Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 217 True God’s Will, the Shocked Chaos City Lord

Chapter 217 True God’s Will, the Shocked Chaos City Lord

Secondly, the 1000-fold increase can also be applied to the soul. To put it bluntly, it is similar to the enhancement of the consciousness and will of the soul that devours the starry sky.

If Wei Wen was probably at the level of the Lord of the Universe before, now his consciousness and will may have directly reached the level of the strongest person in the universe.

And I am afraid that it is not comparable to the strongest in the universe, and may even surpass most of the strongest in the universe, and it is possible to approach the void true god level.

"Perhaps the consciousness of the main body and the second soul that projects the world of the Wild Age cannot directly affect the main body, but it can also have a great impact on the main body." Wei Wen took a deep breath.



Wei Wen's consciousness and will were roaring, roaring!

He felt that his consciousness and will were about to break through the limit, but because he was only affected, he always felt that he was just a little bit close, but he was closer to a breakthrough than ever before!

"Broken!!!" Wei Wen's will roared.

boom! ! !

Wei Wen's will felt a thunderbolt, and it seemed that the endless chaotic world instantly evolved into billions of time and space dimensions in the universe!

At this moment, Wei Wen's will was cheering and jumping for joy, and he felt as happy as if the sea was vast, fish could leap high into the sky, and birds could fly.

It seemed like a divine dragon trapped in the shoal, finally struggling out of the shoal and flying to the sky, roaming and flying freely.

The number of members of the original secret realm is not highly confidential. Like in the original book, after Luo Feng broke through to the realm master level, many people already knew that it was Luo Feng who broke through.

"Haha!" Wei Wen smiled happily.

Wei Wen obviously felt that when he studied the original laws of time and space, he could analyze and comprehend from more directions in an instant, and many new inspirations came to his mind!

His efficiency in comprehending the original laws of time and space has obviously been greatly improved compared to before.

At least it will not affect his understanding of the way of time and space in the world of the Wild Age, and he can go further on this path.

With a stronger will, the speed of control, consciousness, deduction and thinking will be greatly improved.

Will is handsome!

He who lives in the world of the Wild Era can definitely continue to understand the 'Law Route'.

Consciousness for many generals!

Divine power as a soldier!

Wei Wen's matter is also being discussed heatedly among the human race, especially among the top leaders of the Virtual Universe Company, mainly the Venerables.

Under the influence of each other, his speed in studying the original laws of time and space continued to soar.

virtual universe.

At least for Wei Wen today, after his will breaks through the strongest person in the universe this time, he is more confident and can break through the Lord of the Universe faster.

According to Wei Wen's plan, after he breaks through, he will definitely take the path of divine power to break through the strongest person in the universe, instead of taking the path of laws.

For example, when Luo Feng was studying the Rhino Emperor Bureau, transforming his will to the level of the strongest person in the universe would indeed allow him to comprehend it faster.



And the further we go, the more we feel that there are more and more connections between the Wild Era and the original laws of time and space that swallow up the starry sky world.

Of course, taking the divine power route does not mean that he gives up the law route.

The transformation of will is of great benefit to both cultivation and combat.

"Haha, this breakthrough of will is not small, it will make me grow faster in the future." Wei Wen felt extremely happy.

An extremely strong will spread out directly from Wei Wen's body.

After Wei Wen broke through to the realm lord level before, the number of original secret realm lord level members increased to 101. Many people guessed that it was Wei Wen who broke through to the realm lord level.

Then the number of members in the original secret realm suddenly increased to 100.

It is completely self-evident who has achieved the breakthrough to immortality.

Based on Wei Wen's qualifications, they guessed that once Wei Wen chose to break through immortality, he would at least understand the origin of space or time. After all, the advantages of the World Lord level are indeed not small. Without great achievements, many people are willing to stay at the World Lord level.

Therefore, most people think that although Wei Wen has just entered immortality, he is probably already a sage of the universe.

Even if you are only at the immortal level, with the enlightenment of the Universe Venerable, sooner or later you will break through to the Universe Venerable, or even the Lord of the Universe.

After all, there is a high probability that such a peerless person will break through to the Lord of the Universe in the future. In short, Wei Wen's mere act of breaking through to immortality has made many powerful people want to make friends with him.

There are exceptions, though, and some people think differently.

"Wei Wen didn't participate in any of the training plans for the universe level, domain lord level, and world lord level. Could it be that he is not very strong in terms of combat power?"

"Yes, maybe he just broke through to immortality. Why is it so easy to achieve the Master of the Universe? He underestimates us too much!"

The entire human race now has about six thousand cosmic venerables, divided into five giant forces, each of which has thousands of venerables.

Now most of these cosmic sages are discussing Wei Wen's situation.

After all, apart from breaking through to the 17th floor of Tongtian Bridge at the cosmic level, Wei Wen had no outstanding performance either before or after the breakthrough.

Of course, the top leaders of the human race also knew about these situations, but they just didn't bother to care about it, and there was no need to scold and restrict these venerables.

Wei Wen's situation is special. He has been quiet these years, so it is normal for these cosmic sages to complain and vent their dissatisfaction.

The Lord of Chaos City also received the relevant news and couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

Recalling that when he first rose to prominence, there were also some cosmic lords who were jealous of him.

But when he becomes the top being of the human race, this voice will naturally disappear completely, and others will be in awe of him.

"It's been hundreds of years since Wei Wen broke through to immortality, and I don't know what he was doing." The Lord of Chaos City couldn't help but secretly thought.

Over the past hundred years, Wei Wen seemed to have been in seclusion, and there had been no news from him for hundreds of years.

You must know that Wei Wen is still less than 200 years old after practicing so far!

If it weren't for the fact that he could learn that Wei Wen was still alive through the virtual universe, he would be a little worried that something had happened to Wei Wen.

Wei Wen, who was studying the power of blue and white, suddenly had a thought and received a message from the Lord of Chaos City in the virtual universe.

"Chaos City Lord is looking for me?" Wei Wen smiled slightly.

"That's right, even the Lord of Chaos City may only know that I have broken through to immortality, but not that I have broken through to the Lord of the Universe."

But no matter where in the original universe, with the virtual universe communication artifact, the human race can directly transmit messages throughout the original universe.

Wei Wen separated a trace of consciousness and connected to the virtual universe while continuing to fly towards Thunder Island.

The top of Thunder Island.


Wei Wen's figure appeared here through teleportation.

Wei Wen glanced around and soon saw the Chaos City Lord in front of the palace. Apparently, the Chaos City Lord had been waiting for him here.

"Senior brother." Wei Wen smiled.

The Lord of Chaos City looked Wei Wen up and down, and he could tell at a glance that he was completely different from before.

Moreover, the coercion of will emanating from Wei Wen's body surprised even the Lord of Chaos City.

"Your consciousness and will have reached the level of the strongest person in the universe?!" The Chaos City Lord's eyes widened and he took a breath of cold air with a look of disbelief on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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