Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 209 Breakthrough into Immortality, Surprised Chaos City Lord

Chapter 209 Breakthrough into Immortality, Surprised Chaos City Lord

As for the conditions for breakthrough... Wei Wen's law understanding has already comprehended the complete origin law of space, and has reached the level of the Universe Venerable!

As for his consciousness and will, it has surpassed most of the cosmic sages!

"With these preparations, I can directly break through the Master of the Universe. Now that I have just stepped into immortality, I can naturally break through him in one fell swoop." Wei Wen said with a smile.

"All space is destroyed!"

The terrifying phantom of the shattered space dimension appeared behind the golden-horned behemoth, and the Origin Bead blasted like a meteor toward the solid shell that bound the Origin Bead.


The entire inner wall of the proto-nucleus vibrated violently, and with a bang, the proto-nucleus turned into powder.

The moment Wei Wen broke through the shackles of the original nucleus, there was no longer the obstacle of the shackles of the original nucleus. Suddenly, the Origin Pearl began to completely connect with the endless "Ocean of Water Law" in the origin of the universe.

The law of the origin of water descended directly over the body of Wei Wen's Nether Sea and Blood Sea.

"Rumble~~~~" The endless divine power of water poured into the deep sea crazily.

The average realm lord-level powerhouse has just entered immortality and belongs to the ordinary immortal-level powerhouse, so it only requires a small amount of divine power to transform into a divine body.

Some extremely powerful realm masters are able to achieve immortality as soon as they step in, and they require much more divine power.

But ordinary human beings can become kings and become immortal, and they can form an immortal divine body with "a hundred thousand times the power of the world lord" after being pushed to death.

And Wei Wen's Youhai clone relied on Tao Wu's eighteen gods and demons, and the level of life genes reached an exaggerated 5400 times!

Therefore, the intensity of his divine power from the Nether Sea, Blood Sea, and Sea Water... has directly reached more than 5 million times the power of the Realm Lord!

It should be noted that the average Universe Lord, when he first breaks through, has only 1000 million times the power of the Realm Lord, which is less than one-fiftieth of the immortal Wei Wen!


The endless sea of ​​​​netherworld is already very large, and the divine power of endless water is poured into it. The divine power required for a divine body that is more than 5 million times the power of the world master is extremely amazing.

As for the original deity, the void clone, and the golden-horned giant beast clone, although they require less divine power, their divine bodies are more than those of ordinary cosmic lords!

For example, his void clone and the golden-horned giant beast clone are much larger than the powerful human beings, so the total amount of divine power is much greater than that of the average cosmic lord.


Chaos City.

Generally, there is very little movement when the world lord level enters immortality. Even if the original Zhenyan King enters the universe venerable, the movement is just average.

But... the movement of the void clone entering immortality was too great. After all, it was a special life, and its divine power was no less than that of the Lord of the Universe.

Coupled with the special life's divine body, it must be much larger than the ordinary Universe Venerable.

Therefore, his vision is thousands of times greater than that of ordinary immortals when they step into the Universe Venerable.

After all, in terms of quality, he surpasses the average Universe Venerable. In terms of volume, the average Universe Venerable's divine body is only a few meters tall.

Behemoths like the Golden Horn have divine bodies that are thousands of kilometers long, not to mention the void clones that are special beings, which are hundreds of millions of times more powerful than the human cosmic lord.

"what happened?"

"What happened to Chaos City?"

"With the advent of the law of the origin of water, is there anyone who can reach the level of immortality?"

"But even if ordinary people step into the Universe Master, they won't make such a big noise, right?"

"Yes, the Immortal Level Master who has stepped into the universe is far less powerful than one billionth of this power!"

Throughout Chaos City, some geniuses, immortals, and cosmic lords looked at the top of the Chaos Monument space in the distance in astonishment. They saw endless blue light directly covering the entire city lord's palace. This power was something they had never seen before in their lives, which shocked the sages of the universe.

In fact, in the entire Chaos City, those cosmic lords and immortal waiters have only seen the surface.

"Wei Wen, I didn't expect to step into immortality so just seems like it's not just as simple as stepping into immortality."

The Lord of Chaos City stood on the top of Chaos Ruins and looked at the sky above Chaos City. The law of the origin of water had completely enveloped the entire Chaos City.

The pressure is so strong... it's simply unbelievable. This has already exceeded the pressure displayed by a human immortal strongman who stepped into the universe.

And other powerful people may not be able to see the mystery, but the Chaos City Lord can vaguely see... The void of the universe seems to be overturned, and the endless ocean of laws seems to be dumping.

The Divine Power of Water, the seawater poured into the sky above the Void Clone. This was obviously an external manifestation of the Void Clone frantically absorbing endless divine power.

The Lord of Chaos City has such a broad vision. Naturally, he has long been able to tell that Wei Wen's clone hidden in the space of the Chaos Monument is a special life void clone.

The Lord of Chaos City also knows the Void Clone very well. It stands to reason that based on the life gene level of the Void Clone, the intensity of the divine sea water during the breakthrough should not be so great.

But the intensity of Wei Wen's void clone's divine power was much higher than he expected. This was an abnormal situation.

"It's not like the virtual universe has never recorded a special life, the Void Clan, entering immortality, but there has never been such a big movement. They are much worse than Wei Wen." The Lord of Chaos City focused his gaze.

"The bigger the breakthrough, the more terrifying the strength is. Could it be said that this Wei Wen is stronger than the recorded special beings in the void?"

"Or did he directly step into the Universe Master?"

The Lord of Chaos City did not believe that Wei Wen could directly step into the Master of the Universe, but he did not sense the existence of the ocean of space divine power and law in it.

The vision caused by the arrival of the original law of water in the universe clearly proved that Wei Wen was just breaking through immortality.

"In addition to his super talent and potential, Wei Wen also has a big secret." The Lord of Chaos City said with a smile.

"I'm afraid what he revealed to us before is just the tip of the iceberg."

"Of course, as long as there are intelligent beings, it is almost instinctive to hide their trump cards. It is a good thing for Wei Wen to do this."

"It's just that when Wei Wen steps into the Universe Venerable level, the movement must be more outrageous than many Universe Venerables stepping into the Master of the Universe?"

"After the rise of Wei Wen, we had already guessed that the human race would soon give birth to a super strong man who would shock hundreds of millions of races, but we didn't expect it to happen so quickly."

The Lord of Chaos City had a look of surprise on his face. Although he could not guess what fate Wei Wen had in store, the opportunities he knew about alone were not enough to cause such a big commotion.

After all, the normal special beings of the Void Clan only have 10 times the level of life genes. They can only be regarded as the most common kind among special beings. How could it cause such a big commotion.

But facts have proven that Wei Wen's void clone is indeed outrageous.

Obviously - there are factors and secrets that are hundreds or a thousand times stronger than those revealed by Wei Wen himself.

"My junior brother..." The Lord of Chaos City turned his head to look at the Chaos Monument space where Wei Wen was in the distance, and directly saw the void clone sitting cross-legged.

At this moment, the void clone was transforming the divine body, so naturally he could not restrain his aura. With the eyesight of the Lord of Chaos City, he easily made a judgment on the strength of Wei Wen's divine power.

"It's such a powerful aura of divine power. It's very wrong, but no matter what, it's a good thing." The Lord of Chaos City showed a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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