Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 207 Transaction, the third clone becomes

Chapter 207 Transaction, the third clone becomes

With the branch of the world given to him by the Lord of Nine Netherworlds, Wei Wen was able to cultivate a tree of life.

When the tree of life is planted in the kingdom of God, the stability and strength of his kingdom will soar significantly.

In fact, it is not that Wei Wen has never thought about nurturing a World Tree clone, because the World Tree clone also has many advantages, such as the secret method of controlling time and space, etc.

But if you think about it carefully, Wei Wen has long been talented in the original laws of time and space, and it is easy to become the master of the universe.

When he becomes the Lord of the Universe, he doesn't want to follow the path of law, but the path of divine power, so Youhai's innate secret method creation is the most important to him.

"There are opportunities in the Mysterious Ancestral Realm, but they are inevitably accompanied by dangers. The more important the place, the more dangerous it is." The Lord of Nine Nethers reminded.

"If you want to enter it, you must be prepared to perish, because there are some places where even the Lord of the Universe dares not venture in."

"Understood." Wei Wen said with a solemn expression.

After Wei Wen got the World Branch, he was also thinking about how to get the Realm Lord-level Nether Sea from the Lord of Nine Netherworlds, but he couldn't think of any good explanation for a while.

If that doesn't work, then he can only go to Jiuyou Time and Space to try.

Even if something happened, presumably with the relationship and favor between the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Nine Nethers, nothing would happen.

"Oh, by the way, this is an 'Ancestral God Token'." The Lord of Nine Nethers seemed to have thought of something.

"If you are willing to accept it, from now on you will belong to the Jiuyou lineage of the peripheral organization of the Ancestral God Religion."

"A lineage of the Nine Nethers?" Wei Wen received the Ancestral Divine Order from the Lord of the Nine Nethers, and a sense of enlightenment arose in his heart.

The Ancestral God Cult is divided into formal members and peripheral members.

As a member of the pinnacle human race, Wei Wen naturally cannot become a formal member, and can only become a peripheral member at best.

The peripheral organization is the most powerful external organization of the Ancestral God Religion, and each of its branch creators is the Lord of the Universe.

A top branch like the Lord of the Nine Nethers even has several Universe Lord-level combat powers under his command, so even the Ancestral God must treat him politely.

"Actually... I want World Branches, and I also want to study a large number of world lord-level special beings. I wonder if the Lord of Nine Netherworlds can help me?" Wei Wen said in silence for a moment.

Except for the top group of powerful people in the human race, no one else knew that Wei Wen had the ability to clone.

Before Luo Feng's clone ability was exposed, he deliberately produced some world lord-level Nether Sea water in Jiuyou time and space, but the Lord of Jiuyou didn't think much about it.

Maybe the Lord of Nine Netherworlds didn't know Luo Feng's true purpose of creating this sea of ​​blood, or maybe he knew, but had other thoughts.

But no matter what, Luo Feng's original goal has been achieved!

"As long as you join the Jiuyou lineage, everything will be easy. I can give you some now." The Lord of Jiuyou said with a smile.

Now that Wei Wen said that he wanted to collect special life materials, the Lord of Nine Nethers did not doubt anything.

Moreover, Wei Wen's potential was very strong, which made him attach great importance to it. Some special life materials were given to him as soon as he was given them.

As long as he befriends Wei Wen now and waits for Wei Wen to grow up, he will make a lot of money!

The two people, who had their own concerns, reached a deal tacitly!


Deep in the Ancestral Mystery Realm, the Nine Nether Sea spreads out for 12 light years with no end in sight, making the entire Nine Nether space and time seem to be an endless ocean world.

In the deepest part of the Nine Nether Sea, a head completely condensed by seawater suddenly appeared, with all the facial features unusually clear.

"Hahaha..." The head laughed heartily.

"Last time, the special life 'Insect Chaser King' was taken away by other branches at great cost, but this time Wei Wen, who is even more evil, fell into my hands!"

"And I just produced some special life materials, and I was able to let the most evil monster in the original universe, the genius who surpassed the original ancestor, enter my Jiuyou lineage, and make a lot of money!" "It's not that I took the initiative to grab it, it was him who wanted to If he asks for branches of the World Tree and other special life materials from me, I will accept him into the lineage of Jiuyou."

"If those old guys knew that it was so easy to win over Wei Wen, I wonder what they would think?"

It has to be said that not only Wei Wen feels that he has made a lot of money, but also the Lord of Nine Nethers.


Wei Wen already has a fixed residence on Bauhinia Island. According to the coordinate mark left by Moyunteng, he can use the Kingdom of God as a transit to travel back and forth between the territory of the human race and the Ancestral God Religion in a short time.


The plant life Moyun Vine next to Wei Wen flashed with divine light, and a passage appeared around them.

Wei Wen and Moyundeng stepped into it and disappeared, having entered the divine kingdom of immortal Moyunteng.

"Hahaha..." As soon as Wei Wen entered the Kingdom of God, a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

"No matter whether the Lord of Nine Nethers really doesn't know or he pretends not to know, the fundamental thing is that my strength becomes stronger!"

"Now that the sea water of the Blood Sea has been obtained, we can now use it to breed the third clone."

"After giving birth to a clone, I can break through immortality and even become the Lord of the Universe and the Lord of the Universe."

With Wei Wen's current growth rate comparable to that of Chaos City in the past 1 years, it is indeed not difficult to become the Lord of the Universe and the Lord of the Universe.

The pronucleus of the golden-horned giant beast, the world inside the body.


Venerable Wei Wen and the golden-horned beast calmed down at this moment, looking at the basin-sized mass of blood in front of them.


Under the coercion of the 'power of the world' in the inner world, the sea of ​​blood rose into the sky in an instant and flew directly to the center of the inner world.

"The Secret Technique of Innate Talent - Clone, Breed!" Wei Wen thought, and his will controlled the entire inner world to start giving birth to the third clone.

With the last birth of a clone, Wei Wen's entire internal world began to tremble violently...

The endless power of the world began to rush towards the blood sea water at the core of the entire world, and the blood sea water instantly evaporated and dissipated like mist.

However, the most basic bit of life matter was wrapped by the endless power of the world and turned into a golden sphere.

When Luo Feng gave birth to the Youhai clone, he chose to swallow metal to promote the evolution of the 'inner world', which brought his inner world to a great extent.

At first, the diameter of his inner world was about 1 million kilometers, but Wei Wen's current inner world is 1 trillion kilometers!

Therefore, Wei Wen's efficiency in nurturing the third clone was naturally far superior to that of Luo Feng at that time.

It may take Luo Feng hundreds of years to conceive the third clone, but Wei Wen feels that he can successfully conceive it in just one day.

The birth of the clone has begun, and Wei Wen's consciousness is sensing everything all the time. In just a moment, all the living substances in the sea water of the Nether Sea have been analyzed.

The clone began to truly gestate, and the time was very short, so short was conceived successfully in just an instant.

"Hahaha...the third clone is done!" Lord Wei Wen laughed loudly.

"The third avatar is the future power bank that can have an endless source of divine power."

"Even if all my Tao Wu eighteen gods and demons and their incarnations die, they can easily consume the power of Youhai again to be born. This is the real immortality!"

(End of this chapter)

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