Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 226 Battle with Emperor Yan

Chapter 226 Battle with Emperor Yan

Emperor Yan planned to go to the Mystical Realm of Mysteries to first kill the top cosmic overlord who killed Venerable Yan Sha, and then resurrect Venerable Yan Sha.

Why not resurrect Venerable Yansha first, but take action first?

Because the opponent may also be the Lord of the Universe, and if he resurrects Venerable Yansha first, it will be equivalent to having a 'wounded' buff. After all, resurrecting Venerable Universe has a high cost.

If the opponent is a cosmic overlord, such as Venerable Peifeng, Master of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace, etc., they all belong to the top cosmic overlords.

However, there are also some more heaven-defying cosmic overlords, such as some top-notch cosmic overlord-level special beings with life gene levels reaching 8000 or 9000 times.

Their own divine power is stronger than that of ordinary universe overlords.

Coupled with his own innate secret method, his combat power is comparable to that of the Lord of the Universe. For example, the Universe Lord-level World Tree has the combat power of the Lord of the Universe.

Perhaps even the Lord of the ordinary universe is afraid of this kind of cosmic lord, after all, the divine bodies of special beings are extremely large.

However, Emperor Yan is very confident. After all, he has a perfect 10081x gene. When facing such a top cosmic overlord, he still has a great advantage.

After all, the difference in basic divine power between the Lord of the Universe and the Lord of the Universe is a hundred times, not to mention that his gene multiplier is even higher.

Once Wei Wen used the most powerful weapon, even if he could not fully activate the power of the most powerful weapon and could not understand the secret patterns within it, he was still comparable to the third-level Lord of the Universe!

This was his first real attack in hundreds of years. He didn't expect that his strength had become so strong.

Normal Level 3 and Level 4 Master of the Universe Secret Techniques would not consume so much. Otherwise, even if Wei Wen had hundreds of millions of deities, it would not be enough to consume the Level Secret Techniques.

"If I could comprehend the secret pattern on the most powerful treasure, and if the intensity of the secret technique reaches level 6, the top treasure would probably be destroyed."

Of course, it was mainly because Luo Feng didn't understand the secret method of talent that he consumed so much.

"Killing Lord Yan Sha is indeed a bit troublesome given the temperament of the Yan Divine Clan, but even if it is Emperor Yan, I am not afraid at all." Wei Wen's eyes narrowed.

"It is indeed a third-level secret method. It is indeed very powerful. The heavy treasure armor can be destroyed with the wave of a hand." Wei Wen said with emotion.

It's just that it is worthy of being the master-level secret method of the three realms of the universe. Unfortunately, the power consumed by this move is also extremely exaggerated.

For example, if Luo Feng, the cosmic venerable class, uses the secret method of perfect genetic talent (level 4), he can drain a nearly 9-kilometer-long Nether Sea clone in 10 seconds.

"An ordinary master of the universe can tear apart ordinary treasure armor at will."

It's just that the top-level treasure, the Tribulation Armor, should still be in the hands of Emperor Yan. It's almost impossible to kill him.

The advantages of the most powerful treasure can be seen from this.

Before the most powerful treasure, the founder of the giant ax was submissive. After the supreme treasure, the founder of the giant ax struck hard.


Wei Wen smiled and flew outside the golden area of ​​the mysterious realm. He had no immediate plans and recalled the previous battle.

Maybe Wei Wen's divine body is not as good as Emperor Yan's perfect gene universe master divine body, but Wei Wen's most powerful and precious weapon can also make up for the lack of divine power.

"And I can feel that if you use the most powerful treasure weapon, even the high-grade treasure armor, it will be vulnerable to my swordsmanship."

The difference between a divine body of nearly 10 kilometers and a divine body of several meters in height alone is more than 1000 million times. In terms of volume, it is an incredible gap.

If I didn't have Youhai's clone constantly replenishing my divine power, I'm afraid that one move would be enough to cause my divine body to lose half of its divine power.

If Emperor Yan was so easy to kill, the human race might have chosen to kill Emperor Yan long ago.

Of course, the reason why Emperor Yan was not killed was probably because of the mountain guest. After all, this old guy was very mysterious, and many of the strongest people in the universe recognized that the mountain guest was not easy to mess with.

Maybe the mountain rider has never proven a fight with the strongest person in the universe, but with some simple auxiliary methods, he can easily tease the strongest person in the universe. After all, he is the God King. If he doesn't even have this means, it would be a real joke.

No matter what, if Wei Wen and Emperor Yan start fighting, Mountain Guest will probably not help each other, or even help Wei Wen.

Compared with Emperor Yan, Wei Wen's potential is obviously greater. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has the qualifications of a god king. Which one is more important?

"I estimate that I will soon become the Lord of the Universe. By then, I will be at least Level 4 or Level 5 in strength." Wei Wen secretly looked forward to it.

Wei Wen is waiting...waiting for Emperor Yan who may come to kill him. If Emperor Yan puts enough pressure on him, with his talent, a breakthrough will be a matter of course.


The dimensions of time and space around Wei Wen were instantly transformed, and towering figures nearly ten thousand kilometers high appeared around him.

That figure was covered with dense black scales, and the black horn on his forehead was piercing the sky. He was Emperor Yan, the only lord of the universe of the Yan God Clan.

The reason why Emperor Yan found Wei Wen so quickly was because the token he gave to Venerable Yan Sha was broken nearby.

"Wei Wen, a descendant of Earthlings?!" Emperor Yan's pupils shrank.

Wei Wen's growth rate is too fast, unbelievably fast.

If there was someone behind Wei Wen, the first thing Emperor Yan thought of was the mountain guest, and the one he feared the most was the mountain guest.

"The mountain guest is really partial. The treasure he gave me is just an ordinary peak treasure." Emperor Yan's eyes were filled with endless anger and humiliation.

"What is prepared for the leaders of the Earthlings is not only the pinnacle treasure 'Tribulation Armor', but also the most powerful treasure Star Tower."

"Fortunately, according to Senior Brother, there is no hope of refining the Star Tower Universe Master. It seems that Wei Wen has no chance of becoming a disciple of Sitting Mountain Guest."

"Then why did he kill me, a strong man from the Yan Divine Clan?"

"Is it possible that Teacher Zuoshanke wants to use me to sharpen his knife?"

"Huh, I'm not afraid of grinding the knife. Anyway, I think Wei Wen is very unhappy, so why not..."

In layman's terms, this child is so terrifying that he must not be kept!

Emperor Yan's jealousy and anger were released directly without any concealment, and the surrounding void suddenly seemed to be plunged into endless flames.


With Emperor Yan's area as the core, powerful divine power and domain fluctuations burst out around him, followed by the complete space blockade that previously covered hundreds of light-years.

Endless bits of starlight were born out of thin air, and countless starlight instantly filled the surrounding area with a radius of hundreds of light years.

It should be noted that the surrounding area has been blocked by space. In fact, even if it is not blocked, no one dares to teleport wantonly.

And if it is flying at sub-light speed, how can it be possible to fly out of a radius of hundreds of light years in a short time?

With a thought, Wei Wen's peak treasure domain spread out, easily opening up a range of tens of light years in Emperor Yan's domain.

"You are just a Universe Venerable, you can separate my domain, your domain treasure is the pinnacle treasure!" Emperor Yan's eyes shone.

Emperor Yan was able to steal the treasure of the Lord of the Universe from the human race before, so naturally he also wanted to steal Wei Wen's peak domain treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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