Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 223 Yan Shen Clan, Heart of Space

Chapter 223 Yan Shen Clan, Heart of Space

If Wei Wen still needed the Secret Book of Nine Tribulations before, it seems that he no longer needs it now.

Because he has now understood the special secret technique created by the 'Supreme' in the Wilderness Period. If he can 'copy' it to Devouring Starry Sky, he can completely use it to improve his genes.

Of course, it's a long way to go, but the things in front of you are more important at the moment.

It stands to reason that the Yan Shen Clan was once a part of the human race. Even if they separated from the human race, there was no need to go against the human race.

After all, the Yan Shen Clan is a powerful ethnic group and force that is completely different from the human ethnic group and the Hongmeng.

"Teacher Master Nine Swords, Candli can confront the Yan God Clan. It seems that this Yan God Clan person only has a strong spiritual body, but his perception is average." Wei Wen analyzed.

"The endless flames around it should be a domain-type treasure, and the colorful halo seems to be an origin-type treasure."

The understanding of the Yan God Clan is indeed very average. For example, Emperor Yan is a disciple of the God King Sitting on the Mountain, but he is only a poor third-level Lord of the Universe...

This is a group specially cultivated by the God King, but it has been nothing more than this for hundreds of millions of epochs, which shows how poor the understanding of the Yan God Clan is.

As for the colorful wavy halo, even if it was covered by a domain-type treasure, Wei Wen could guess that it was definitely not an ordinary thing just because the endless space cracks were constantly growing around it.

Venerable Yansha?

I don’t know him, he’s just an unknown person.

"You can't enter the virtual universe, but we can. This is a treasure no less than a treasure. Once it is made public, we human beings will definitely flock to it!"

Of course, Venerable Yan Sha might not be able to defeat Venerable Nine Swords and Candli, but it made the two of them feel helpless.

"Venerable Yansha!" the familiar voice of Venerable Nine Swords sounded.

But Candli is different. He has many clones and can enter the virtual universe at any time.

If faced head-on, the consequences would be disastrous.

"We can't split it equally. There are two of you, and I only have one. I'm at a loss. I want 50%!" Venerable Yansha's voice sounded.

"After this treasure is born, how about the three of us share it equally?"

In addition, Wei Wen once hunted for treasure in the solar system and encountered similar origin treasures. It was easy to guess that this was the same treasure.

So in terms of the total amount of divine power, the gap is at least billions of times.

If they were to fight for consumption, even if the Nine Swords Venerable and Kandli's divine body were exhausted, they might not be able to consume one hundred millionth of the Yansha Venerable.

The Lord of Nine Swords was fighting before, so naturally he couldn't be distracted. The incarnation of his divine power left outside had long since dissipated, and he could not enter the virtual universe.

However, the height of Venerable Yansha's divine body is several kilometers. This is a thousand-fold difference. In terms of body size, it is a billion-fold difference!

Venerable Yansha's divine body is very large, and naturally it contains a lot of divine power.

As for the quality of divine power, the Nine Swords Venerable is indeed not as good as the Universe Venerable of the Yan Shen Clan who has a hundred times the genes.

"The three of us will share it equally. Don't push us too hard, otherwise you won't be able to get this treasure." Candli snorted coldly.

Like the divine body of Lord Nine Swords, it is only a few meters tall. This is also the common height of the divine body among human beings.

"You should also know that you can't kill us at all, but you can only fight us with your super strong divine body and divine power."

He just didn't want to give up more benefits, so he didn't go out here, but just bowed to Venerable Yansha here.

As for Venerable Yansha, he is in a very bad mood now.

When he entered the secret realm, he came here by chance and found the birthplace of this mysterious and special treasure, so he hid and waited here. Out of the corner of his eye, Venerable Yan Sha glanced at a pool of water behind him that was shrouded in colorful halo, and a trace of desire flashed in his eyes.

Five small pools divided into five different colors, each with a different original aura, including the original aura of fire, the original aura of gold...

There are 10081 space cracks above the Five Color Pool, and at its core is a spherical crystal.

The crystal also has a spherical crystal with 10081 sections, corresponding to the space cracks that are born and dissipated around it.

Venerable Yan Sha knows very well that this is the heart of the original treasure space!

It's a pity that before the Heart of Space was fully born, Lord Nine Swords and Candli came here accidentally decades ago and discovered the treasures here.

"The understanding of the Yan Divine Clan is already very poor, but if I have the Heart of Space to make up for it, my spatial talent will skyrocket." Venerable Yan Sha's eyes narrowed.

"This is definitely the biggest opportunity in my life. No one can take it away from me, this damn Lord of Nine Swords, Candli!"


Venerable Yansha was wearing heavy treasures and raised the huge halberd-like weapon in his hand, turning into countless lights and shadows and slashing towards Venerable Nine Swords and Candli.

Lord Nine Swords and Candli took one step forward and disappeared instantly.

"Damn it, damn it!" Venerable Yan Sha had great power and began to attack crazily, "Die!"

"Don't waste your efforts. Although your divine body is strong, your understanding of the original laws and secret techniques are very average." The Nine Swords Venerable dodged under countless light and shadow attacks.

The power of the two original laws of 'time and space' flows. Even if an attack occasionally hits his divine body, some of the attack will be blocked by the heavy treasure armor on his body.

"After decades, our divine power consumption has been very low, and you still want to kill us now?"

"Then you'll be trapped here!" Venerable Yan Sha launched a frantic attack and pressed all the flame domain against Venerable Nine Swords.

The two Masters of Nine Swords became difficult to move, relying on the law of the origin of time to avoid attacks.


Countless rays of light golden light suddenly burst out, quickly covering the surrounding space, and collided with the endless flame field.

The flame domain collapsed at the first touch, and the huge energy fluctuations made Venerable Yansha's body tremble faintly.

"Who is it?!" Venerable Yansha roared angrily, looking into the distance with ferocious eyes, and spotted Wei Wen's figure, "It's another damned human strongman!"

"Wei Wen?" Lord Nine Swords was suddenly shocked.

Facing the Lord of Nine Swords, Wei Wen did not hide his identity.

Besides, when he's reached this point, it's actually not that important whether he's exposed or not.

"Wei Wen, have you become the Universe Venerable? Doesn't this mean that your insights and secret methods are at the top level of the Universe Overlord?!" The Nine Swords Venerable felt that his own understanding had been completely shattered.

How long has passed, the young aboriginal boy in my memory now has the strength to come here.

"It's only been 200 years, how could it be so fast!" Candli also knew Wei Wen, and he was also stunned.

"I saw that the teacher had never entered the virtual universe before. It turned out to be because he was fighting here." Wei Wen felt a sense of enlightenment in his heart.

"Yes, he is Venerable Yansha. With his powerful divine body, he can be regarded as having the strength of a high-level Venerable Universe." Venerable Nine Swords said quickly.

"Although you have a domain-like treasure, your divine body is only a few meters away, so you shouldn't be able to consume him..."

"Can't defeat him?" Wei Wen shook his head slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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