Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 218 Planning for the Most Powerful Treasure

Chapter 218 Planning for the Most Powerful Treasure

"It's just a fluke. I somehow managed to break through to the will of the strongest person in the universe." Wei Wen explained simply.

"Teacher, if he knew you made a breakthrough so quickly, he would definitely be very happy." The Lord of Chaos City glanced at Wei Wen with satisfaction.

"With the will of the strongest person in the universe, it will be easier for you to break through the Lord of the Universe and the Lord of the Universe."

"I am already the Lord of the Universe." Wei Wen said with a smile.

"What?" Chaos City Lord was stunned.

But thinking about it carefully, he had guessed before that Wei Wen would probably directly break through the Universe Master after breaking through immortality, which was not particularly shocking.

What shocked the Lord of Chaos City the most was Wei Wen's consciousness and will. He was a Venerable Master of the Universe, but his will was actually stronger than his?

"Follow me." The two walked to the cliff of Thunder Island one after another.

Wei Wen looked down and saw the air currents surrounding Thunder Island below. He could faintly see huge palaces and Yuxiang Mountain further away.

"You have also heard the recent rumors, and Thunder Island is home to all the immortals and cosmic lords of our Virtual Universe Company." The Lord of Chaos City continued.

"You just pick a spot on top of the mountain and build your own palace."

"And after you break through the Lord of the Universe, your understanding of the original law has reached its end. If you want to grow into the strongest person in the universe, you need enough training."

"And on the mountainside of the central mountain range of Thunder Island...the palaces on the mountainside are inhabited by some cosmic lords."

And being able to build a palace on the top of Thunder Island also represents the echelon of the top powerhouses in the universe.

"You have entered the realm of the Lord of the Universe, plus your divine body, enlightenment, and will of the strongest person in the universe..." Chaos City Lord continued.

"Although you didn't take action, I estimate that your strength is definitely not bad. You should have the strength of the Lord of the Universe, so you are qualified to choose an address here."

"And the palace on the top of the mountain is where we, the masters of the universe, live."

"The countless palaces at the foot of Thunder Island are all immortals."

"You didn't participate in things like cosmic-level cosmic secret realm adventures, domain lord-level outings, world lord-level life-and-death adventures, etc."

For example, those cosmic sages before did not know Wei Wen's situation and made various comments about Wei Wen.

Wei Wen nodded, he already knew this information.

For example, the Lord of Chaos City, as the most powerful and powerful person in the Virtual Universe Company, naturally lives at the top of the mountain.

"Are you planning to come out on the bright side?" Wei Wen asked doubtfully.

"Even if you are extremely talented, growing in a greenhouse is not good."

"But seriously speaking, you haven't experienced much fighting and hardship until now."

Many of his messages are top secret, known only to the highest level of the human race and the Lord of the Universe.

Maybe the Lord of Chaos City knows Wei Wen's strength very well and has confidence in Wei Wen, but it doesn't mean that others do the same.

"It can be said that now no one can make you truly fall, and no one can enslave your soul. You also have a clone, so you can be said to be absolutely safe." The Lord of Chaos City continued.

"Okay." Wei Wen was silent for a moment and agreed simply.

The Lord of Chaos City was indeed right, not only Devouring the Starry Sky, but also Lord Wilderness and Snow Eagle. In fact, he was more likely to abuse the food.

Not a single decent battle occurred, which is really not good. "In addition, each universe lord will have an independent plane space as the virtual universe territory." Chaos City Lord continued.

"I will also arrange a plane space for you later, directly according to the specifications of the top master of the universe."

"In addition, the Lord of the Universe is already considered the backbone and high-level of the human race. You can participate in the governance of many things of the human race."

"Even the most ordinary cosmic lord can actually join the Supreme Council of the Human Race!"

"It's just...the palace on Thunder Island and the plane of the virtual universe. These are all my own internal arrangements and I have full control over them."

"But my position as the master of the universe of the human race is jointly determined by the highest level of the human race. At least the Virtual Universe Company cannot make the decision."

Wei Wen understood what the Lord of Chaos City meant. He probably meant that if he wanted to truly join the Supreme Council, he had to prove himself with a valuable battle.

Proving that he possesses the status and strength of the Lord of the Universe.

After all, without any record, Wei Wen is only about 200 years old now. Who would believe that he already has the Lord of the Universe level of combat power?

After all, human beings are not special beings. No matter how against the heavens, there is no way that a 200-year-old master of the universe will appear, right?

The Lord of the Universe is on a completely different level from the Lord of the Universe and Immortality.

Immortal, the Lord of the Universe, is just a mentor to train the next generation of strong men. The Lord of the Universe is the backbone and pillar of the clan!

But having said that, Wei Wen has grown a lot in the world of the Wild Era over the past few years.

Perhaps the original law of time has not yet been perfected, but the original law of space has already begun to find its own path.

Perhaps this path is far from the strongest, but in the Devouring Starry Sky World, it is estimated to be no less than the third-order Lord of the Universe.

After all, the Chaos Restriction greatly enhanced his understanding of the original laws of time and space, allowing him to grow to an extremely advanced level in a short period of time.

As for the division of the levels of the Lord of the Universe, there are roughly six levels.

The first-level Lord of the Universe is the first to enter the universe. The level of life genes is about 100 times. The Master-level secrets of the Universe may not have been created before, and the treasures and weapons are just average.

The second level of the Lord of the Universe's life gene level is about 1000 times higher, and has created the Lord of the Universe's secret method. If the treasure is not bad, it is an 'ordinary level'.

Generally, the Lord of the Universe can easily reach the second level after practicing for a period of time.

The third-level universe masters are at the peak level, such as Emperor Yan, Lord Flint and other powerful ones.

This kind of master of the universe is already considered a senior master of the universe, and the secret method has reached a high level.

Wei Wen's current spatial achievements in the world of the Wild Era are probably at this level.

The fourth level is the top level, such as the Lord of the Ice Peak, the Lord of the Dragon Walk, the Lord of An Yong and other powerful people. The treasures have peak treasures, and the genes have reached about ten thousand times.

The fifth level is the top of the top...such as the Lord of the Galaxy and the Lord of Chaos City.

They usually either create and integrate the most powerful universe master-level secrets, or they obtain rare items that are second only to the most powerful treasures.

As for the sixth-level Lord of the is rare to reach this level by oneself, at least in the original universe there is no such division.

The so-called sixth level refers to the master of the universe who possesses the most powerful treasure and can compete with the strongest in the universe in the original universe.

"As for the most powerful treasure, in fact, if I want it, I can definitely have it directly." Wei Wen's eyes narrowed.

"And with the will of the strongest person in my universe, I can already refine the most powerful treasure!"

"Since the Lord of Chaos City asked me to show my strength, to be on the safe side, let's rely on the system to obtain some powerful treasures first."

(End of this chapter)

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