Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 227 Breakthrough to the Lord of the Universe

Chapter 227 Breakthrough to the Lord of the Universe

Emperor Yan was also curious about Wei Wen's domain-level pinnacle treasure. Was it given by the human race or by a mountaineer?

As for whether Wei Wen got it himself, he was directly excluded by Emperor Yan!

"There aren't many human beings who have peak domain treasures. Even if they are distributed, they won't be given to Wei Wen. Could it be the handiwork of that old guy sitting on the mountain?" Emperor Yan frowned.

"But according to Sishanke's plan, even if Wei Wen is his disciple, he will not directly give him the peak domain treasure, but will only give him some standards and requirements."

"If Wei Wen's requirements are met, Mountain Guest will only give him a peak domain treasure, so this treasure should not be the handiwork of that old guy."

"In this case, grab it, you must grab it. With the peak domain treasure, my ability to save my life will be stronger, and it is even possible for my combat power to reach level 4 in disguise."

Emperor Yan knew the Mountain Guest well, and he could easily tell that this peak-level treasure was definitely not made by the Mountain Guest, so Emperor Yan felt that he had nothing to worry about.

It's not like he's never done it before, just grabbing the treasure.

In the dark void, an arm-shaped shape suddenly stretched out from the void, and a halberd-like treasure weapon appeared in the hand. It was Emperor Yan's peak treasure, the Yan Divine Halberd.

Emperor Yan was seen holding the Divine Yan Halberd, sometimes using it as a halberd, sometimes as a heavy hammer, a long stick, etc.

Whether it is used as a halberd, a long stick, or a heavy hammer, the secrets used are all third-level secrets.


Suddenly, phantoms of the Divine Flame Halberd appeared in the surrounding space and time. Each phantom of the Divine Yan Halberd was as vast as hundreds of millions of kilometers, like a small continent!

The Yan Divine Halberd held by Emperor Yan suddenly erupted like thunder and lightning.

If he didn't know the character of Sitting Mountain Guest, he couldn't help but suspect that this most powerful treasure was given by Control.

In Emperor Yan's eyes, with his top third-level universe master's combat power, there is indeed a good chance of killing the top universe overlord.

Wei Wen followed closely and directly used his strongest trick, the third-order space secret method, and at the same time, the burning divine power surged into the most powerful and precious weapon in his hand.

Two black streams of light rushed forward and collided together.

Wei Wen held the most powerful and precious weapon in his hand, and with every step he turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Emperor Yan.


The tens of thousands of kilometers long sword is so powerful that it cuts forward directly, creating a twisted space vortex and crushing the surrounding space dimensions.

"Then he will most likely perish under this move."

"bring it on."

The human race does not have the most powerful and precious weapon, but Wei Wen has the most powerful and precious weapon, which is simply unbelievable.

The power of the Supreme Treasure shocked Emperor Yan.

I saw phantoms of the Yan Shen Ji, scattered up, down, left, front, and rear, sweeping in from all directions.

"The most powerful treasure?!" Emperor Yan was shocked.

If he didn't burn his divine body, his divine power would be nearly a thousand times less powerful than Emperor Yan!

Even if the difference in secret techniques is not big, this difference in the intensity of divine power... Emperor Yan's blow is enough to kill Wei Wen.

"He is just the Lord of the Universe. Even if he has a super powerful treasure, how far can he drive it?" Emperor Yan's eyes narrowed.

Under the phantom of the Yan Shen Ji, the sealed cosmic space was occasionally oppressed and cracked in places.

However, knowing the character of the mountain guest, he understood that the mountain guest would never give the treasure to him for no reason, so Wei Wen got this powerful treasure by himself.

"Wei Wen has grown so fast, and he has already guessed that the opportunity is great." Emperor Yan's eyes shone.

"I thought it was the handiwork of Mountain Guest before, but I didn't expect it to be the case. At least this most powerful weapon was not made by Mountain Guest."

"If I can get his chance, can I go one step further and even surpass the strongest person in the universe?!"

The collision of powerful power... caused Wei Wen, who was holding the most powerful and precious weapon, to fly away directly, and even Emperor Yan fell back hundreds of millions of kilometers.

"As expected of the third-level top master of the universe. Although I have third-level strength, I really can't gain any advantage if I take action." Wei Wen took a deep breath.

"Hmph!" Emperor Yan snorted coldly and attacked Wei Wen again. "Wei Wen, the human from the original universe, fall with peace of mind and become a sacrifice on my eternal road." The Yan Divine Halberd in Emperor Yan's hand became more and more powerful.

And this time he took action... He didn't resist Wei Wen's attack at all, fully intending to exchange injuries for injuries!

Although Wei Wen's Supreme Treasure Weapon is very strong, the Peak Supreme Treasure Tribulation Armor is also the armor closest to the Supreme Treasure.

Wei Wen was unable to drive the ultimate power of the Supreme Treasure, but Emperor Yan was able to drive the Jie Jia to the limit.

With such an increase and decrease, Wei Wen really has nothing to do with Emperor Yan's method of exchanging injuries for injuries.


The Yan Divine Halberd roared in, the dimensions of time and space twisted, and the top of the halberd directly hit Wei Wen's chest.

Without being blocked by the most powerful and precious weapon, all the power of Emperor Yan's move hit Wei Wen's chest.

Kaka~~ Wei Wen's chest suddenly vibrated, cracks appeared in his body, and at the same time, he quickly flew backwards without any resistance.

In fact, the power of Emperor Yan's attack was enough to destroy the divine body of the top universe overlord.

Of course, Wei Wen is not an ordinary cosmic lord, and his most powerful armor has extremely strong defense.

Before Wei Wen flew out, his long sword also struck Emperor Yan's body.


This cut produced an extremely deep sound.

Emperor Yan received this beating, and the strength of his divine body was also affected, but he did not suffer any serious injuries.

He just paused for a moment, then continued to kill Wei Wen.

Wei Wen also had a fighting spirit in his heart and stared at Emperor Yan in the distance. Wei Wen did not run away, but continued to fight with Emperor Yan.

"You didn't escape?" Emperor Yan made a surprised voice, "With the power of your peak domain treasure, it stands to reason that you have a high degree of confidence in escaping."

In Emperor Yan's eyes, Wei Wen's peak domain treasure was strong enough to forcibly block the space ban and his treasure domain.

And Wei Wen is no match for him. Logically speaking, in this situation, Wei Wen's wisest choice is to run away?

"You didn't run away either?" Wei Wen showed a smile.

He felt that under the pressure of Emperor Yan, the perfect integration of time and mystery was progressing by leaps and bounds, which was much faster than the hard work.

If he continues to fight like this, Wei Wen's breakthrough to the Lord of the Universe will be a matter of course.

"Hahaha... You are very brave and arrogant!" Emperor Yan let out a shocking laugh.

"Wei Wen, you are indeed an unprecedented genius. You can provoke almost all the major forces in the universe to kill you."


Venerable Wei Wenwen fought with Emperor Yan in the Mysterious Realm, and sudden changes occurred in the distant galaxy.


The ocean of original laws of the original universe descended directly, and its endless pressure enveloped Wei Wen's entire divine kingdom.

The Lord of the Universe breaks through to the Lord of the Universe, and he comes by selecting the best.

The body of the endless sea of ​​​​netherworld, which was originally relatively calm, now became turbulent.

(End of this chapter)

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