage space to cultivate the golden-horned giant beast and Moyun Vine.


The inner world.

The golden-horned behemoth closed its eyes, and its consciousness was completely immersed in the vast space within the original core.

The cosmic level has entered the domain master, the galaxy has been completely swallowed by the black hole, and the super-large black hole has collapsed to form a "singularity", also known as the "life core".

However, within it, a world has gradually been nurtured, and this gestation will run through the entire process from the first level of Territory Lord to the ninth level of Territory Lord!

When the gestating world is about to be completely born, a fundamental qualitative change will occur, and then the gestating world will become the real world!


Suddenly, the void space within the original core of the golden-horned behemoth began to vibrate.

"Nurture the world inside the body and step into the world lord level!" Venerable Wei Wenwen was also excited in his heart.

The huge black hole seemed to explode at this moment, wildly absorbing the original power of the universe.

The boundless world power of the origin of the universe, like a liquid diamond, pours in instantly, and the crystal clear torrent pours into the world inside the body continuously.

Wei Wen's consciousness was absorbed into the place of origin, and he seemed to see the infinite starry sky in it, where the universe and stars were constantly evolving.

World Lord level can enter the origin of the universe and get closer to the origin of the universe.

Endless energy was swallowed up by the world inside his body, and he gradually felt that the world inside his body no longer felt as void as before.

Real boundaries began to appear, and the boundaries of the inner world continued to extend, becoming larger and larger.

Suddenly - the huge singularity was still devouring massive amounts of energy, but it seemed as if it was integrating into itself at this moment.

And above the singularity, strange energy is constantly rotating.

"The Abyss of Two Realms, completed!"

Wei Wen suddenly had a blessing in his soul, and his consciousness invisibly learned a lot of information about breaking through the realm master level and creating a world inside the body at the origin of the universe.

Wei Wen directly and forcefully controlled this process, and the power of countless nebula-like worlds quickly condensed and was also integrated into this huge inner world.

The space in the inner world is rippled, and the invisible fluctuations completely cause the entire inner world to grow rapidly.

Eventually, an endless abyss surrounded by nebulae formed around the pronucleus, hovering over the core of the vast inner world.

The Abyss of Two Realms is full of extremely complex secret patterns, which seem to be more complicated than any secret patterns Wei Wen has ever seen.

In fact, normally speaking, there is no "two world abyss" in the inner world conceived by a world lord-level powerhouse.

Only a very small number of beings, such as the golden-horned giant beast, can form a "two-realm abyss". The golden-horned behemoth can swallow up precious metal combinations and turn them into food for growth, thereby directly promoting the evolution and growth of the world inside the body.

When the World Lord-level Golden Horned Boundary Stone transforms, the essence energy of the Golden Horned Boundary Stone will also affect the transformed proto-nucleus, making the proto-nucleus stronger and able to carry a more powerful inner world.

"The more powerful the inner world is at the realm lord level, the more powerful the "primordial core" it needs to carry must be!" Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

"So the inner world of an average human realm lord is only tens of thousands of kilometers long, and the world lord's peak realm is only tens of thousands of kilometers long."

"And the golden-horned behemoth's original core is extremely tough. Even if the cosmic crystal is directly used to expand the world inside the body crazily, the diameter of the world inside the world master's peak can easily exceed 30 million kilometers."

"If the method of swallowing special metals is used, the golden horn boundary stone can continue to absorb the essence, and the diameter can easily exceed 90 million kilometers!"

"The golden-horned giant beast like Luo Feng will grow to a limit of 1 trillion kilometers in diameter."

"Judging from the original work, this should be the limit of the golden-horned giant beast, or the limit of the world inside the body!"

"As for the resources required for expansion, I have purchased enough before to see if this is the real limit!"

Eighteen gods and demons like Tao Wu actually not only improve the level of life genes, but also improve the "golden elixir space" of heavenly immortals, true immortals, and ancestor immortals.

In fact, Wei Wen's Golden Horned Behemoth also practiced the Eighteen Gods and Demons of Tao and Wu. It is not known whether it will increase the limit of the Golden Horned Behemoth itself.

Of course, no matter how strong the inner world is, it actually doesn't mean much.

After all, Luo Feng has never seen a situation where Luo Feng relied on the huge world inside his body to make a comeback in a crisis.

Therefore, for the powerful people who swallow the starry sky world, the most important thing is the treasure, the life gene level, the secret method, the understanding of the original law, etc.

"And no matter how powerful the world inside the body is, once you break through to the strongest person in the universe, as long as it is not 10 times the number of genes, the diameter of the small universe will be 1 million light years." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

"The size of the inner world doesn't seem to be very important. In short, judging from my breakthrough to the World Lord level, the biggest benefit is not the inner world."

After the transformation of the inner world, the "primary nucleus" in the Golden Horned Behemoth's body also began to undergo drastic changes.


When the previous mind power crystals and force crystals were fused, they melted and merged directly into a special liquid torrent under the influence of the power of the world.

As the two torrents began to touch and merge, when the spiritual force and the genetic force truly merged into one.

When the original force and the power of mind merged for the first time... Wei Wen's inner world truly entered the world lord level, and the first ray of world power belonging to the golden-horned giant beast was born in it!

As soon as the power of the World Lord level was born, Wei Wen's consciousness truly came to the origin of the universe.

Wei Wen's consciousness formed a special resonance with the origin of the universe, and Wei Wen himself began to undergo amazing changes.

Endless cosmic energy "World Power" poured into the inner world crazily, surging like a flood, completely filling Wei Wen's inner world space almost in an instant.

After all, for the origin of the original universe, every particle of soil in the endless earth can be said to have infinite space.

And in any space, there are endless cosmic crystals.

The energy released by the cosmic crystal contained in any natural sand grain can instantly fill Wei Wen's inner world.

But the endless source energy of the universe is still like a bottomless pit, constantly pouring into Wei Wen's inner world.

"It's crazy."

Although Wei Wen was a little confused, the world inside his body was indeed expanding!

(End of this chapter)

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