Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 222 Goodbye Lord Nine Swords

Chapter 222 Goodbye Lord Nine Swords

The strong people who dare to take risks here basically have the strength of the Universe Venerable.

Wei Wen chose this place after careful consideration.

It would be really crazy if he really went directly into all the territories to massacre the cosmic lords of all races.

Because if he goes too far, he will break the unspoken rules of each clan, and he does not yet have the ability to turn the table over.

But in the secret realm, there are not so many worries. After all, this is similar to the original star. Fighting and melee among various races is common here.

As long as Wei Wen doesn't imitate Luo Feng's crazy move of killing thousands of cosmic sages with one move, he won't attract attacks from all sides.

Moreover, due to the geographical coordinates here, the control power of all parties is very weak. Even if they want to surround and kill him, he can easily escape.


The mysterious realms are some secret realms that were naturally formed during the evolution of the vast primitive universe.

The environment is also very dangerous, and even if the overlord of the universe enters, there is a great possibility of his death.

However, as we all know, in such dangerous secret realms, the more dangerous it is, the higher the chance of finding treasures.

"There are thousands of low-risk areas, hundreds of medium-risk areas, eight high-risk areas, and one extremely dangerous area!"

After all, this is a secret realm that has not yet been discovered. There are dangerous places everywhere, and there is no way of knowing how dangerous it is.

In short, if the Master of the Universe wants to travel through the Mysterious Realm, it will take a long time if there are no flying palace-type heavy treasures and treasures to stop the danger.

"After all, it's an extremely dangerous place. Even if there is a high chance of treasures appearing, you still have to survive to get them."

Most of the areas are light white, which means there is almost no danger to the Lord of the Universe.

The most obvious thing is an enlarged blood-colored light spot, which is the only extremely dangerous area at present.

As a special secret realm, there are many dangers in it, and even the Lord of the Universe cannot teleport without restraint.

There are densely packed thousands of light points, each representing a dangerous area.

"About 50% of the areas that have been explored are relatively safe for His Holiness."

"Most of the Universe Venerables actually live in low- and medium-danger areas, and occasionally go to high-danger areas."

Wei Wen sat on the flying palace throne and opened the coordinates of the star map of the Mysterious Realm obtained from the virtual universe.

Blue represents low-risk areas, purple represents medium-risk areas, and gold represents high-risk areas.

"Although the Ten Thousand Mysteries Realm is not small, it is divided into various areas." Wei Wen recalled the simple message of the Ten Thousand Mysteries Realm in the Peak Treasure Flying Palace.

The maximum diameter of the Mysterious Realm is about 1000 million light-years, from which we can see the level of the Mysterious Realm.

But for Wei Wen, exploring treasures is not important at all. For example, he now has two powerful treasures, and he still needs heavy treasures and ordinary treasures?

Wei Wen waved his hand, and a dark black palace appeared, and Wei Wen flew in.

This is also the reason why Lord Nine Swords invited Candli, a powerful person with many clones, to come here. After all, if the clone is gone, it is gone, and the cost is much less than reversing time and space to resurrect.

There are some places where even if the overlord of the universe enters, he may not be able to come out alive even if he is cautious.

Of course, this place may be very safe for the Lord of the Universe, but the Lord of the Universe does not look down on ordinary treasures at all.

Moreover, most of the Lords of the Universe take risks in the Cosmic Sea, which is the area where the Lords of the Universe really hunt for treasures.

Like the Lord of the Universe of the human race, except for a few avatars, everyone else ventures in the Qingfeng Realm, one of the three Jedi in the Universe Sea. "This new secret realm is indeed attractive. It is said that many Universe Venerables venture in high-risk areas. Nine Sword Venerables and Candli are here." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

As the Lord of the Universe, he naturally has desires and pursuits, and will also fight for treasures.

If we say that the extraterritorial battlefields opened by the four peak groups are places where the immortal level and those below the immortal level take risks.

The secret realm of treasure hunting and adventure, such as the Mysterious Realm, is the main battlefield of the Universe Venerable.

The deep black color turned into a stream of light, instantly reaching the speed of light and breaking through the space, entering the dark universe, and began to approach a golden light spot area in the secret realm.

"In the golden area, there may be powerful overlords of the universe, but my divine body and understanding of the original laws are no less than those of the overlords of the universe." Wei Wen's eyes narrowed.

It has to be said that breaking through the world realm and practicing the nine levels of chaos restriction allowed him to find his own 'Tao' in space, which really benefited him a lot.

Of course, this path is very ordinary. It is far from the top space path in the world of the Wild Era, let alone the strongest path and the ultimate path.

But even so, he could barely walk out of his own way. In the Devouring Starry Sky World, it is probably the third-level secret method of the Lord of the Universe.

The Lord of Chaos City is the fifth-level top universe master. It can be seen that Wei Wen's way is very average, and it is not as good as the way of time and space fusion of the Lord of Chaos City.

However, in a short period of time, he was able to reach the third-level Lord of the Universe level secret method strength at the Universe Venerable level, which also proves that he is truly super talented in the original laws of time and space.

You must know that after he broke through the world realm, he mainly understood the restriction of chaos, and the original law of time and space was just a passing understanding.

But even so, he directly reached the third level of the Lord of the Universe.

This shows that his growth rate is definitely far higher than that of Luo Feng, the Lord of the Universe, and the Chaos City Lord, who is the Lord of the Universe.

Of course, with so many opportunities, if Wei Wen is not as good as Luo Feng and the Lord of Chaos City, then he should stop living and die as soon as possible!


In the golden high-risk area, Wei Wen's figure appeared.

"The Yan God Clan?" Wei Wen's eyes flashed with cold light.

In the distant void, there is a figure who is about several kilometers tall and looks similar to an earthling.

It's just that his skin is covered with scales, and there is a life with curved horns standing in the void between his eyebrows.

With this unique appearance and body shape, Wei Wen could tell at a glance that he was a strong man from the Yan God Clan.

The Yan Shen Clan is a special ethnic group cultivated by Mountain Guests. Their life genes and divine bodies are very strong.

For example, the Lord of the Universe in front of him has a gene that has reached a hundred times the limit of the Lord of the Universe, and his divine body is much larger than that of the ordinary Lord of the Universe in the human race.

Not far away from the Cosmic Master of the Yan Divine Clan, there were two Cosmic Masters of the human race.

One of them is the teacher Wei Wen is looking for during this trip, the Nine Swords Venerable, and the other is Candli.

"I didn't expect it to be the Yan Divine Clan. Speaking of which, they have some connections with the people on Earth!" Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

The Earthlings are also a race cultivated by the God King 'Zuo Shanke', and the same is true for the Yan Shen Clan.

The Yan Shen Clan had divine bodies and genetic advantages, but their mental state and will were mediocre, and they were eventually given up by Mountain Guest.

After that, they turned to cultivate earthlings. The advantages of earthlings were their willpower and mental state, and the Secret Book of Nine Tribulations was a way to solve the genetic gap.

(End of this chapter)

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