Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 200: Realm Lord Level’s Heaven-defying Enlightenment Efficiency

Chapter 200: Realm Lord Level’s Heaven-defying Enlightenment Efficiency

Wei Wen couldn't help feeling intense excitement as he looked at the inner world that rapidly expanded to hundreds of millions of kilometers in diameter but never stopped.

He is like this anyway, no matter how strong the original core is, no matter how difficult the breakthrough is, it doesn't matter.

After all, for the current Wei Wen, even the Lord of the Universe and the Lord of the Universe are very relaxed.

"Still expanding... Now the world inside the body has expanded to a diameter of 100 billion kilometers, and it is still expanding!" Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

"The stronger the world inside the body is, the more stable and powerful the Kingdom of God will be after breaking through immortality in the future."

"I would like to see how far the world inside my body can expand!"


Endless world power pours into the inner world crazily, and the inner world is expanding rapidly.


As the world inside the body expands, more world power continues to pour in.

"1000 billion kilometers is not the limit. It is estimated that it can reach 1 trillion kilometers, which is a bit unexpected!"

When a normal human being breaks through the realm master, the diameter of the world inside his body is only tens of thousands of kilometers.

Even if the proto-nucleus of the Golden Horned Behemoth is powerful, it has a diameter of tens of millions of kilometers.


Wei Wen's entire inner world suddenly shook, and its diameter expanded to one trillion kilometers, finally reaching the limit of the inner world!

Outrageous, too outrageous!

And as the master of the inner world, Wei Wen felt that he was the master of this world with just a thought!

Even though it is trillions of kilometers in diameter, Wei Wen can easily explore an infinite range, and he can explore all parts of the world inside his body with just a thought.

"With such a large inner world, there is no need to build a continent. It is completely possible to build a super-large planet, and Luo Feng's One Hundred Thousand Heavens at the Beginning of One Yuan is also related to this!"

Wei Wen thought, and the world inside his body seemed to make a soft sound, like a big explosion of the universe, and the first star appeared in the flash of the world inside his body.

As the power of the world is consumed, under Wei Wen's control, the world inside the body evolves.

"Endless creation, life!"

Wei Wen sensed the natural evolution of the world inside his body, but the speed was too slow, so he needed to debug it.

But for just a moment, the world inside his body was no different from the real world.

The atmosphere on each living planet is filled with water vapor, and the land is thriving...

"The world inside the body is complete." Wei Wen took a deep breath.

Hua Hua...

The unused power of a large amount of world beasts quickly turned into cosmic crystals, condensing mountains of cosmic crystals on the stars in the inner world.

The world inside the body was completely condensed successfully, and the unconsumed power of the world naturally condensed into cosmic crystals.

Generally, only those who have just entered the realm lord level will have such an opportunity, but how could an ordinary realm lord obtain such huge cosmic crystal mountains like Wei Wen?


The successful evolution of the inner world means that Wei Wen has officially broken through to the realm master level!

The power of the world lord is the power of the world. Now the torrent of spiritual power and the force of the force have been completely integrated into the power of the world.

According to the natural evolution of the universe, the origin of Wei Wen's soul and the power of the world evolved into an origin bead.

The power of the world released by the Origin Bead affected the proto-nucleus, and the proto-nucleus completely changed slightly as a result.

Of course, this change is very small. It can even be said that the original nucleus seems to have become more ordinary. No, it should be said to be extremely restrained.

"I have the eighteen gods and demons of Tao Wu, which is equivalent to the superposition of the worlds in the body of 18 golden-horned giant beasts." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought. "The limit of the world inside Luo Feng's golden-horned beast is one trillion kilometers."

"But when I have 18 internal worlds superimposed, this data is still exactly the same as Luo Feng. Maybe this is the limit."

"Maybe the world inside my body has not exceeded its limit. With the blessing of Tao Wu's eighteen gods and demons, my original nucleus has become more abnormal."

"If Luo Feng's breakthrough is extremely difficult, then my breakthrough will be even more difficult. I guess I have to understand the origin of space or time."

"Of course, the stronger the proto-nucleus is, the stronger the foundation of the kingdom of God that will be transformed into the world inside the body will be after breaking through immortality."

The World Lord level owns the inner world, while the Immortal possesses the "Kingdom of God".

If the world inside the body and the Origin Pearl collapse, the powerful Realm Master will surely die.

After reaching the immortal level, once the Kingdom of God collapses, the immortal strongman will most likely fall directly.

Even if he survives by chance, his strength will be greatly reduced, and there will be no possibility of improvement in the future!

It can be said that the inner world and the Kingdom of God are the majority of a strong person’s life!

One step first, every step first!

The extreme difficulty of breakthrough also means higher profits. This is the fairness of the original operating laws of the universe.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, there is no hope of understanding space or the origin of time within a world lord-level lifespan of tens of millions of years.

But Wei Wen never lacked the confidence, courage, and most importantly, talent to challenge difficulties.

It may sound slow, but in fact, it takes less than half a day to break through the inner world.

After the golden-horned behemoth broke through, the void clone and the original body naturally broke through to the realm lord level!

The Void clone studied the Chaos Monument in Chaos City, and after breaking through to the World Lord level, he concentrated on studying the artistic conception within it.

The Chaos Monument is mysterious and unpredictable, and the consciousness of the void clone is immersed in the Chaos Monument.

Venerable Wei Wen's consciousness instantly entered the origin of the universe through the resonance of the power of the world.

The mysterious origin of the universe is the core of the entire original universe. No one knows how magical the origin is.

But everyone knows... Only in the Realm Lord level can consciousness enter the origin of the universe.

"The clarity is really high, the comprehension efficiency is high, it's really refreshing." Wei Wenzun and his clone have the same consciousness.

The void clone, the original body, and the golden-horned giant beast were sucked in by the endless origin of the universe. His thinking and consciousness sensed the laws of the origin more clearly than ever before.

Even the lower source fluctuations of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, etc., which I had no talent for before, can all be sensed at this moment.

Why is the clarity so high?

Because the origin of the laws of the universe is hidden in the mysterious origin of the universe!

When Wei Wen's consciousness arrived at the origin of the universe, he was extremely close to the state of the 'origin of the law'.

Because of the incomparable proximity...he could sense it most clearly.

Even the original laws of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, etc., which were not understood at all in the past, are now understood with even more clarity.

Of course - assuming the clarity of sensing wood, water, fire, etc. is 100, then the clarity of sensing the original laws of space and time is at least hundreds of millions.

"The speed of advancement to the realm master level is really fast. It is now a hundred times easier to understand the original law." Wei Wen showed a smile.

"Many geniuses cannot understand the laws at the universe level and domain lord level, but after becoming the world lord level, they can actually practice to the point of 'recognition of the original law'."

"Before, there were eighteen gods and demons from Tao Wu, but now I understand that the efficiency of the Chaos Monument in one day is even more efficient than the 18 years before I left Chaos City!"

(End of this chapter)

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