Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 219 Redeem the Peak Treasure

Chapter 219 Redeem the Peak Treasure

The system feedback rules are about 10 times.

If Wei Wen can obtain the pinnacle treasure in the treasure house of the human race, relying on the operation of the system, he can probably obtain the most powerful treasure.

"I don't know how much of the pinnacle treasure of the human race is still available." Wei Wen was looking forward to it.

"It seems that you already understand, then go and choose a place on the mountainside to build a palace." The Lord of Chaos City smiled.

"In addition, regarding your proposal to join the Supreme Council of Humanity and the Lord of the Universe seat, I will submit it as soon as possible."

"Of course, since you are already a Venerable, if you simply show your strength as Lord of the Universe in the future, the highest level will definitely approve it easily."

"From now on, you are qualified to be the president of the Supreme Council of the Universe, but this Supreme Council only meets once in a long time."

"Every time it is opened it is because of some important event related to the human race."

"There's nothing major happening now. I don't know how long it will be until the next meeting, so you still have a long time, which is definitely enough for you to break through the Lord of the Universe."

"If a supreme meeting is to be held in the future, the Virtual Universe System will notify you directly."

"Wei Wen?" A surprised voice sounded.

"Yeah." Wei Wen also had a hint of expectation in his eyes.

For example, the fifth-level top universe lord like the Lord of Chaos City, the domain-type treasure Qianbaohe he uses is only a top-notch treasure.

Wei Wen bid farewell to the Lord of Chaos City and prepared to choose a place on the top of the mountain to build his palace.

Like those weak masters of the universe, almost none of them have any top treasures, let alone the top treasures.

"If you need any treasure, you can exchange it directly."

Before, Wei Wen only relied on his own potential to save the earth, which was obviously not a long-term strategy.

At least there is a high probability that there is no treasure in the peak realm.

As for the pinnacle treasures on the treasure house road of the human race, I don’t know how many there are. For example, the Lord of Chaos City only uses the top domain treasures, so there must not be many pinnacle treasures.

In fact, he didn't have any real Lord of the Universe friends, and he didn't plan to be close to anyone. He just wanted to find a remote and quiet place to build a palace.

Moreover, the top of Thunder Island is very wide, and Wei Wen is flying to find a suitable building location.

Even if he has the strength of the Lord of the Universe, he is not truly invincible!

And with the most powerful treasure, at least he can be guaranteed to be 'little invincible' in the original universe.

Moreover, this is the support of the ethnic group. At most, he will reciprocate accordingly in the future, which must not be difficult.

But as long as there is any one step to the peak, then Wei Wen will probably be able to obtain the most powerful treasure!


Generally, when a strong human being breaks through to the Lord of the Universe level, the human race will give him a top-notch treasure weapon for free, which is only worth about 100 treasure points.

"By the way, since you have the will of the strongest person in the universe, you must be able to refine any treasure." The Lord of Chaos City seemed to have thought of something.

Wei Wen did not refuse. He was indeed in need of treasures, especially the most powerful treasures. After all, he always had the fear of lack of strength.

In short, most powerful people in the human race obtain their treasures through their own risks.

And once Wei Wen becomes an important super being in the human race, there will be absolutely no need for others to interfere with Earth's problems.

In fact, there are not many people on the top of the mountain. After all, there are only more than 10 masters of the universe in the human race, and there are less than 10 scattered among the five major forces.

But for Wei Wen, it seems to be completely free!

However, in the eyes of Chaos City Lord and others, Wei Wen deserves to have these. At least with a large number of treasures, he will undoubtedly greatly improve his strength.

"Huh?" Wei Wen turned around and saw a huge figure flying from far behind, but it was a tall and burly Lord of the Universe.

"It turns out to be the Lord of Dragon Walk..." Wei Wen said with a smile.

The Lord of Dragon Walk is one of the earliest lords of the universe among the human race, and his time is longer than that of the original ancestor.

However, after the original ancestor rose, the Lord of Dragon Walk chose to follow the original ancestor. When the original ancestor gave Wei Wen some guidance, Wei Wen also met the Lord of Dragon Walk several times.

"I heard that you broke through immortality a hundred years ago, why are you here? Oh, you are not here to choose the address of the palace, are you?" The Lord of Dragon Walk was silent for a moment and suddenly realized.

"Then you didn't choose the wrong place, now you... huh?

"The strongest will in the universe?!"

"Yes, my strength is not what it used to be. Brother Chaos City Lord asked me to find a place on the top of the mountain to build a palace." Wei Wen said with a smile.

"Ah?!" The Lord of Dragon Walk blinked.

Wei Wen actually wanted to build a palace on the top of a mountain?

A person who had just achieved immortality for a hundred years, even if he had the will of the strongest person in the universe, the Lord of Chaos City actually arranged for Wei Wen to build a palace on the top of a mountain where only the Lord of the Universe could live?

Is there any precedent for this before?

But since it was the intention of the Lord of Chaos City, the Lord of Dragon Walk would not be stupid enough to question it directly in front of Wei Wen.

Besides, with Wei Wen's talent, he will become the master of the universe sooner or later.

It's just building a palace on the top of the mountain, it has nothing to do with him!


Above Chaos City, the Void clone slowly stopped.

If there is any absolutely safe place for the human race, the original universe will definitely be there.

After Wei Wen arrived in Chaos City, he went directly to the city lord's mansion.

Wei Wen stepped in from the gate with the respect of the immortal gods guarding the inner palace of the city lord.

"Looking back at the first time I came to Chaos City, everything seems to be still vivid in my mind." Wei Wen couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

He was really young and weak at that time, but now in the blink of an eye, among the grandmasters who established sects in Chaos City, there are not many people who can compare with me.

But Wei Wen only spent 200 years, which is simply incredible.

Of course, now is not the time to sigh, he is here to get some treasures.

To obtain the treasure, you must go to a special location in Chaos City and perform relevant operations through the virtual universe system.

The place for exchanging and donating treasures is in an ancient side hall of the main palace of the Initial Universe City, and the ancient side hall is usually closed.

Only after the virtual universe submits the relevant application and he arrives here, will the side hall be automatically opened.

Wei Wen quickly walked to the side hall and saw an ancient bronze palace gate.

The door is about several hundred meters wide, and its material is somewhat similar to the door of the Chaos Monument Secret Chamber.

As Wei Wen approached, with a rumbling sound, the ancient palace door opened to Wei Wen.

Wei Wen immediately stepped out and stepped inside, and then the palace door closed again.

"The treasures that can appear here are the real treasures of the human race." Wei Wen's eyes were blazing.

He looked around the entire side hall and saw that the silent ancient hall looked empty except for a huge stone plate with a diameter of nearly a hundred meters in the center.

The stone plate can contribute to treasures and can also be exchanged for treasures.

To contribute, you only need to place the treasure in the stone plate, and the virtual universe system can conduct the most detailed inspection of the treasure through the stone plate to determine the value of the treasure.

The exchange is even simpler, you only need to have enough treasure points and heavy treasure points.

Wei Wen may not have it, but he can exchange it for free.

(End of this chapter)

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