Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 230 The shocked mountain guest

Chapter 230 The shocked mountain guest

Puti has always been very low-key and never shows off herself.

Just like before, Emperor Yan looked down on Puti at all and never considered Puti to be his senior brother. He only regarded him as a servant of Sishanke.

But Emperor Yan didn't know that Puti's true strength had actually surpassed him quietly.

"I'll give you a chance, just like Emperor Yan and Luo Feng, you can also go and have a good time in the universe sea." Sitting Mountain Guest said with a smile.

"I may not be able to prepare the most suitable treasure for you in advance, but this rare item is the weapon closest to the most powerful treasure, so I will give it to you."

"Although it has been in my hands for endless epochs, it is just a collection for me, but in your hands, it should be able to exert sufficient power."

He has always kept a low profile and never showed off himself. Even Emperor Yan looked down on Puti, thinking that Puti was just a servant before. How could he know that Puti's true strength had quietly surpassed him.

"Yes, teacher, the disciple must do his best and not let the teacher down." Puti's divine body trembled slightly. He didn't know how long he had been waiting for these words!

The mountain guest's eyes passed through the palace door, seeming to pass through the endless chaotic air flow, looking into the mysterious realm from a distance.

He has long been aware of Puti's thoughts, but he is more aware of Puti's potential... There is no possibility of breaking through to the realm of the God King!

Puti, on the other hand, has been doing her best to select candidates for the leadership of the Earth lineage in accordance with the instructions of Teacher Sishanke.

For example, the future leader of the Earth lineage will become the third disciple of Zuoshanke!

If Puti is just a guest on the mountain to reminisce about old friendships, he is qualified to become a disciple...

After that, Wei Wen caused a storm in the original universe, and now he feels that he will definitely be able to become one of the strongest people in the universe.

"By the way, teacher, actually there is something I don't know about." Puti thought of Wei Wen.

"It can be seen that he is definitely the most suitable candidate to become the leader of the Earth lineage."

"It is a simple matter for him to surpass me and my second junior brother Emperor Yan. It is also easy for him to step into the realm of the strongest in the universe."

"Actually, the best candidate among the Earth lineage candidates is undoubtedly Wei Wencai, the strongest genius in mankind." Puti said doubtfully.

"Furthermore, he has grown into the master of the universe in such a short time of cultivation. In terms of talent and luck, he is absolutely unparalleled in history."

But after learning about Wei Wen's growth rate, state of mind, and will, Puti truly saw the hope of success!

"The difficulty of refining the teacher's Star Tower is too difficult. If there is anyone who has the best chance of success, Wei Wen is undoubtedly the most likely."

"Say." A sense of enlightenment arose in the mountain guest's heart.

I used to be ordinary, but I just thought that the refining of the Star Tower would continue to fail.

"But why is the teacher hesitant?"

However, Puti can be regarded as the first disciple of Sishanke, and after working hard over the years, even if he gave up Emperor Yan, he indeed had no intention of giving up on Puti.

Otherwise, how could such an important item as the Heavenly Soul Crystal be buried underground so casually, waiting to be discovered by people on earth?

In Puti's eyes, Wei Wen is the best, bar none!

He also knew very well that Emperor Yan and the Earthlings were the disciples that Mountain Guest had spent countless efforts to truly cultivate.

"Besides... Wei Wen should have discovered the extraordinary features of the earth and was able to resolve the suspicions of the strong men of the human race in advance."

He is the strongest person in terms of talent, luck, will, etc. He can't think of a second choice for the leader of the Earth lineage.

But——Sitting Mountain Guest hesitated. He had not come into contact with Wei Wen, and he did not expect that Wei Wen would grow to such an exaggerated level in just a few hundred years.

"Everyone will face countless choices in life." Mountain Guest said with emotion. "Sometimes, the value of choice actually exceeds talent, will, treasures, etc., thus giving the strong infinite possibilities."

"Actually, it's not that I hesitate, it's because my choice is to give all people on earth a fair chance to choose."

"At least until the Nine Tribulations Secret Code is practiced, my choice will be fair to everyone."

"Of course, the reason why I didn't choose Wei Wen is because I did underestimate Wei Wen before. His potential is beyond our imagination."

"When I was not ready to contact him, he had already broken through to the Lord of the Universe. I thought he was just at the World Lord level."

"It is indeed a pity that I missed it, but I think I understand Wei Wen's character. He is not a white-eyed wolf like Emperor Yan. This is enough."

"When he learns the truth and grows to a sufficient level, he will definitely help me!"

The explanation he gave Puti before may have some truth, but he never answered the core question, which is... why not intervene at the beginning.

Opportunities are an indispensable factor on the way for a strong person to grow into a strong person. Every super strong person who can reach the top has received various amazing opportunities.

But at Wei Wen's level, with his god-king level of knowledge, it was no longer a simple encounter that could be described, and he would be frightened whenever he saw it.

Therefore, in the eyes of Mountain Guest, it may be the best outcome that the final inheritor is not Wei Wen.

"Then what does the teacher plan to do about the battle between Emperor Yan and Wei Wen?" Puti asked doubtfully.

"Haha, just wait and see what happens, don't pay any attention to it." The mountain guest's eyes were focused.

In the eyes of the mountain guest, Wei Wen was too mysterious, so he just let nature take its course.


In a silent ancient starry sky, the endless void seemed to be frozen, and the surroundings seemed extremely depressing.

The huge phantoms transformed by more than a dozen thoughts are scattered in all directions.

After Emperor Yan broke away from the human race, he joined the Nine Realms Alliance, one of the twelve top forces in the original universe.

The alliance is formed by about a hundred thousand ethnic groups, including some powerful ethnic groups.

In fact, in terms of the number and quality of the ethnic groups, they are already close to the peak ethnic groups and forces such as the Human Alliance and the Zerg Alliance.

For example, there are more than a dozen universe masters in the Nine Realms Alliance, there are only more than 10 universe masters in the human race, and there are only more than 30 universe masters in the Hong League that took the lead.

Therefore, the Nine Realms Alliance's combat power is close to that of the alliance formed by the peak ethnic groups, but it just doesn't have the strongest person in the universe.

A powerful man like Emperor Yan, the Lord of the Universe, naturally has a very high status in the alliance.

But now they suddenly received a message from Emperor Yan asking for help, and their opponent was Wei Wen of the human race, who had already broken through to the Master of the Universe.

In fact, it is not difficult to ask for help. Maybe other ethnic groups are not as convenient as the virtual universe, but there are still communication treasures such as the Ancestral God Token.

But in the face of Emperor Yan's request for help, they had no idea of ​​​​rescuing him.

The human race may be regarded as the bottom peak race because it does not have the most powerful treasure, but it is not a being that the Nine Realms Alliance can provoke.

What's more, Wei Wen is growing so fast, and provoking Wei Wen is probably not asking for death.

(End of this chapter)

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