Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 206 Meet the Lord of the Nine Netherworlds of the Ancestral Gods

Chapter 206 Meeting the Lord of the Ancestral God Jiuyou

"The new inheritor of the beast god? Come in." A gentle voice came from the ancestral temple.

Wei Wen was silent for a moment, then stepped into the palace and saw three huge thrones above.

"Are the three ancestor gods here?" Wei Wen couldn't help but be stunned.

"Should I call you Void King? Or Wei Wen?" the white-haired Ancestral God said.

The original book also mentioned that the Lord of the Universe can see through the soul disguise of soul-like treasures at a glance. For example, the Lord of Sirius discovered that Luo Feng is the World Lord.

Geniuses in the human race and world lord level can easily obtain the Beast God inheritance order, which also made the Ancestral God Sect instantly guess Wei Wen's identity.

"Anything is fine!" Wei Wen said casually.

"Then let's call you... King of the Void. We also know a little bit about your talent. It's not a problem to grow to the level of the original ancestor in the future." The white-haired ancestor god continued.

"It's just probably haven't practiced the way of the beast god. Of course, no matter what your purpose is, we don't intend to turn against you."

"Our Ancestral God Religion has always been generous to geniuses, and we can directly give you a treasure."

Although the Ancestral God Sect does not strive for hegemony, it will also attract some peerless geniuses. Giving away treasures is the main method used by the Ancestral God Sect to invest in future strong men.

Special beings such as the Barking Mirror King, the Insect Chaser King, and the future Luo Feng will give some treasures to win over them.

With Wei Wen's talent, it was normal for the Ancestral God Sect to directly send a treasure to befriend Wei Wen.


A hazy golden light suddenly appeared in the air in front of Wei Wen. The golden light dissipated, and a simple piece of armor appeared in it.

Judging from the appearance of the treasure, it is obviously a defensive armor. If the ancestor god personally took action, it must be at least a high-level treasure, right?

But Wei Wen really doesn't lack the most precious armor. As long as he wants it, the human race will definitely give it to him if it's more valuable than this one!

Therefore, Wei Wen was not very excited about the treasure taught by the ancestor god.

"Thank you, Goddess Ancestor." Wei Wen said casually.

"The Ancestral God knows my identity, and he must also know that the human race attaches great importance to me. I have no shortage of treasures. Can I exchange this treasure for something I want?"

"Oh?" The white-haired ancestor god was stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his lips, "You don't even look at this treasured armor? Do you want to exchange it for something else?"

"Thank you God Ancestor for your kindness." Wei Wen said with a smile, "But the treasure I need is related to my future. No matter how good this treasure armor is, it is of little use to me."

"That's true. Judging from the importance that the human race attaches to you, you are definitely not short of treasures. So what do you want?" the white-haired ancestor god continued.

"I..." Wei Wen was silent for a moment.

"As far as I know, the 'Manzhi Divine General' of the Ancestral God Sect once asked for a branch from the World Tree to plant in the Kingdom of God and turn it into a 'Tree of Life'. I also want some."

Wei Wenwen originally wanted to ask for the World Lord-level Nether Sea water directly, but in fact, outsiders didn't even know there was such a thing...

"You must have the secret method of 'clone' and want to use it to give birth to a clone." The white-haired ancestor god seemed to understand something.

"Those special life world trees belong to the Lord of Jiuyou, the guardian beast god. I will inform the Lord of Jiuyou later to see if he is willing."

"Presumably the Lord of Nine Netherworlds will agree. After all, he has a good relationship with your 'teacher' Chaos City Lord..."

The Lord of the Nine Nethers is extremely powerful and can be said to be on par with the three great ancestor gods.

As for the Lord of Nine Netherworld and the Lord of Chaos City, the original book did mention that they have a very good relationship, and the Lord of Nine Netherworld still owes the Lord of Chaos City a favor.

"Thank you." Wei Wen said gratefully. "Although the value of the branches of the world is high, it is far less than this treasure armor. You should hold the treasure first, and go back and wait for the results with peace of mind."

Wei Wen nodded, and the Ancestral God waved his hand, moving him directly out of the Ancestral God Palace.

Wei Wen casually put the treasure armor into the world ring, and randomly separated out a clone of Tao Wu and the Eighteen Gods and Demons to study this newly acquired treasure first.

Ancestral God Sect, outside the palace of the owner of Bauhinia Island, Wei Wen was sitting cross-legged in front of the main hall, and he was not in a hurry.

According to his understanding, the island owner of Bauhinia Island is taken turns by more than a dozen guardian beast gods, and it seems that he is not the owner of Jiuyou now.

Of course, with the transcendent strength of the Lord of their universe, they will definitely not stay here all the time, and the Lord of Nine Netherworlds seems to be able to condense the Nether Sea Avatar at will.

While waiting, Wei Wen studied the treasured armor given to him by the ancestor god.

After simple refining, it was discovered that it was a top-grade high-grade treasure armor, which happened to be stuck at the level that Wei Wen could refine.

Moreover, after refining the treasure, Wei Wen also learned a lot of information related to the treasure.

"No wonder the ancestral god would specially give me this precious armor." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

Normally speaking, generally driving the treasure requires a strong understanding of the original law. Without enough understanding, it cannot be driven.

But some special treasures, such as the robbery armor refined by Sitting Mountain Guest, as well as the emperor's armor, king's armor, general's armor, etc., bred from the robbery armor, do not require enough understanding.

This treasure armor is similar to the Tribulation Armor. It only requires the genetic level of the user, that is, the stronger the power, the stronger the power.

Before Wei Wen studied for too long, he felt an extremely domineering aura suddenly enveloped the entire palace, and at the same time the palace door opened.

"Come in." A deep voice came from the main hall.

Wei Wen stepped out, and after entering, he found a figure appearing on the throne at the top.

"Inheritor... King of the Void, from now on you are one of the inheritors of Bauhinia Island." The voice of the Lord of Nine Nethers sounded.

"As an inheritor, you have the authority to enter the virtual world 'Glory World'. This is a supporting consciousness sensor that can be entered at any time in the mysterious territory of the ancestors."

The Lord of Nine Nethers waved his hand, and a device similar to an auxiliary optical brain appeared.

"Although the scope and functions of the Glory World are not as good as the virtual universe of your human race, some functions are similar. You can easily study and understand the specific functions after entering it."

"In addition, you also have permission to enter the 'Land of Heritage', 'Land of Treasures', and 'Land of Secrets'. The water curtain outside the palace is the transmission channel for these three areas."

"The water curtain on the far left leads to the land of inheritance, the water curtain on the far right leads to the land of secrets, and the water curtain in the middle leads to the land of treasures."

"There are many treasures in the treasure land, and there are treasures left by the super powerful beast gods, guardian beast gods, god generals and other ancestors of the Ancestral God Cult."

"Although each treasure has many tests, restrictions, and requirements, with your potential, you can easily meet the standards."

"The Place of Inheritance is as its name suggests. Needless to say, you human race must have relevant information."

"And the Ancestral Mystic Realm is the most mysterious secret realm in the universe, where the most special beings live, such as the World Tree material you want."

The Lord of Nine Nethers waved his hand, and a World Lord-level branch appeared in front of Wei Wen.

Although the branches of the world's branches have been broken, there is still a lot of vitality in them. The branches like emerald leaves firmly attracted Wei Wen's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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