Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 224 The Shocked Master of Nine Swords

Chapter 224 The Shocked Lord of Nine Swords

"Can't defeat him?" Wei Wen shook his head slightly.

Before Wei Wen came, he brought with him a clone of the golden-horned giant beast with a body of several thousand kilometers, which contained much more divine power than Venerable Yansha.

"Wei Wen?" Venerable Yansha looked confused, "I don't know him, he seems to be a newly promoted Venerable Universe!"

"Maybe you were able to escape just now, but now you die!"

For a powerful man of the Universe Venerable level, a random retreat may last an era.

Wei Wen's rise only lasted about 200 years. Although it was enough to cause a sensation in the entire universe, it was not known to everyone.

The halberd in Venerable Yansha's hand was slashed out, and the attack triggered the power of the law of space, completely shattering the surrounding space, and the divine power exploded towards Wei Wen's body.

"The divine body is indeed very strong!" Wei Wen waved his hand, and stronger spatial power exploded.


The violent power caused Venerable Yansha's imperial armor to explode instantly and then be thrown far away.

It was just a simple attack, without using any heavy or precious treasures, but it surprised Venerable Yan Sha.

Even if he doesn't reveal his clone, his strength alone is enough.

His divine body with 10 times the genes of the Universe Venerable, after burning the divine body, is comparable to the times the genes of the Universe Venerable, and the master hand of the times the genes of the Universe.

"You are not the Universe Venerable, you are the top Universe Overlord!" Venerable Yansha's shrill voice came.

The heavy treasure halberd in his hand was just swept away casually, directly shattering the surrounding space fluctuations.

However, only the top cosmic overlords can explode like this and easily injure him.

After seeing the situation clearly, Venerable Yan Sha did not hesitate at all and immediately made a crazy move!

"Damn human, you forced me to do this!" Venerable Yansha roared, and the aura of divine power in his body suddenly surged, and his power was a thousand times stronger in an instant.

With a thought, Wei Wen instantly burned his divine body.

Wei Wen just used a little bit of strength, then he smiled lightly, his steps changed continuously, and turned into a zigzag stream of light, instantly distanced himself from the attack area of ​​Lord Yansha.

The top universe overlord?

"Wei Wen, be careful, he's starting to burn his divine body!" Lord Nine Swords said anxiously.

The more powerful the attack from the Burning Divine Body, the more divine power is consumed.

Of course, Wei Wen can also burn the divine body, but if he burns less, he is no match for Venerable Yansha. In short, opponents with large divine bodies are very difficult.

"You found it too late!" Wei Wen said calmly.

"I am a cosmic venerable with super strong genes and a huge divine body. I also wear top-notch heavy treasure armor and have a huge divine body. How could he destroy 5% of my divine body with just one move?"

What he is wearing is the unique 'Emperor Armor' of the Yan God Clan, which can completely merge with the divine body, and he also has heavy treasure armor!

With the two kinds of armor superimposed, Wei Wen in front of him was able to break through the defense without using weapons. The terrifying power and the tyranny of his body could even feel the severe pain.

Wei Wen is obviously just a human being, and his divine power is far inferior to that of Lord Yansha who burns his divine body.

"There is indeed something, but it's just something. Do you think my divine body is only this big?"


Under such an outburst, Lord Yansha discovered that Wei Wen's divine body was still intact. He instantly realized something, but this speculation frightened him.

Venerable Yan Sha did not dare to fight anymore and wanted to teleport away at all costs, even if teleporting would put him in danger.

"Buzz~~" A powerful coercion spread out, instantly covering the surrounding void. At the same time, the space within hundreds of millions of kilometers was naturally completely sealed.

"Space blockade?!" Venerable Yan Sha's expression changed dramatically.

The domain treasure on Venerable Yan Sha glowed with a burst of golden light, resisting the surrounding space seal, but there was no resistance.


Powerful spatial fluctuations rushed towards Venerable Yan Sha, causing his body to freeze in place involuntarily.

The space within a million kilometers exploded in the next moment, and Venerable Yansha was directly crushed into the tiniest form by an extremely powerful force.

The heavy treasure armor on his body could not withstand such a powerful force and was shattered, and his divine body was reduced to ashes.

In the first attack just now, Wei Wen just experimented a little and did not use much strength. The result was what he expected.

With a casual strike... he easily annihilated about 5% of Venerable Yan Sha's divine body.

And a cosmic venerable like this usually only has heavy treasures on his body, at most a few top-notch heavy treasures. Compared with the treasures on Wei Wen's body, there is a huge gap.

These heavy treasure armors, even the most precious armors, actually have defense limits.

Once the attack power exceeds this limit, the armor's defensive ability will drop sharply, and it can only be weakened to one percent, one tenth... or even shattered!

For example, ordinary heavy treasures can be destroyed by some universe overlords. For example, Luo Feng's top heavy treasure armor was directly destroyed by a single blow from the top universe overlord, Venerable Peifeng.

The Lord of the Universe can also destroy ordinary treasures at will. This is why ordinary treasures are not paid attention to by the Lords of the Universe at all.

The cosmic overlord is also different from the cosmic overlord. The average cosmic overlord only relies on his divine body to be powerful.

However, some cosmic overlords have reached the ultimate level of cosmic lords in terms of law understanding and secret method creation. Their divine bodies are also super strong, and their combat power is comparable to that of the most ordinary cosmic lords.

Wei Wen's divine body is super strong, and his secret method is also at the level of a third-level universe master. His strength is no less than that of ordinary universe masters.

Not to mention that Wei Wen also burned his divine body, coupled with the Lord of the Universe secret method... Naturally, even Venerable Yansha's armor defense was instantly destroyed.

"Once upon a time, Lord Universe was a towering and powerful man, but now he is so fragile in front of me." Wei Wen was filled with emotion.

Perhaps Lord Nine Swords and Candli didn't hear Wei Wen's emotion, but they were equally filled with emotion.

What the hell is this Wei Wen?

If they were still doubting before, whether Wei Wen was the Lord of the Universe.

But now it is finally certain - he has really reached the level they are at, even far beyond their level!

Because of Wei Wen's secret method, they can't understand it at all now.

And it took Wei Wen so many times to grow up to this point?

According to the conventional age of the Master of the Universe, Wei Wen is really too young, so young that he is extremely immature.

But why could he break common sense and in just a few hundred years, his strength soared like crazy, completing the countless years of accumulation of other universe sages?

The Master of Nine Swords was speechless for a while. This student he had not seen for 100 years had broken the upper limit of his knowledge time and time again!

"Wei Wen, you are really..." At this time, the Nine Swords Venerable finally recovered from the shock and sighed as he looked at Wei Wen, with uncontrollable joy in his eyes.

"Actually, I already knew that you would soar into the sky, but I didn't expect that this day would come so fast."

"You're not a teacher, you taught me well back then." Wei Wen said with a smile.

"I don't have the ability to teach you this..." The Nine Swords Venerable shook his head slightly, "I am still just a high-level Universe Venerable, and you are at least as strong as a top Universe Overlord..."

(End of this chapter)

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