Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 202 The Surprised Original Ancestor

Chapter 202 The Surprised Original Ancestor

The origin of the universe is extremely mysterious. After Wei Wen reached the World Lord level and had the power of the world, his consciousness has been able to enter it.

The recognition of the origin of the laws of time and space caused Wei Wen's soul consciousness to undergo a slight transformation. At this moment, he felt a soul-shaking call.


Half of Wei Wen's consciousness quickly left the place of origin and was directly attracted by the special 'call'.


The black and white law ocean is boundless. This is the origin of the law of time and space, the origin of the "law of time and space" in the entire original universe.

The endless aura of the source of law permeated the entire ocean, and its powerful pressure far exceeded any strong person Wei Wen had ever seen.

Fortunately... Wei Wen has been recognized by the ocean of laws of time and space, otherwise he would definitely not be able to enter it.


The waves of the ocean of laws are turbulent and endless. Wei Wen's consciousness drifts with the sea, constantly exploring and understanding the laws of time and space.

Part of his consciousness is integrated in the place of origin, part of his consciousness is integrated in the ocean of laws of time and space, and the last part of his consciousness is observing and comprehending the Chaos Monument.

"I have been recognized by the original law of time and space, and now I can comprehend the 'law of time and space' faster."

Wei Wen looked at the Chaos Monument in front of him, and after a brief comparison of the efficiency, bursts of joy filled his heart.

He has been recognized as a representative of the original law of space and time... This means that he has reached a high level in law understanding, enough to break through the 20th floor of the Universe Tongtian Bridge!


virtual universe.

"When you reach this point, you should also look for the third clone, but there seems to be only one choice for the third clone." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

With a thought, Wei Wen was transported to the origin of the virtual universe.

"Teacher." Wei Wen walked up to a figure sitting cross-legged and saluted respectfully.

Yuanzu stood up and turned to look at Wei Wen.


Yuanzu's eyes suddenly lit up and he looked at Wei Wen carefully.

They are in a virtual universe, and their bodies are virtual. Normally, if they want to observe, they can only observe consciousness.

The pressure of consciousness is clearly felt. What's more, as the controller of the virtual universe, how strong is the original ancestor's insight into the virtual universe?

"Your consciousness of will was already very strong, but now it has become even stronger." The original ancestor was extremely shocked, "And you have actually been recognized by the original law of time and space?"

"And it's a very high level of recognition. Based on the original laws of space alone, you can already teleport."

There are also differences in the recognition of the original law. For example, the ordinary 'Golden Law' only forms a golden sword mark between the eyebrows.

At this moment, Wei Wen's eyebrows have a space-time dimension mark, which is definitely the highest level of recognition of the original law.

Wei Wen was just slightly stunned, and then suddenly realized that it was normal for the original ancestor to know that he was recognized by the original law of time and space.

Now Wei Wen can teleport. When he teleports, he can have a strong connection with the origin of the universe and be recognized by the law of the origin of space.

Secondly, there are marks on Wei Wen's eyebrows. After connecting to the virtual universe, the system will automatically detect it and it will naturally be known.

It's just that Wei Wen's growth rate was too fast and once again exceeded his expectations.

According to his idea, even if Wei Wen breaks through to the World Lord level and his comprehension efficiency skyrockets again, he shouldn't be recognized by the original laws of time and space so quickly.

At the very least, it must take more than 10 times the time. But if you think about it carefully, Wei Wen himself is very mysterious. At least the original ancestor felt that Wei Wen's 'potential' was constantly soaring more than once.

Although he didn't know what opportunities Wei Wen would get, once he calmed down, it would be a good thing for Wei Wen to improve quickly anyway.

"Your understanding of the laws of time and space should be on the 20th floor of Tongtian Bridge. Do you have any plans to break through immortality?" the original ancestor continued.

"No, I haven't fully understood the lower origin law. Secondly, I don't plan to break through immortality so soon." Wei Wen said respectfully.

"At the very least, you have to understand the complete space, or the original laws of time, or even the original laws of time and space. It will not be too late to break through to immortality."

"And I feel like it won't be long."

Wei Wen was recognized by the original law of time and space in a very short period of time, and it was not difficult to break through the Master of the Universe and the Lord of the Universe.

If Wei Wen previously estimated that he would break through in about ten thousand years, but now... with the addition of the eighteen gods and demons of Tao Wu and the source of chaos beyond the limit, this time will be even shorter.

"That's true. You really don't need to rush to break through immortality." The original ancestor glanced at Wei Wen approvingly.

"Your progress is really fast. If you were just a little taller than me before, you are probably far behind me now."

"What are your plans next?"

"I plan to go out and have a try." Wei Wen said after a moment of silence.

"Well, according to the rules of the world lord level, you should indeed go out and have a try." The original ancestor nodded, "Of course, it's okay if you don't want to."

"The next bottleneck of the original law of time and space will not be so easy to break through. It may take an instant, or it may take a long time." Wei Wen said with emotion.

If the complete original law of space and time is 1, then Wei Wen has now reached 0.9999 of the original law of space and time...

Maybe with just a little inspiration, Wei Wen can break through.

But with this little bit of inspiration, it’s not impossible to just rely on closed doors, but there is actually a faster way.

Secondly, the reason why Wei Wen wanted to venture out was also to plan a third clone.

After all, he may have the opportunity to give birth to a third clone because of his understanding of space or the origin of time, and if he breaks through the Universe Master for no reason, he also feels regretful.

Because for the third clone, he has chosen the Youhai clone, and the innate secret method of 'Creation' of the Youhai clone is the most suitable for understanding the path of divine power.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Wei Wen to give up the Youhai clone, and the Ancestral God Sect is imperative.

"Where are you going first? The secret realm of the universe? The battlefield outside the territory?" the original ancestor said after a moment of silence.

According to the rules of the Virtual Universe Company, world lords must take life-and-death adventures.

There are roughly two ways of training in life and death, one is the 'extraterritorial battlefield' and the other is the 'secret realm of the universe'.

Both of these places are very dangerous. For example, in the battlefield outside the territory, it is a war between the four peak tribes, and there are not only four peak tribes in the battlefield.

There are countless alien immortals lurking inside. Maybe Wei Wen has a very high level of enlightenment, but Wei Wen is only at the realm lord level.

Even if his life gene level reaches 1800 times, he will have 1800 times the power of the world lord after reaching the peak of the world lord level.

But any strong person at the peak of the title of King has a divine body that is 10 times the power of the Realm Lord. In a real fight, Wei Wen's strength is at a disadvantage.

As for those secret realms in the universe, the dangers are no worse than those on battlefields outside the territory.

For example, 'Kedi' fell into a cosmic secret realm, and some dangerous cosmic secret realms, but even the cosmic venerable level will fall!

(End of this chapter)

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