Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 245 The Lord of Chaos City breaks through to the True God

Chapter 245 The Lord of Chaos City breaks through to the True God

The universe sea, Qingfeng realm.

"Before I summoned you, I went to see the teacher." The Lord of Chaos City looked at the founder of the giant ax and others in front of him.

"What's wrong?" The founder of Giant Ax and others turned to look at the Lord of Chaos City in confusion.

The Lord of Chaos City came specifically to find them this time, and it seemed that he had nothing else to do, at least not for the main purpose of finding the treasure of the universe sea.

Seems like just for the rally!

But if it’s a gathering, the virtual universe will suffice, why does it have to be in the Qingfeng Realm?

"It's been a long time..." Chaos City Lord seemed to have memories in his eyes.

"In my memory, after the teacher was suppressed, although he always looked like a spring breeze, he was always calm when encountering things."

"But this time I saw the teacher, he was really happy. That kind of happiness from the heart made me feel happy both physically and mentally."

"Our human race, which the teacher loves deeply, is now ushering in the most prosperous, beautiful and powerful era."

"We are indeed lucky to live in this era of Wei Wen's rise, because a miraculous person was born - Wei Wen." The founder of Giant Ax said with a smile,

"Yes, we are indeed lucky. Wei Wen has grown too fast. He must be the strongest in the universe soon, right?" The Lord of Darkness said with a smile.

And he has been looking forward to this day for endless years.

In fact, in terms of talent, the Lord of Chaos City was no worse than him. At least before Wei Wen's rise, he was known as the Lord of the Universe in the Universe Sea who was most likely to break through the most talented person.

"I didn't expect that after Wei Wen's guidance and secret method teaching, the breakthrough was completely natural!"

After his enlightenment now, he can break through the strongest person in the universe at any time and transform the Kingdom of God into a small universe.

But the Lord of Chaos City was very happy, and there was something obviously wrong with this kind of happiness.

The founder of the giant ax soon discovered something was wrong with the Chaos City Lord. It stands to reason that after Wei Wen surpassed the Chaos City Lord, he would block the Chaos City Lord's path.

"The secret method Wei Wen gave me has everything in it, and it is definitely the small universe structure method that is most suitable for the time and space fusion route." The Lord of Chaos City smiled.

"Haha, actually he can indeed break through. At least he is further than me in the way of merging time and space." The Lord of Chaos City laughed.

"How is your research on the small universe structure?" the founder of Giant Ax asked expectantly.

The structure of the small universe actually indirectly affects its future potential.

Otherwise, the Chaos City Lord would not have been able to easily surpass each true god and become one of the most powerful true gods in the universe sea by relying on his accumulated solid foundation after his breakthrough.

"This, this is..." Suddenly Huaxue's eyes burst out with huge surprise.

"Otherwise I wouldn't have told you that my breakthrough was completely natural."

Of course, as long as it's not too bad, you can reach the Chaos Dominator level. At that time, you will be fully capable of returning the small universe to chaos, and you can learn new structural methods at that time.

"Actually, I have always wanted to break through, and I didn't dare to relax, but I couldn't." The Lord of Chaos City took a deep breath.

The face of Chaos City Lord also showed excitement.

"Brother, are you going to break through the strongest man in the universe?" the Lord of Darkness said in surprise.

However, he has never been able to break through the level of true god since he received this evaluation, but now...

Moreover, the small universe structure method in Wei Wen's secret method is more than enough to allow the Chaos City Lord's small universe potential to reach the eternal true god level.

"Then when will you choose to merge your clones into one and become the strongest in the universe?" The founder of the giant ax couldn't hide his excitement.

"Actually, I'm more anxious than you. After all, I've been longing for it for so long, and now I finally have the possibility of a breakthrough. Naturally, the sooner the better." The Lord of Chaos City's eyes were blazing. …

Virtual universe, the top of Thunder Island.

The virtual universe is extremely lively at this moment, because the Lord of Chaos City has broken through and become the strongest person in the universe!

This is a big surprise and a grand event for the human race and Hongmeng.

At this moment, there are not only the universe masters of the human race here, but also the alien universe masters who have joined the Hongmeng. They are also gathered on Thunder Island to celebrate the breakthrough of the Chaos City Lord.

After all, the Lord of Chaos City has become the strongest person in the universe, and the human race and Hongmeng have gained another strongest person in the universe. What a big deal this is!

In short, the birth of any strongest person in the universe is extremely precious.

"Senior brother, breaking through from the Lord of the Universe to the Strongest Person in the Universe is definitely the moment when one's realm improves the fastest." Wei Wen looked at the Lord of Chaos City curiously.

"With the secret method and the mystery of the evolution of chaos, I wonder, senior brother... how big a breakthrough has he made this time?"

The average master of the universe, after breaking through the strongest person in the universe, relies on chaotic evolution to realize the seventh-level secret method.

Unless the talent is too poor, you can only understand the top secret method of the sixth level.

It is possible to become the strongest person in the universe, and the talent will definitely not be any worse. Therefore, the strongest people in the universe generally break through to level 7.

However, there are some monsters who can reach the top level 7 by relying on chaotic evolution.

For example, Luo Feng realized the 8th level secret method before his breakthrough. Once he broke through, he reached the 10th level, which is considered the first record in the universe sea!

Wei Wen was not very surprised that the Lord of Chaos City could break through the strongest person in the universe, but he was very curious about the current level of the Lord of Chaos City.

For example, the Lord of Chaos City himself was able to break through by understanding the "Law of Time and Space Fusion". This road is extremely difficult.

But once the breakthrough is successful, there will be greater gains.

This is why the original Chaos City Lord started late, but later became one of the eight true god overlords of the Universe Sea!

It should be noted that those are the eight top true gods recognized by many of the strongest people (true gods) in the universe after harvesting and tempering in the world of Jin.

The Lord of Chaos City can even be ranked among the best, and there is no doubt about his gold content and heritage.

"With Chaos' current state, the seventh-level top secret method must be easy to create. If he simply cultivates quietly, it should be enough to create the eighth-level secret method!" the founder of the giant ax guessed.

Regarding the speculation about the founder of the giant axe, the masters of the universe could not help but hold their breath, but they did not doubt the potential of the Chaos City Lord.

The 8th-level secret method, even without the most powerful treasure, is still the real 8th-level true god. None of the strongest people in the original universe has set foot on the 9th level!

"When I was building a small universe, I was lucky enough to figure out the 8th-level secret method." The Lord of Chaos City himself was very surprised.

Wei Wen was somewhat relieved. Although the founder of the giant ax broke through to the true god earlier, he was able to break through with the "axe way".

His small universe structure is actually very ordinary, roughly equivalent to the situation of the strongest people in other universes.

After working hard for a long time, it was only with the teachings of the original ancestor and my own efforts that I was able to raise the realm of secret magic to the eighth level.

After obtaining the most powerful and precious axe, he relied on the secret pattern on the ax to realize the top-level 8th-level secret method. Only by relying on the combination of the axe and the most powerful and precious axe, he gained the 9th-level top-notch strength.

"The evolution of chaos is very mysterious. It may be enough for me to simulate the combination once after reaching the four-step ultimate path. In this way, I have a higher chance of breaking through the eternal ultimate path." Wei Wen's eyes narrowed.

(End of this chapter)

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