Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 231 The excited human race strongman

Chapter 231 The excited human race strongman

Virtual universe, Temple of the Great Ax.

There is a long stone table in the not too big open space in front of the temple. There is only a stone chair on the main seat of the long stone table.

There are rows of stone chairs on both sides. At this moment, towering figures are already sitting on these stone chairs. They are the powerful masters of the universe of the human race.

This time, Wei Wen's astonishing actions in the mysterious realm once again shocked the masters of the universe who had experienced countless storms and waves.

As for where the news about the human race came from, it actually came from the Nine Domains Alliance.

Emperor Yan and Wei Wen were fighting. It was fine that the Nine Realms Alliance did not help Wei Wen. They actually let the human race know about it, which surprised them all.

However, when they learned the specific information, they also knew the thoughts of the Nine Domain Alliance, and they obviously intended to make friends with Wei Wen.

After all, no one expected that Wei Wen, who had only been practicing for a short time, would have such incredible strength and kill Emperor Yan.

In addition, Wei Wen actually has two of the most powerful treasures!

"Actually, I was confused when I first got the news. I'm a little confused now. I'm not sure if it's true."

"It should be right. Wei Wen has broken through the Master of the Universe and has two powerful treasures. The two demon ancestors of the demon clan no longer dare to be so arrogant."

"I don't know!"

"Kill Emperor Yan. It's not like the human race doesn't have this kind of strength, but Wei Wen really dares to do it."

But he has always had to keep a low profile and never really exploded with all his strength, just because he was afraid that the human race without the most powerful treasure would be targeted.

"Since the original ancestor was suppressed, our human race has been forbearing. Now that our race has the most powerful treasure, our human race's position in the original universe is completely unshakable."

As the leader of the Virtual Universe Company, the Lord of Chaos City naturally was the first to receive the information collected by the Virtual Universe.

"Wei Wen has really become the Lord of the Universe?"

"How long has it been since he broke through to the Lord of the Universe? Why did he suddenly break through to the Lord of the Universe?"

"Where did it come from?"

Regarding Wei Wen's breakthrough as the Lord of the Universe, although everyone was surprised, they were not shocked.

When he first learned the news, even though he was as calm as he was, he was still shocked.

But now Wei Wen suddenly had two powerful treasures, which naturally made them extremely excited.

For example, the founder of the giant axe, his strength is indeed not low. He is considered the Lord of the 8th level of the universe without the most powerful treasure. There are not many such strong people in the entire universe sea.

At this moment, Wei Wen's figure appeared. No matter what level of strength he had reached now, these people could be regarded as his seniors who had taken care of him.

But the most powerful treasure is different. This is the treasure of the peak tribe!

At least as a peak race... the human race has never had a single most powerful treasure before, which has always made the strong men of the human race a little uneasy.

"And he also has the most powerful treasure?!"

There was a lot of noise in front of the temple, and the Lords of the Universe, who were usually as stable as a rock, were talking about it and were very excited.

"But if you think about it carefully, there is some connection between Wei Wen and Mountain Guest."

The figure of the Chaos City Lord walked out of the chaotic airflow. A pair of deep and gentle eyes stared at the humble black-haired boy in front of him. He nodded secretly in his heart. He has seen many people who become arrogant and arrogant when they become stronger. Wei Wen's character is very impressive. He was satisfied.

"Junior brother, come here and sit down." The Lord of Chaos City waved to Wei Wen.

Wei Wen glanced at everyone briefly, seemed to have something in mind, and found a chair to sit down at random. "Wei Wen, we already know about you. It's the news from the Nine Realms Alliance. You should be the Lord of the Universe now, right?" The Lord of Chaos City smiled.

"That's right." Wei Wen nodded. There was really no need to hide the matter of breaking through to the Master of the Universe in front of the highest level of the human race.

Besides, he had just killed Emperor Yan and couldn't hide it even if he wanted to.

"Wei Wen, no human race has ever had the most powerful treasure before, but you have two. How did you do it?" The Lord of Chaos City was silent for a moment.

"Of course, this is just our curiosity. If it's not convenient for you to answer, it doesn't matter. We can all understand."

"I had a great opportunity and obtained two most powerful treasures." Wei Wen explained simply.

The secret of his possession of the most powerful weapon will be revealed sooner or later. At least it cannot be hidden forever. He must take the opportunity to show off the power of the most powerful weapon.

Now that Wei Wen killed Emperor Yan in the Mystic Realm, he was flexing his muscles to intimidate the foreign races.

As for where Wei Wen's most powerful treasure came from, the strong men of the human race are not fools, so they will naturally not ask.

All they need to know is that Wei Wen has two most powerful treasures in his hands!

With the most powerful treasure, the human race has confidence.

At this moment, Wei Wen and others were sitting there drinking heavily. Everyone seemed very excited. This was a celebration and feast for the human race.

In addition to the fact that Wei Wen's acquisition of the most powerful treasure is a major event for the human race, it represents a great leap forward for the peak strength of the human race.

Secondly, Wei Wen broke through the Lord of the Universe so quickly, which naturally made everyone extremely excited.

Maybe it won't be long before Wei Wen will break through and become the strongest person in the universe, and become as strong as the original ancestor, or even surpass the original ancestor!

Followed by the masters of the universe of the human race, they were also talking to each other in twos and threes.

"Wei Wen, although you haven't truly become the Lord of the Universe yet, with your talent, you can easily reach the sixth level with the help of the most powerful treasure." The Lord of Chaos City said with emotion.

"In addition, with your current strength, you have surpassed most masters of the universe. You are also the 19th master of the universe in our human race."

No matter which force it is, there must be some strong people who hide their strength.

Like the Lord of the Universe, there are only 15 publicly known among the human race.

Even before Luo Feng grew to a certain height, he didn't know how many universe masters there were in his clan. Obviously, this was the top secret of the human clan.

"Before, our Virtual Universe Company and the Giant Ax Arena each had five universe masters. Now with you, our Virtual Universe Company has six." Chaos City Lord continued.

Following the explanation from the Lord of Chaos City, Wei Wen also had a more detailed understanding of the situation of the top experts in Virtual Universe Company.

The Lord of Chaos City, the fifth-level top master of the universe, the Lord of Darkness, the fifth-level master of the universe.

Wei Wen, the Lord of Bingfeng, and the Lord of Dragon Walk are all currently Level 4 Universe Lords.

As for the Lord Youhou, who is a lower generation, he is the Lord of the third level universe.

Of course, the masters of the universe from different forces generally don't pay much attention to seniority.

If you want, you can call them by seniority; if you don't, you can call them by name.

After all, the lifespan of super beings in the universe is too long. Immortal strong men can be eternal as long as they do not perish. When recruiting disciples from generation to generation, there will be a big gap in seniority, so it is not that particular.

Just like Wei Wen's previous teacher, the Nine Swords Venerable, he must have had a teacher, but the Nine Swords Venerable never said such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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