Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 212 Ji Ning comes to visit and breaks through the world realm

Chapter 212 Ji Ning comes to visit and breaks through the world realm

"After breaking through the Lord of the Universe, the next step is to break through the Lord of the Universe. This won't take long." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

Wei Wen's talent for the law of origin of time is actually higher than that of space. According to Wei Wen's expectation, he will soon become the master of the universe.

After the breakthrough, he plans to take the divine power route instead of the law route, and is naturally more inclined to improve the level of life genes.

"If I remember correctly, there seems to be a related opportunity in the world of Wilderness." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

Improving the quality of divine power seems to be possible with the Chaos Restriction of the Three Realms. After all, it is the Yuanli method of combining three powers into one.

The power of blue and white condensed by the three powers into one, the power level is a thousand times more powerful than the same level of divine power!

Even if the Master of the Universe has 100 times the basic 1000 times the genes, that is still an exaggerated 10 times the genes!

As for the level of the method... this is a method created by the Supreme, and the so-called Supreme, who can give rise to ten thousand ways in one way, is definitely no worse than the King of Gods.

Just like the Secret Code of Nine Tribulations created by the God King Sitting on the Mountain can improve genes, then the three forces combined method created by the Supreme One can even increase genes by 10 times!

Of course, in different worlds, the secret methods and methods cannot be exactly the same, and this needs to be adjusted slowly.

But if after breaking through the Lord of the Universe, he happened to study the ninth level of the three-power chaos restriction, it would be more helpful for him to improve his divine power route.


The wild world.

"The realm of time and space." Ji Ning looked at the newly opened world in the distance and nodded slightly, "This is it."

"Father, is this your senior's home?" A small head popped up from Ji Ning's back, curiously looking at the big world in the distance that looked like a ball.

The newborn Ji Mingyue twisted restlessly and looked around. She didn't calm down until she met Yu Wei's eyes.

"Yes." Ji Ning nodded, "Don't be naughty when you go to senior's house later."

"Well, I'm the best behaved." Ji Mingyue suddenly became more honest as her mother Yu Wei stared at her.

In her heart, Ji Ning is the best and she does everything by herself.

It's just that Yu Wei is kind to her, but as long as she disobeys, she will be whipped immediately, so she doesn't dare to be naughty under Yu Wei's gaze.


Suddenly the ground around him trembled, and the power of chaos surged crazily.

"The power of chaos seems to be very turbulent." Although the distance was not close, the two of them still felt it.

"Is it the senior who is breaking through to the world realm? Or is it the Chaos Immortal? Or are they both breaking through at the same time?"

Ji Ning had obtained the world realm stone tablet prison space in advance a few years ago and had a better understanding of the realm of cultivation.

Outside the big world, Wei Wen's movement in the chaotic space is indeed much greater.

Even in the high altitudes of some big worlds in the Three Realms, huge chaotic whirlpools appeared at this moment. Just looking at it with the naked eye, even the powerful Tao Ancestor was frightened.

"What an exaggerated movement." Patriarch Bodhi was shocked.

With Wei Wen's time and space method in recent years, his understanding of the origin of time and space has made great progress, but he still has not been able to set foot on the sixth level of origin power.

After all, it took even a monster like Ji Ning a long time to break through to the World Realm.

Wei Wen sat cross-legged in the chaotic space, and the endless raging power of chaos was surrounding his divine body and pouring into his body.


The Jindan space was originally peaceful. There used to be a sea of ​​mana, as well as continents and islands, but now everything is being shattered and returning to chaos.

"Seed of time and space!" A unique seed appeared out of thin air.

"Wow~~~" After Wei Wen's breakthrough, the seed surrounded by time and space began to grow rapidly.

Finally, it gradually began to break open, as if a sapling had broken out of its shell, and soon grew into a small sapling.

The saplings were growing rapidly again, and a large number of roots began to spread crazily in all directions.

All Wei Wen's insights about the way of time and space have been nourished, allowing this big tree representing the 'way of time and space' to continue to grow.


Wei Wen's Tao tree grew rapidly, reaching ten feet, one hundred feet, one thousand feet, ten thousand feet, thirty thousand feet high...

The 36,000-foot Dao tree is the level of the world realm.

At least in the world realm, the limit of the Tao tree is thirty-six thousand feet, and the highest level of the Tao tree in any world realm is only this level.

Unless there is another huge breakthrough, finding your own Tao and breaking the limit, the Tao tree will become stronger and taller, but that is already the realm of the Tao Lord of Life and Death.

The Dao Lords of Life and Death have different ways and different strengths, but the weakest Dao Lord of Life and Death is probably comparable to the strongest person in the universe who swallows the starry sky world.

The ultimate swordsmanship practiced by Ji Ning is estimated to be comparable to the source of the original laws of time and space in the world of the Wild Era. This is a state that can only be achieved by the Eternal True God.

Of course, all of this is just Wei Wen's guess. The specific situation is not very clear since he has not reached that level.

In short, in terms of the world realm and the Chaos Immortal, the Tao tree represents the level of Tao that a practitioner has realized.

Of course, Wei Wen's golden elixir chaotic space can also grow other 'Tao trees' such as the way of water, the way of sword, etc...

But it is obvious that the realm of other Tao is not enough. It is far from reaching the world level. At most, it only forms Tao seeds, which cannot take root, sprout and grow at all.

"Boom boom boom~~~~"

Wei Wen's entire chaotic space began to expand crazily, constantly absorbing the power of chaos from the outside world.

At this time, there is no difference whether it is a first-class golden elixir, a second-class golden elixir, or a third-class golden elixir. Because he breaks through and becomes a Chaos Immortal, everything returns to chaos.

The size of the chaotic space does not depend on the previous level of the golden elixir, but on the level of the Tao tree, which is the level of Tao perception.

The higher the Tao tree, the larger the chaotic space.

Of course, Wei Wen's golden elixir space is essentially the integration of the eighteen chaotic immortal golden elixir spaces into one, so the vastness of the chaotic space will be stronger than that of the Chaos Immortal Tongsen.

The Chaos Immortal Power and World Realm Divine Power formed will also be more pure, and it can be regarded as a half-step master.

If it is the Thousand Body Sacred Scripture, once a thousand clones are fused, the strength improvement will be even more exaggerated.

For example, Qian Xingzi, who has practiced the "Thousand Body Sacred Code", in terms of the strength of his divine body alone, can rival the newly broken-through One-Step Life and Death Dao Lord in the World Realm!

"The Qi Refining Flow has broken through, and the God and Demon Flow should also break through to the World Realm." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

Wei Wen's realm was high enough, and he could easily sense that every part of his divine body was longing for divine power to transform.

Wei Wen's level of divine power has jumped again, which is a transformation of the level of life.


Wei Wen's whole body of divine power suddenly dispersed, and tens of thousands of crystals were condensed in an instant. They were the crystals condensed by the divine power of the World Realm - divine crystals!

The Tao Tree is the core of the Chaos Immortal's Tao, and the Divine Crystal is the core of the World God's Tao.

Of course, if you practice both gods, demons, and Qi refining, you will have the core of both ways.

(End of this chapter)

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