Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 203: Ancestral God Religion, Several Treasures

Chapter 203: Ancestral God Religion, Several Treasures

"I plan to go to the Mysterious Ancestral Realm of the Ancestral God Sect. I heard there are many geniuses there." Wei Wen said with a smile.

For example, the secret realm that Lord Nine Swords and Candli went to before made them both extremely afraid.

And this secret realm is not the most dangerous secret realm in the original universe. The most dangerous secret realm is the Ancestral Mystery Realm of the Ancestral God Sect, bar none!

Even if the Lord of the Universe enters it, he may fall.

"The mysterious realm of the ancestors?" The original ancestor suddenly frowned.

The relationship between the human race and the Ancestral God Religion is very general, and there is even a lot of conflict. Otherwise, the strong people in the human race who practice the way of the 'Beast God' would not choose to hide their identities.

As for why the relationship is like this, it has a lot to do with the original ancestor.

For example, the spokesperson of the original will of the original universe is the Ancestral God Sect, and the original ancestor once provoked the original will and even planned to seize the original will.

If Wei Wen enters the ancestral mysterious realm, I wonder if anything will happen.

"There are alien geniuses lurking there, and you are now my direct disciple, and you have long been known as the most talented person in the human race." The original ancestor continued.

"Countless powerful aliens have long wanted to kill you. Once you arrive at the Ancestral God Cult..."

"Even if there is no reason for the original will of the original universe to attack you, I'm afraid there will be aliens targeting you..."

"And a strong person who can enter the Ancestral God Religion will at least be crowned a king, and not just an ordinary king."

The original ancestor was not wrong. For example, Luo Feng's teacher, King Zhenyan, was the invincible king.

But if it weren't for Luo Feng, he wouldn't have had the chance to enter the Ancestral God Sect!

"It doesn't matter, I'm just going to hide my identity and take a look." Wei Wen said with a smile, "Besides, the teacher should also know that I have the ability to clone, so I won't die so easily."

"Okay, then I'll give you a Beast God inheritance order." The original ancestor nodded.

"In addition, I asked Chaos to find some treasures for protection in the human race's treasure house, especially soul treasures, so that you will be safer in the Ancestral God Religion."

"Even if your clone does die due to an accident, as long as it is not controlled by the soul, it will be fine."

With the powerful soul treasure, with Wei Wen's consciousness and will, even the strongest person in the universe cannot control Wei Wen's soul.

Of course, with the strength of the strongest man in the universe, Wei Wen could be directly defeated, but this would only result in the loss of some treasures.

Compared with the value of Wei Wen itself, these treasures are not worth mentioning in the eyes of the original ancestor.

"Thank you, teacher." Wei Wen's eyes suddenly lit up.

This is a treasure, but Wei Wen doesn’t even have one!

As for feedback, Wei Wen probably won't be able to use the pinnacle treasure, let alone the most powerful treasure.

Like the Tribulation Armor, Luo Feng couldn't even drive the first level at the World Lord level. As for the most powerful treasure, it would at least require the will of the strongest person in the universe to refine it.

This is just refining, it is even more difficult to drive it.

Therefore, if it is operated through the system, Wei Wen has no such plan for the time being.

"With the treasure, you must not be proud or careless. Once an accident occurs, you may die." The original ancestor said with a serious face.

"Like the master of the universe who controls a space and time, he can indeed reverse time and space!"

"Even if you do die due to an accident, it is indeed possible to reverse time and space and return to the timeline when you were not dead to resurrect you."

"The human race does not lack the master of the universe, but reversing time and space to resurrect the dead also has limitations and flaws."

"If you are controlled by the soul, you cannot be resurrected. Even if you are not controlled by the soul, you will still have defects after being resurrected."

"For example, the opportunity you once received cannot accompany your resurrection." "I can't explain the specific limitations and flaws of reversing time and space resurrection at the moment, and I don't fully understand the rules of resurrection."

"In short, it does not mean that if you die, the Lord of the Universe will be sure to resurrect you. Even if you are resurrected, you may lose a lot of opportunities."

"It is very likely that your speed of comprehending the original law will be greatly reduced by then!"

"Understood." Wei Wen nodded.

Regarding the shortcomings and limitations of resurrection, Wei Wen was not ignorant, and was indeed very afraid.

But if he wanted to make Wei Wen truly fall, Wei Wen just wanted to say...thinking too much!

"Remember!" the original ancestor solemnly said, "the most important thing is that you must not be controlled by the soul invasion."

"As long as you become a soul slave, there will be nothing you can do."

"The purpose of giving you soul treasures and other treasures is not to enhance your combat power, but to make it easier for you to save your life."

"If you really encounter an opponent you can't compete with, just make sure you are not enslaved by your soul. You can just self-destruct. If you lose the treasure, you will lose it. It's no big deal."

"In short, life-saving means come first. With the strongest life-saving means, other strong people will not dare to provoke you."

"And don't think that you are absolutely safe at any time, because even at my level, I don't dare to say such things."

"Disciple, please remember." Wei Wen said respectfully.

"Go!" The original ancestor waved his hand, "Go to the Ancestral God Religion to make a living. Of course, meet your senior brother Chaos before you go. He will give you the treasure and the inheritance order of the Beast God!"


In the vast Chaos Ruins, the Lord of Chaos City sat cross-legged.

Only when Wei Wen approached did Chaos City Lord open his eyes.

"Senior brother." Wei Wen's voice sounded.

"Teacher has already told me about your matter. These are some treasures and inheritance orders of the Beast God." The Lord of Chaos City waved his hand, and a stream of light flew towards Wei Wen.

Wei Wen reached out and took it and found that it was a world ring.

After Wei Wen briefly refined it, he found that there were many treasures in it, as well as the inheritance order of the beast god.

The most important one is a treasure that looks like a triangular prism crystal. It looks like amethyst. The whole crystal has a strange soul power.

"The most important of them is the superior treasure among the high-level soul treasures, which is called 'Afterimage'." The Lord of Chaos City explained simply.

"Yu Xiang?" He was stunned for a moment.

He had indeed heard of this treasure.

Moreover, Wei Wen has very high authority. After a simple search in the virtual universe, he found that in the soul treasure column, the redemption of 'Remaining Image' requires 620 treasure points!

This level of treasure is more valuable than most top-level treasure weapons. After all, the price of ordinary peak treasures is only hundreds or thousands of treasure points.

After all, ordinary top-level treasure swords and other weapons can usually be obtained with 80 treasure points.

But high-level soul treasures require at least two to three hundred treasure points... Yuxiang is the best among them, requiring a full 620 treasure points.

Of course, if it is a 'peak soul treasure', its value will be even higher... Qianbaohe, which is completely comparable to the Lord of Chaos City, generally requires thousands of treasure points.

"Your will and consciousness are very strong. Although I don't know why, it seems to be close to the level of the Lord of the Universe." The Lord of Chaos City said with emotion.

"With this precious treasure to protect you, even if you meet the strongest person in the universe, at least you will not be controlled by your soul."

(End of this chapter)

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