Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 208 Understand the complete origin law of space

Chapter 208 Understand the complete origin law of space


Cracks gradually appeared in the oval golden egg that was tens of thousands of kilometers high. Finally, the eggshell shattered instantly, and a figure nearly ten thousand kilometers tall appeared in mid-air.

"The third clone, Youhai's clone, is a life of flesh and blood, followed by 300 times the basic genes. If it is counted as Tao Wu's eighteen gods and demons, it is 5400 times the genes!"

Wei Wen's thoughts moved, and Youhai's clone began to practice Tao Wu's Eighteen Gods and Demons.

If he can practice the "Nine Tribulations Secret Code" again, then the Youhai clone will have perfect genes.

time flies.

"It's done!" Youhai's clone suddenly burst into laughter, "My life genes have evolved again under the cultivation of Tao Wu's eighteen gods and demons."

From this moment on, Wei Wenzun and his avatar have been determined, and the foundation has been completed!

"Study the Youhai clone more carefully." Wei Wen slowly calmed down after being surprised.

After a brief research, Wei Wen discovered that Youhai's clone possesses two innate secrets.

One, turn into the sea!

Two, create!

The first talent secret method 'Sea Transformation' means that the Youhai clone can turn into an ocean with a diameter of about 10 kilometers in an instant.

Of course, after Youhai's clone transformed into the sea, its size limit is far more than 10 kilometers.

For example, Luo Feng's perfect level Youhai clone has been upgraded to the realm lord level of 100 billion kilometers.

The second talent secret method is 'Creation'. With this 'creation' talent secret method, energy can be extracted, the genes of life can be analyzed and combined, and finally new life can be created.

If used well, this method can completely create a new ethnic group.

And because the new ethnic group is created, they will always surrender and respect their creator.

Of course, Wei Wen had almost no thoughts in this regard. The reason why he chose the Youhai clone was because he wanted to rely on this innate secret method to practice the path of divine power.

"Transform into the sea!"

With a thought, Youhai's clone instantly cast the first innate secret method.


The muscles, bones, skin, flesh, and blood of Youhai's clone melted instantly, turning into a surging sea of ​​blood in the blink of an eye.

The diameter of the blood sea was initially about 100,000 kilometers. The moment after it turned into the sea, Wei Wen's consciousness felt that the 'blood sea' had a vague control over the surrounding space and time.

In fact, Wei Wen also had the secret method of controlling the talent of time and space before. Obviously the Youhai clone also has a strong talent for the original law of time and space.

The second secret method is 'Creation'!

Wei Wen's consciousness was completely integrated with the sea of ​​blood, and he began to use the second secret method. He felt that he had entered a new realm, and the 'gene' of the sea water in the Nether Sea was quickly analyzed.

Creation can directly create life. After analyzing the genes of the Youhai clone, you can naturally create a new Youhai clone directly with energy.

"Create." Wei Wen had a thought.

"Hua Hua Hua~~~"

The power of the world around the blood sea surged, and a new Nether Sea clone was instantly born in the blood sea.


Wei Wen thought, and the new Nether Sea clone melted, turning into the endless Nether Sea water and blending into the previous Nether Sea.

"Create!" Another new Youhai clone appeared.

"Melt!" The Youhai clone melted and merged into the blood sea again.



As the clones of Youhai continued to be created and dissolved, the entire blood sea began to absorb energy naturally.

The clones that rivaled the energy of the former Nether Sea continued to deepen the blood sea's reserves. The volume of the blood sea began to expand rapidly, and the volume increased greatly!

In just one breath, the sea of ​​blood, which was originally about a hundred thousand kilometers in diameter, has now expanded in a large circle in all directions. Soon the diameter of the Nether Sea Blood Sea directly reached one million kilometers.

And as the range controlled by the Blood Sea increases, the power of controlling time and space becomes greater, causing the surrounding space to be more oppressed.


Time flies, and decades pass in the blink of an eye.

In the territory of the human race, in a remote and dark starry sky outside the Milky Way, Wei Wen sat in the void.

"Hua Hua..." The water of the Endless Sea rippled, and a figure in it opened his eyes.

"Teleport, strangle, blockade." Wei Wen muttered.

I saw wisps of secret patterns of law appearing in the sea water of Nether Sea, and three incomplete patterns of secret patterns appeared in the sky of Nether Sea.

Immediately afterwards, the three secret patterns began to merge, forming perfect nodes... A perfect secret pattern of space law appeared.

This is similar to the secret pattern of a strange beast in the seventh picture of "Cosmic Chaos Monument".

"The law of the origin of space has been established!" Wei Wen showed a smile, "It's just... I don't seem to be able to directly break through the Lord of the Universe?"

Is this what happened?

Wei Wen thought about it carefully, maybe he hadn't broken through immortality yet, and he didn't have an immortal body or divine power, so he couldn't directly break through to the Lord of the Universe.

Wei Wen was silent for a moment and took out a water and fire fruit.

To be honest, after practicing to Wei Wen's level, he never thought that he would break through immortality in this way.

"Although it is a bit shameful, the clone and the original law of space have been completed, and it is time to try to break through to immortality." Wei Wen began to absorb and refine the water and fire fruit.

Wei Wen smiled after just refining one, and a feeling of perfection of the original law of water filled his heart.

"Normally speaking, breaking through immortality requires a complete mastery of a lower law. I will use the law of the origin of water to break through immortality." Wei Wen said with a smile.

"The next step should be to break the shackles of the original nucleus first, and then communicate with the ocean of laws, so that the world lord-level body can undergo divine transformation and enter immortality."

"Boom!" An invisible connection instantly connected Wei Wen and the ocean of water laws at the origin of the universe.

In the ocean of water's origin law, the endless divine power law and breath are directly transmitted, and now everything is irreversible.

I saw a huge figure emerging from the inner world, revealing its ferocious head. It was the clone of the golden-horned giant beast.

As for the void clone, there is actually no need to come back when breaking through.

As for Wei Wen's true form and Youhai's clone, they have naturally been prepared at the same time.

The origin bead in the original core, after absorbing the divine power transmitted from the ocean of water law, instantly transformed and directly transformed into Wei Wen's appearance!

"Next, we only need to break the shackles of the original nucleus to directly break through immortality!" Wei Wen took a deep breath.

It is extremely difficult for some beings to break through to immortality, like the Zerg Mother Queen of the Zerg. Many of them have to be comparable to the King in terms of understanding of the law before they can finally break through!

Like some super powerful golden-horned behemoths, such as Luo Feng, who was shackled by his original core and had to reach a very high level of law understanding to break through...

As for Wei Wen, although his proto-core transformation is even more incredible, it is definitely easier for him to break the shackles from the inside than from the outside.

Because the pronucleus is attacked by the outside world, Wei Wenwen's source beads can be integrated into the pronucleus to actively resist.

But now his Origin Bead has 'rebellion' and plans to break through the shackles of the Original Core from within.

First, we need to use the Origin Bead to attack the original core, and in terms of consciousness, will, and will, Wei Wen also wants to break through it.

(End of this chapter)

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