Chapter 213 Shocked Ji Ning

After Wei Wen broke through the world realm and became a Chaos Immortal, a smile appeared on his face.

"This feeling..." Wei Wen just clenched his fist lightly.


The power that Wei Wen has in his fingers can easily crush a chaotic star.

Chaos stars like the Three Realms can be destroyed with one strike!

After all, Wei Wen's divine body and immortal power are comparable to Half-Way Lord, and his perception is the perfection of the world!

When Ji Ning saw Wei Wen, Wei Wen in front of him could not feel any powerful aura at all.

But it was precisely because of this that he lamented the horror of the World Realm and the Chaos Immortal.

"If senior takes action, he can definitely easily conquer the ancestral gods and ancestral immortals in the prison of the world realm, and can also end the war between the Three Realms and the Wujian Sect." Ji Ning couldn't help but secretly thought.

Unfortunately, Ji Ning could also see that Wei Wen didn't care much about this kind of thing.

The reason for this is because Wei Wen understood that the war between the Three Realms and the Wujianmen camp was a battle of fate.

The three realms and the chaotic world of Wujianmen were actually transformed by the divine crystal after the death of the Supreme Being.

Therefore, the luck, feet, etc. of people in the Three Realms are far from comparable to the countless world realms, Tao Lords, and Emperors in the entire Flame Dragon Realm (Endless Territory).

The final battle of the fate battle will gather nearly all the fortunes of the two worlds, and the final winner will be Ji Ning.

Without the blessing of supreme luck, Ji Ning's growth would not have been so smooth.

If Wei Wen takes action... it's not impossible, but it will probably ruin his luck and ultimately affect his path to ultimate swordsmanship.

To be honest, even though Wei Wen thought he was extremely talented, he was probably not as talented as Ji Ning after the fate battle, so he was not sure of the ultimate path.

Since he can win the ultimate way, why should he shoot himself in the foot?


In the courtyard of the guest house, Wei Wen and Ji Ning were chatting, while Yu Wei was coaxing Xiao Mingyue to sleep.

Unknowingly, the two lovely people, one big and one small, fell asleep.

"Senior sister, why have you been as sleepy as when you were pregnant with Mingyue these days? Could it be..." Ji Ning shook his head slightly.

How could it be so easy for a fairy to give birth to a child? Besides, if his senior sister was really pregnant, how could he not sense it?

In a dream.

This is a vast grassland, and the figure of a girl in black appears out of thin air.

"Huh? How can I..." Yu Wei's expression suddenly changed, and she immediately understood that she was led here by a special secret method.

She glanced around and saw a woman in green robe walking towards her from a distance.

"Meet the envoy." Yu Wei said after a moment of silence.

Since awakening her past life memories, she has understood her past and present lives.

"Yu Wei." The green-robed woman smiled, "How did you complete the task assigned to you? Have you ever met Taoist Time and Space?"

"I saw it." Yu Wei responded, "I have entered the big world created by the time and space Taoist."

"Very good. After the Lord of the Inner Demon merged into the Heavenly Dao, he has discovered that he has previously broken through the Taoist Ancestors and Ancestral Gods. He is a great threat." The woman in green robe said with a solemn expression.

"Remember to observe carefully, the God King wants to know everything about him."

"No matter what he said or did to Ji Ning, everything must be written down and reported to me when he falls asleep once every three days." "Yes." Yu Wei felt relieved.

Fortunately, it was just an observation mission, so there was no need to worry about the risk of exposure.

She also hopes that this kind of observation mission can last longer. It is best to never have another mission, so that she can be with her junior brother and daughter for longer...

"Senior, can you tell me about the cultivation realm after the Ancestral Immortals and Ancestral Gods?"

Ji Ning's visit was rare, and Wei Wen happened to have broken through to the World Realm and became a Chaos Immortal, so he couldn't let this opportunity pass him by.

"Okay, today, I will give you a brief explanation!" Wei Wen explained simply.

"You now have the cultivation of a true immortal, and you should already know that above the true immortals and true gods are the ancestral immortals and ancestral gods."

"The strongest people in the Three Realms today, such as Sanqing Taoist, Heart Demon Old Man, Bodhi Patriarch, etc., they all only have the strength of the ancestral gods."

"This level of strength is barely enough to leave the chaotic world and venture into the chaotic space."

"But with such strength, in the endless chaotic universe outside the Three Realms, they can only be regarded as the most ordinary practitioners, and are not valued by the real strong ones at all!"

"What? These people can only be used as cannon fodder outside the Three Realms?" Not only was Ji Ning shocked, but his wife Yu Wei was also shocked.

Yu Wei is just an immortal. In her heart, the God King who controls her life and death is already the most powerful existence in the world.

As a result, according to this mysterious senior, the so-called God King can only be an ordinary cannon fodder. This information instantly overturned all her perceptions.

"Are you surprised?" Wei Wen said with a smile, "It's okay, I'll tell you about the division of cultivation realms in the future, and I'll tell you something even more surprising later!"

"Beyond the Ancestral Immortals and Ancestral Gods are the Chaos Immortals and the World Realm. Among the three realms, the realm that Pangu and Nuwa reached was called the World Realm."

"Of course this is a realm above the Ancestral God. For example, the realm above the Ancestral Immortal is called Chaos Immortal."

"It's just different schools and names, but they all belong to the same realm and have about the same combat effectiveness."

"When you reach this level, you have the ability to create a chaotic world in chaos. For example, the Three Realms were created by Pangu."

"And the World Realm is also a transitional stage in the chaotic universe. At this stage, one can already be regarded as a strong person and is truly qualified to travel and adventure in the endless chaos."

"The perfection of the world realm can be regarded as comprehending the complete Tao. If you want to go further, you must innovate and find your own way."

"The realm above the world realm is called the Tao Lord of Life and Death. The realm of the Tao Lord is divided into four steps. The fourth step of the Tao Lord will face the danger of joining the Tao."

"If the union is successful, you can become the eternal emperor and become a powerful man. From now on, there will be no limit to your lifespan."

"And if the combination fails, the body dies and the Tao disappears."

"World Realm, Dao Lord Realm, Eternal Emperor, are there any higher level experts above the Eternal Emperor?" Ji Ning asked doubtfully.

"Of course there is. Above the Eternal Emperor is the Supreme. It is unbelievable that such a powerful person can give rise to ten thousand ways. In a sense, he has understood all the ways."

"Why do I feel that with my little strength, I am not even an ant in the endless chaotic universe?" Ji Ning smiled bitterly.

"Don't be discouraged. You and I both started practicing from ants step by step, and what you lack now is just time."

"Your future achievements are limitless."

"Really?" Ji Ning looked surprised, "By the way, the senior said something before that surprised me even more. What was that?"

"Now I have to ask your wife Yu Wei if she wants to continue to hide it from you?" Wei Wen turned around and looked at Yu Wei beside Ji Ning.

(End of this chapter)

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