Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 214: Solving the God King, Ji Ning grows up

Chapter 214: Solving the God King, Ji Ning grows up

"Senior sister's secret?" Ji Ning looked at Yu Wei in surprise, "Senior sister, what secrets do you have? Are you not just a reincarnated immortal?"

"I" Yu Wei hesitated to speak, but didn't know how to speak.

"Forget it, at this point, I have no way out, so I won't hide anymore. In fact, I was an undercover agent of Wujianmen in my previous life!"

Yu Wei closed her eyes helplessly, her whole body trembling constantly, as if she couldn't face Ji Ning in front of her.

Because of Wei Wen's teaching, Ji Ning's second soul was actually trained into the 'Tao Wu Eighteen Gods and Demons' when he first became an immortal. In this way, he had seventeen more clones.

But similarly, he has not been disturbed by Karma Fire because of the Shaoyan clan, and he has not experienced the 'rebellion' death of Yu Wei in the original book.

This actually led to Ji Ning's growth going smoothly, and his mental state has not yet reached the fourth level.

"What?" Ji Ning looked confused, "Why is this happening?"

His senior sister, his wife, who had given birth to a daughter for him, turned out to be an undercover agent of the enemy?

"Okay, Ji Ning, don't press her anymore." Wei Wen's voice sounded.

"Seriously speaking, the God King actually has no kindness towards her. It is only because of the influence of the secret method that he becomes more grateful and even willing to die."

"What kind of kindness can make you ignore your Taoist companions and children in order to repay the kindness?" Ji Ning had a look of pain on his face at this moment.

"In fact, her soul has already been left with a forbidden mark by the God King, which will unknowingly affect her thinking and make her trust the God King even more."

Yu Wei didn't say much, she just kept crying in shame.

Just like Luo Feng's growth, it is not driven by this.

"So that's it!" Hearing Wei Wen's words, Ji Ning finally breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that the senior sister just couldn't help herself.

But now, there is actually the simplest way to solve the mystery of the soul, which is to directly kill the person who practices the secret of the soul.

"I'm sorry, the God-King in my previous life was kind to me, and I have to repay it in this life!" Yu Wei turned her head to the side in shame, unwilling to face Ji Ning's eyes.

But Wei Wen was instinctively disgusted with this approach.

After all, the dead Yu Wei can better stimulate Ji Ning's potential.

And as Wei Wen grows up, Wei Wen also has his own pride in his heart. Even without Ji Ning, he is confident that he may not be unable to achieve the ultimate path!

As for the problem of approaching Yu Wei now, maybe Wei Wen has no good solution because he has not done much research on the secret of the soul.

In fact, Ji Ning was really scared just now. He was afraid that his Taoist companion would be the kind of cold-blooded person who would do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, and would not even care about his Taoist companion and his daughter.

The Wujian Gate God King seems to have a high status, but his strength is very average. He has not reached the ancestral god level. For Wei Wen, he can be destroyed with a wave of his hand.

This shocking news was completely unacceptable to Ji Ning for a while.

"Senior, you are already in the World Realm. There must be a way to remove the secret technique from your soul, right?" Ji Ning looked at Wei Wen expectantly.

"This is easy." Wei Wen nodded.

There are many ways to grow, but using the death of relatives, friends, and family members to stimulate Ji Ning to improve his strength is not the best choice.

In fact, he could have chosen to sit back and not interfere in Ji Ning's growth.

Moreover, the God King dared to use Yu Wei's hand to plot against him before, so he already had a way to kill him.

Wei Wen waved his hand, and a stream of immortal power exploded.

The invisible immortal power instantly passed through the distance of space and reached the place where the God King of Wujian Gate is.

I saw where the Wujian Gate God King was... the dimensions of space began to twist and break. In the sky at that time, the King of Wujian Gate let out an angry howl, and his whole body of divine power and mana exploded, trying to break out of the distorted time and space.

But being crushed by the twisted and broken space-time dimension, he was unable to resist at all. He also shattered with the twisted space-time dimension, and then was completely annihilated.

After the death of the Wujian Gate God King, Yu Wei instantly felt that some of the shackles in her soul were shattered, and her whole body became much more relaxed.

That feeling of absolute freedom made her feel extremely comfortable.

"Jining, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have hid it from you..." Without the soul restriction of the Wujianmen God King, Yu Wei's gratitude to the God King disappeared instantly.

Moreover, the small kindness the God King showed her in his previous life has long been repaid.

Now, for her, it is far less important than Taoist companion Ji Ning and her daughter!

"Senior Sister, I can understand. Let's start over..." Looking at Senior Sister, whose face was still pale and full of anxiety, Ji Ning smiled and nodded.

"Okay!" Seeing Ji Ning's family of three hugging each other and crying bitterly, Wei Wen couldn't help but rub his forehead.

In addition to guiding Ji Ning in his cultivation, he also had to deal with his housework, which also made his head hurt and he felt a little uncomfortable.

"Hey, where is senior?"

When Ji Ning and the others came back to their senses, they looked around and found that Shi Wei Wen was nowhere to be found.

Ji Ning looked at where Wei Wen was before and fell into silence.

Too many things happened today, and I thought his strength was no longer weak.

But today he realized that he was still weak, like an insignificant mortal.

In front of the real strong man, he is so insignificant that he is not worth mentioning! "

Looking at the place where Wei Wen disappeared, Ji Ning's heart surged and agitated, and everything became empty, void, and misty.

The entire big world, countless creatures and spirits, are like extensions of Ji Ning's mental power. Ji Ning's mental power is constantly extending and expanding, and even the Three Realms are being extended.

"I am a humble mortal, but my heart is towards the sky." I don't know how long it took, but Ji Ning's mental strength became stable and capable.

"I didn't expect that the fourth level of mental power, the 'mundane' realm, would break through under such circumstances."

"Now in terms of combat power alone, although I am still in the realm of true immortals, compared to ordinary Taoist ancestors, I am no longer my opponent!"

Ji Ning's face showed joy because too many things happened today.

After his daughter was born, Wei Wen also explained to him the future realm of cultivation, which relieved his senior sister Yu Wei from a potential crisis, and he himself understood the fourth level of mental power.

This kind of surprise transformation gave him a feeling of luck, which was so fantastical that he couldn't believe it.


In the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, the top experts from the Infernal Sect camp gathered together.

The Lord of Ten Thousand Demons, the Demon Hand Dao Ancestor, the Black Bamboo Dao Ancestor, the Wind Demon Lord and other top ancestral gods, as well as the unexpected Old Man Yuan... are discussing the next plan.

"He didn't come to kill him?" Demon Hand Taoist said in surprise, "Time and Space Taoist is too mysterious. What is he planning?"

"I don't know." Mozhu Daozu took a deep breath, "But as a World Realm and Chaos Immortal, if he really wanted to kill us, we would have died long ago."

"It's just a disciple of the Lord of the Inner Demon. The little guy of the God King is dead..." Demon Hand Dao Ancestor frowned.

"If you die, you will die..." Old Man Yuan said quickly, "World Realm is not an existence we can provoke."

(End of this chapter)

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