Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 215: Chaos Restriction, Time and Space Talents Increase

Chapter 215: Chaos Restriction, Time and Space Talents Increase

Old Man Yuan is actually a person outside the Three Realms and the Infinite Sect. His original Taoist name is the Heart and Soul General, and he is a follower of a certain world-level strongman.

He has a second soul, no, it should be his true self. His true self is always around the World Realm, but he is very aware of the strong people in the World Realm.

In the World Realm, one strike is enough to destroy the existence of the Three Realms, and the power of Wei Wen's breakthrough is obviously extraordinary compared to the Ordinary World Realm.

Can't afford it!

Old Man Yuan sighed secretly in his heart, feeling helpless. In fact, he had reached an agreement with Wujianmen very early.

At first, he was swinging on both sides, but in order to win over him, the Wujian Sect gave him a lot of purple light puppets in addition to the Messenger of All Things.

But before the Great Xia War began, Wei Wen, the Taoist of Time and Space, was born, and he had to change his mind.

Because he had a general understanding of the background of both camps, when Wei Wen broke through the ancestral gods and ancestral immortals, he judged that the Wujian Sect would not last long in the battle for destiny.

If he doesn't help Wujianmen, there is a high probability that Wujianmen will lose in the final battle, and this is obviously inconsistent with his ultimate plan of losing both sides.

After all, as a troublemaker, if the competing snipe and clam cannot both lose, how can he easily benefit?

Even in a world like Wei Wen's, sensing the Chaos Restriction is like a mortal looking at the endless galaxy.

Every chaotic treasure contains inherent chaos restrictions.

Chaos Restriction is also irregular and has no end. If you want to successfully refine it, you must grasp the essence of Chaos Restriction.

The vast and mysterious dark golden divine pattern, which is as vast and mysterious as a heavenly book, is completely covered with the core of the chaotic treasure.

No matter when you look at it, the divine patterns are completely different from the past. This is the magic of Chaos Restriction!

Because Wei Wen's progress was so fast and astonishing that even he felt a terrible threat.


Sure enough, as he expected, Wei Wen easily broke through the world realm and became a Chaos Immortal. What a joke? !

"Fortunately, Wei Wen is not interested in the dispute over destiny in the Three Realms." Old Man Yuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It can continue to evolve and never end.

And because of the guidance of 'Tiandao', the fate battle between the Three Realms and the Infinite Sect has become a fire and water. There is no way to escape and can only continue to fight.

Just like the pi on the earth, it is an endless but irregular number.

But Wei Wen knew his details and couldn't possibly give him a chance.

And as Wei Wen broke through the ancestral gods and ancestral immortals early, relying on Tao Wu's eighteen gods and demons, and had a half-step world-level divine body and immortal body, Old Man Yuan had to give up this idea.

"Although King Wujianmen is the nominal leader, he does have a lot of resources. At least he has the Chaos Treasures I need." Wei Wen's eyes narrowed.

After Wei Wen killed King Wujian Gate God and collected all his treasures, he couldn't help but smile.

Of course, Old Man Yuan also thought about mind-controlling Wei Wen and obtaining the precious secret method of the origin of time and space...

Because of Wei Wen's appearance, Wujianmen did become more cautious, but it soon became apparent that Wei Wen was not very interested in the Three Realms.

Therefore, he agreed in advance to the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons and others, joined the Wujian Sect, and mixed into Nuwa's camp, which could be regarded as waiting for the opportunity.

After Wei Wen simply refined the Chaos Treasure, he immediately sensed everything in it.

Perhaps with Wei Wen's consciousness, he could clearly understand the infinite mysteries contained in each star, but he could not understand any of them thoroughly.

"It is indeed the supreme method of Chaos Restriction. It is truly mysterious and unpredictable." Wei Wen marveled.

Wei Wen had long known how mysterious and magical the Chaos Restriction was, but now that he understood it, he was only shocked and amazed.

The so-called Chaos Restriction is also called the Nine Restrictions. After Taoist Sanqing realized the Yin-Yang Way of Heaven, he encountered a great opportunity while traveling in chaos and discovered the so-called nine-fold chaos restriction.

However, Taoist Sanqing had only refined it to the seventh level of Chaos Restriction. Nuwa, who was at the world level, had been thinking about it for three years and had reached the eighth level.

But in fact, their talents and achievements in this area are still not as good as Ji Ning. After all, he can easily refine the ninth level of Chaos Restriction.

Wei Wen's talent in this area should not be bad. Secondly, he is at a higher level than Ji Ning when he understood the Chaos Restriction.

Wei Wen immediately stopped thinking and immersed himself in understanding the most basic and simple first level of Chaos Restriction.

At this time, Wei Wen's powerful mental power, divine power, and magic power came into play, and he began to devote himself to understanding the Chaos Restriction.

Wei Wen's mental power had already reached the fifth level, but he did it in one go, forcibly refining all the first three levels of Chaos Restriction.

Suddenly, the first level of the nine levels of chaos restrictions was flowing, like a tadpole, sometimes disappearing completely, sometimes appearing, all under Wei Wen's control.

Wei Wen opened his eyes, and there were faint divine patterns flowing in his eyes.

"The law of the origin of time turns out to be so simple."

Wei Wen could clearly feel that his understanding of the origin of time had improved by leaps and bounds.

First of all, refining Chaos Restriction can indeed increase the speed of understanding the original laws. Ji Ning is an example of this.

Secondly, after coming into contact with the extremely advanced supreme method of Chaos Restriction, the so-called original laws of time and space became relatively simple.


There is an existence in the endless distance, endless distance from Wei Wen.

But now it seems to transcend the scope of space and beyond the scope of time.

Wei Wen had never been able to sense this place before, but after he refined the third level of Chaos Restriction, he could faintly sense it with the help of his strong mental power.

"Time and space."


There was an endless turbulent aura of space-time dimensions, and even though there were endless obstacles, Wei Wen felt his heart tremble with just a brief glimpse of it.

At the same time, this breath also triggered Wei Wen's understanding of the original laws of time and space.

Similarly, when refining the third level of Chaos Restriction, the aura that each person can sense is also different.

Just like what Sanqing senses is fate, what Ji Ning senses is killing.

Because at that time he was filled with murderous intent and his mental strength was strong enough, he could faintly feel the killing.

What Wei Wen looked forward to most was the restriction of time and space and chaos, so he felt the origin of time and space in this chaotic universe.

"Getting closer to the origin, I guess it won't be long before I can fully control the origin of time." Wei Wen's heart gradually calmed down, even calmer than before.

"And it's not just as simple as controlling the origin of time and space, it will also be of great help to my future growth."

"The origin of the original law of time and space in the Devouring Starry Sky World is hard to say, but in the Wild Age World, I guess it is easy to understand the strongest way."

"Even the ultimate way is much easier."

"I can only say that it is indeed the supreme method. It has greatly increased my clarity in understanding the original laws of time and space."

(End of this chapter)

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