Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 211 Breakthrough to the Master of the Universe

Chapter 211 Breakthrough to the Master of the Universe

"When I break through to the Master of the Universe, I will probably have the capital to gain a foothold in the universe." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

Regarding the matter of breaking through to the Lord... Wei Wen did not intend to let more people know about it, but chose to break through quietly.

After all, it is indeed a bit incredible to continuously break through the Immortal Universe Master.

How to hide it... It's actually very simple, because the Breakthrough Universe Master will only choose the best to come, and there will be no strange phenomena around the void clone.

When ordinary people break through and become the Lord of the Universe, if there is no clone, then the original law of the universe will naturally descend directly on the Lord of the Universe, allowing the Lord who breaks through to swallow the divine power more effectively!

But if there are clones, like Wei Wen, there are many, then the origin of the universe descends on the clone with the "largest volume and the largest amount of divine power".

This is more conducive to the efficiency of devouring divine power and transforming divine bodies.

For example, Wei Wen's void clone was in Chaos City, but the moment he broke through to the Master of the Universe... the origin of the universe would only appear in the sky above the "Endless Sea of ​​Netherworld".

Because the Endless Nether Sea has the largest volume and the highest quality of divine power, its efficiency in absorbing and transforming divine power in a short period of time is hundreds of millions of times greater than that of other divine bodies.

The breakthroughs of the Lord of the Universe, the Lord of the Universe, and the Strongest Man in the Universe cannot absorb unlimited divine power like the Immortal level.

The so-called arrival of the best is obviously the best way to absorb and transform divine power.

"Teleport, strangle, blockade." Wei Wen muttered.

If he chooses to break through the Venerable, he only needs to choose to break through with the original law of space.

If he masters both the laws of time and space later, he can directly break through to the Lord of the Universe.

With a thought, Wei Wen once again activated the source of space, and divine power filled the air.


In the void, countless divine powers stirred up the secret space threads.

The pressure of the endless ocean of divine power from the origin of the universe directly descended on the body of the Nether Sea, and the ever-expanding endless Nether Sea was completely boiling...

The five laws of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are in perfect harmony, and a huge multicolored vortex appears in the sky above the endless sea.

The colorful vortex spread tens of billions of kilometers around, covering the entire deep sea in an instant.

And at the core of the vortex is a void space dimension, exuding the endless aura of the origin of space laws!

"Hua Hua Hua..."

Countless cosmic lord-level space divine power visible to the naked eye surged down from the void and merged directly into the endless sea of ​​​​netherworld.

"The law has been established, the source has descended, and stepped directly into the venerable one."

Generally, when the Immortal breaks through to the Master of the Universe... there will be a colorful whirlpool and an ocean of space origin descending.

But the general colorful vortex will be very small, only about a hundred kilometers in diameter.

There have been many special beings in the history of the universe who have become cosmic lords, perhaps even bigger ones, but the news of Wei Wen stepping into the venerable ranks now is earth-shattering.

His colorful vortex is so large that it has a diameter of billions of kilometers. This exaggerated breakthrough scene can also illustrate his incredible strength.

First of all, from the immortal level to the cosmic venerable level, the divine power of the divine body will reach a hundred times the previous level!

The breakthrough for ordinary people is from a divine body with 10 times the power of the world lord to 1000 million times the power of the world lord.

Wei Wen's life genes are at a very high level, and his natural divine power is more pure.

For example, the divine power of Youhai itself is 5400 times that of ordinary people, reaching an exaggerated 540 billion!

Taking into account the volume of Youhai...the total amount of divine bodies swallowed up can be imagined. The billions of cosmic sages are not as powerful as Wei Wen's Youhai body!

"Rumble~~" The sky above Youhai is like a galaxy hanging upside down. As the void channel with a diameter of billions of kilometers continuously pours in divine sea water, the divine body of Youhai below is also frantically absorbing and transforming.

Absorb and transform!

Absorb and transform!

Absorb, transform...

Wei Wen's body of the Endless Nether Sea is desperately absorbing the divine power poured into it by the Sea of ​​Laws, transforming it into its own Universe Lord-level divine power.

The time when the origin of the universe comes is very short, and how much divine power and divine body can be absorbed and transformed depends entirely on one's own ability.

Just a moment later, the ocean of divine power of the original law of the universe receded, the colorful whirlpool space passage also completely disappeared, and everything returned to its original state.

Above the turbulent Youhai body, Wei Wen's true form teleported.

During the crazy pouring process of the divine sea water just now, relying on the feedback of Youhai's original intention, his original self and the golden-horned giant beast clone went straight to the Lord of the Universe, and the intensity of his divine body and divine power instantly increased a hundred times.

"It's a pity that this time I broke through and entered the venerable world, the endless sea of ​​​​netherworld only converted about 50% of the divine power." Wei Wen shook his head helplessly.

But even if he has not been completely transformed, Wei Wen's total amount of divine body and divine power has far exceeded the total amount of converted divine bodies of other cosmic sages after their breakthrough.

In Wei Wen's endless sea, if he could control time and space, he could easily kill the top cosmic overlords.

"The breakthrough of the divine body, coupled with this exaggerated endless divine body, will also greatly improve my consciousness and will." Wei Wen showed a smile.

"My current consciousness and will should be close to the strongest in the universe."

"In just a short period of practice, I have broken through from an ordinary person to immortality, and from immortality to a cosmic lord."

"There must be assassinations from alien races, but they never thought that I would break through the Universe Master so quickly."

Of course, even if you are a Universe Venerable, your divine body is a hundred times more powerful than the Peak King.

However, most of the life genes of the Venerable Universe are very high, coupled with the master-level secrets of the universe, as well as the ability to master time, space, treasures, etc... it is enough for the ordinary Venerable Universe to be unable to fight back.

For example, in the original work, Luo Feng relied on his innate secret method, which is about the level of the fourth-level Master of the Universe, to kill thousands of venerables in one move.

Obviously, there is still a huge gap in strength between the Lord of the Universe and the Lord of the Universe. Wei Wen must become the Lord of the Universe as soon as possible in order to stand on the top of the original universe.

Perhaps other Universe Lords would be unable to break through the Lord of the Universe after spending hundreds of millions of epochs, but this does not include Wei Wen.

In addition, after Wei Wen suddenly became the Lord of the Universe, the Kingdom of God began to undergo great changes.

The Kingdom of God is the foundation of the strong. As the strength of the strong continues to improve, the Kingdom of God will also rapidly transform.

For example, Wei Wen's divine kingdom reached its limit when he was at the realm lord level. Once he broke through immortality, his divine kingdom became larger than many cosmic lords.

But at this moment - Wei Wen has stepped from immortality to the Master of the Universe. His divine power has once again undergone a qualitative transformation, and the Kingdom of God has also undergone a huge transformation!

With a thought, Wei Wen can directly sense all spatial fluctuations in the surrounding thousands of light-years.

The Space Master has controlled the space and can teleport using the power of the space dimension.

If you are in the Kingdom of God, you can directly improve your strength!

"Boom..." The entire Kingdom of God is shaking, expanding and transforming. This process will probably last for several days.

And when the transformation of his divine kingdom is completed, even if the Lord of the Universe attacks his divine kingdom with all his strength, he may not be able to destroy it.

(End of this chapter)

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