Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 225 Emperor Yan’s Attack

Chapter 225 Emperor Yan’s Attack

"By the way, how did your strength improve so quickly after practicing for such a short time?" Candli looked at Wei Wen curiously.

Wei Wen had reached such strength just after his breakthrough. Not only the Nine Swordsmen, but also Candli exclaimed in disbelief.

"It's due to talent." Wei Wen said with a smile, "By the way, what you are fighting for here is the treasure in front of you?"

"Yes, in this secret realm, I cannot enter the virtual universe, but Candli can check the information. It is said that this is the heart of space." The Nine Swords Venerable took a deep breath.

"It's a pity that the Space Heart has not been fully conceived. It is said that if it is successfully conceived and refined, it can greatly improve the level of space talent and life genes."

Lord Nine Swords and Candli still couldn't believe that the legendary core material for making the 'Original Treasure' would actually appear here?

Even if the Heart of Space is directly refined, it can increase genes by a hundred times!

In addition, once it is refined into a treasure, it can at least increase the recovery efficiency of divine power by ten thousand times. In short, its value is no less than that of ordinary high-level treasures.

A treasure of this level is enough to drive the Lord of the Universe crazy.

It must be said that they were extremely lucky to encounter such a high-level treasure.

Lord Nine Swords also found that since he came into contact with Wei Wen, his luck seemed to be getting better and better.

The speed of restoring divine power is tens of thousands, a hundred thousand, or a million times faster than the normal absorption of it slowly... Naturally, such treasures will be valued by the Lord of the Universe.

After all, cosmic treasures that can quickly restore the Lord of the Universe's divine power in a short period of time are too rare, and few ordinary Lords of the Universe can afford them.

"You don't want it?" Lord Nine Swords and Candry were immediately shocked.

"Although this kind of treasure is of high value, it is of little use to me."

"I don't know how long it will take for the pregnancy to be successful. I don't have time to wait here. You can split up." Wei Wen said calmly.

"No need, just 50%. If it weren't for your clones exploring again and again, we wouldn't have encountered this kind of treasure at all." Lord Nine Swords said with a smile.

Even if it cannot increase the strength even a little bit, it is extremely important to the entire ethnic group, and its value is no less than a high-level domain treasure.

For example, Luo Feng revived the servants of King Feng Xin, and the resources consumed were as much as Feng Wang Xin's net worth.

In the immortal stage, burning the divine body in battle or being injured will cause great losses. The treasures used to recover quickly will make the immortal god bankrupt.

This is still the Immortal level. If it reaches the Universe Venerable level, you will know why the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom is so miserable now.

"Thank you very much." Candli said gratefully, "Nine Swords... you have seven and I have three."

If one is lost for the sake of the Chaos City Lord, how many resources are needed to restore a clone?

In the words of the Lord of Dragon Walk, this price would be very heartbreaking even for a peak race like human beings.

At this time, the role of the original treasure becomes obvious. Once there is an original treasure, it activates the sea of ​​law and energy, and directly plunders the divine power from it to restore the divine body.

The value of this kind of treasure is enough to drive the Lord of the Universe crazy, but Wei Wen doesn't seem to care!

"Well... I have such a long time to wait, maybe I can get a more valuable treasure by taking risks outside." Wei Wen said casually.

In a battle between strong men, if one party doesn't care much about the damage rate of the divine body, that would be a very scary thing.

He knew that he and Wei Wen did not have a deep friendship, and that he was lucky enough to obtain this kind of treasure only because of the Master of Nine Swords.

For example, a normal cosmic overlord can survive with only one or two ordinary treasures, but the leader of Ganwu Kingdom has died three times and owes a debt worth several ordinary treasures!

If you get to the Lord of the Universe... you won't even be able to resurrect him.

Of course, with such a treasure, the Lord of the Universe can burn the divine body more calmly in battle, with a higher error tolerance.

As for the huge consumption of divine power, if you want to rely on some treasures to restore it, the resources you need to consume are even more terrifying.

"I can get 50%, and I'm satisfied."


The Yan Divine Clan controlled an extremely huge territory. In the starry sky where the Yan Divine Clan lives, there is a dark red planet of life, within which is the temple of Venerable Yan Sha.

The temple doesn't look big, but it is a rare planet of cosmic venerables from the Yan God Clan.

The Yan God Clan only has one Universe Venerable, Emperor Yan, and the other powerful ones are only the Universe Venerable. Venerable Yan Sha is already the top powerhouse of the Ziye clan.

Some disciples and servants in the palace looked respectfully at the incarnation of divine power in the distance. It was exactly the incarnation of divine power left here after Venerable Yansha went to the secret book.

The divine body of the Yan God Clan is very large, and it is easy to leave the divine power required for an incarnation of divine power.

Perhaps the incarnation is extremely weak, not even as good as the title of king, but after all, this is the consciousness of Venerable Yansha, and he is fully capable of instructing his disciples and handling some chores.

"I..." A look of horror appeared on the face of the incarnation of Venerable Yansha's divine power.


The incarnation of divine power dissipated directly like smoke.



"Teacher!" The two disciples and some immortal guards in the distance were shocked.

After all, this is the planet of Venerable Universe. The surrounding starry sky is blocked by space. Even Venerable Yansha cannot teleport away. So why did his incarnation suddenly disappear?

"Don't worry, maybe the teacher just encountered something very important and needed to go all out, so he took back his consciousness and divine power, and this incarnation will disappear naturally."

"Let's take a look at the status of the token the teacher gave us first."

"Yes, you can determine the status of the Venerable by looking at the tokens." Each of the disciples and guards immediately took out the tokens that Venerable Yansha left for them.

The token is an item that incorporates the life mark of Lord Yansha, just like a treasure that has been refined.

For example, the Lord of Chaos City gave Wei Wen a token before. Once he crushes the token, the Lord of Chaos City will naturally sense it and come to save him.

"The token has become ownerless?!" A sharp voice came from the throat of one of the disciples, and there was obviously a hint of coldness in the pronunciation.

Others also noticed this situation and looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

They knew very well what this scene meant. There were only two ways for a refined item to become ownerless.

One is when the refining person comes to take back the life mark in person, and the other is when the refining person is killed.

However, Venerable Yansha's true form is not here. He only has the incarnation of his divine power, so naturally he cannot take back the mark.

So in layman’s terms, Venerable Yansha is gone!

"Quick, inform Ancestor Yan Emperor."

"I'll go!"


Inside the Temple of Emperor Yan.

"Yan Sha has fallen?!" Emperor Yan frowned.

"There is indeed a strong man who can kill Yan Sha, but if he doesn't have time to ask for help... at least he must be the Lord of the Universe!"

"According to the coordinates of the previous token of Venerable Yansha, it is probably in the newly unearthed Mystery Land."

"There seems to be nothing that can attract the Lord of the Universe. It seems that some top-notch overlord of the universe should take action and seek death!"

(End of this chapter)

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