Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 246 Divine power breaks through 20000 times

Chapter 246 Divine power breaks through 20000 times

Venerable Wei Wen is heading towards the space ship, and there are a large number of items suspended in the endless sea of ​​​​netherworld.

In this vacuum area inside the endless sea, everyone is trapped in a strange realm.

This is a field naturally formed by the use of the secret method of 'creation', which can analyze and analyze the essence of all materials in the field.

And various metals, minerals, soil, cosmic crystals... It can be said that all materials that can be found in the original universe can be found here.

When Wei Wen was studying the hierarchical analysis diagram of life genes, these were all research materials.

From a genetic structure point of view, the true God has already surpassed the original universe.

"Life, reorganize!"

The genetic composition of life within the divine power was immediately artificially optimized by Wei Wen, just as cultivation leads to the evolution of genes!

It's just that Wei Wen's optimization ability is even higher. He has already transformed the most basic genetic makeup of life to allow himself to break through the boundaries of perfect genes!

Once he succeeds, he can directly break through and become the strongest person in the universe.


The gene collapsed instantly, and the recombination obviously failed!

The divine power of the endless sea of ​​​​netherworld gathered together again and restored the original genetic structure of life.

If the recombination of life genes failed this time, the divine power of the changed life source would quickly decompose, but it did not happen this time.

The sky above the endless sea of ​​​​netherworld instantly condensed a stream of divine power.

Wei Wen's thoughts moved, and hundreds of millions of ideas were tested by Wei Wen in an instant, but it was destined that none of these billions of ideas could surpass the perfect gene.



"Come again!"

Every failed trial and error made Wei Wen more successful.

At the same time, the inside of the divine power is also undergoing rapid transformation, and the most original life gene structure inside is undergoing transformation.

And the research on the divine power route... is also of great benefit to Wei Wen's research on chaos restriction.


Now that genetic optimization can exist stably... it means that Wei Wen has successfully broken the shackles of perfect genes.

It is indeed difficult to fully study the power of energy and the limits of devouring the genes of the starry sky world.


But if you simply break the shackles of perfect genes, it must not be difficult.

"Divine power, reorganization!"

Fortunately, Wei Wen has the first-level gene map of the life gene level analysis diagram, as well as the understanding of chaos restriction. Obviously, the success rate of his idea is higher.

"It's stable, and the quality of the divine power is obviously higher than before!" Wei Wen looked excited, "20000 times the genes!"

However, the perfect Chaos Restriction, that is, the perfect structure of energy, is actually more difficult than the Eternal Ultimate Kendo or even the Half-Step Ultimate Supreme.

"The divine body is reorganized!"


The entire Nether Sea suddenly disintegrated and turned into vast and endless divine power, followed closely by a large amount of divine power that condensed again.

Youhai had already reached 12 light years by relying on perfect genes and the original treasure.

Perfect genetic life is already very perfect and an extremely stable life structure. It is indeed difficult to break through this shackles.

But now that it has been reorganized again, the total amount of divine power has not changed, but the size has become smaller, and the quality of the divine power has obviously become stronger.

"Continue to absorb supplements."

The endless sea of ​​​​netherworld relies on the blessing of the original treasure to absorb endless divine power again.

As for Wei Wen's true form, relying on the Youhai Incarnation Power Bank he carries, his divine body is still as perfect as before, and the quality of his divine power has improved a bit.

Then there are the golden-horned beasts and the void clones. These clones are already in the original universe, and can naturally be replenished and perfected by the Nether Sea. In addition, after this transformation of divine power, Wei Wen could clearly feel that his divine body and divine kingdom were eager to try.

Because breaking the perfect gene is actually a way to break through the true god.

As long as Wei Wen wants to break through, he can immediately transform the divine kingdom in his body into a small universe!

However, 20000 times the gene is not the limit of the universe, so Wei Wen has no plans to break through.

After all, among the three levels of the divine body of the divine power route, the threshold for the first level is 30000 times the gene. By then, the height of the divine body will increase tenfold!

Besides, Wei Wen also plans to rely on chaotic evolution to transform his secret skills and perceptions, and will not break through easily.


Wei Wen simply used teleportation and wormholes to rush on his way, and his speed was undoubtedly very fast.

For example, in the original work, Luo Feng had just entered the inner realm of the universe sea to carry out the Donghe River inheritance, and other true gods could easily arrive in a short time.

It shows that as long as you are strong, you can easily navigate the cosmic sea.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed, and we were at the junction of the outer domain and the inner domain of the space ship.

There are sixteen stone pillars here that are thousands of light years old, and countless complex secret patterns are engraved on the stone pillars.

And the closer you get to these stone pillars, the more powerful your will will be.

Fortunately, the space nearby is not blocked, and teleportation will not be suppressed. This results in a large number of strong people resting here, or cultivating in secret.

After all, the acceleration of the black-grained stone pillar space is more efficient than the True God's small universe.


A figure that was too fast to be distinguished passed through the white mist near the black-grained stone pillar and entered directly into the space of the black-grained stone pillar.

"So fast!"

"He is the strongest person in the universe?"

The strong men resting nearby opened their eyes and looked at Wei Wen. At the same time, they were also secretly on guard, ready to teleport and escape at any time.

If in the original universe, the strongest person in the universe only had level 6 combat power, but in the cosmic sea, the strength of the strongest person in the universe will not be greatly affected now.

At least in terms of strength, it can explode above level 6 and is fully capable of killing the Lord of the Universe.

"I don't know who is the strongest person in the universe?"

In the three eras of reincarnation, as well as in the Holy Land Universe, the number of the strongest people in the universe combined is not large, but they have never seen the 'strong person' in front of them.

Wei Wen also noticed that many people seemed to be wary of him, but he didn't pay attention. Instead, he looked directly at the sixteen huge stone pillars.

"The black patterned stone pillar is indeed mysterious!" Wei Wen simply selected a stone pillar and quickly approached it.

Wei Wen moved forward very quickly, and the intensity of the impact of will and the flow of time around him were also increasing rapidly.


When the flow rate of time around you reaches about ten thousand times, the power of will impact reaches the level of a true god.

But Wei Wen's will has already reached the True God of the Void, and the impact of this level of will is indeed nothing.

As he quickly approached the space of the black-patterned stone pillars, the impact of will around him began to transform again. It requires a will at the level of the Void True God to gain a foothold here!

What followed was a surge in the speed of time, which here has reached more than 100,000 times.

"A hundred thousand times acceleration?"

Wei Wen felt the time dimension around him. This level of acceleration was already outrageous.

But this has not yet reached Wei Wen's limit. He can continue to move forward, and time will accelerate even faster.

"A true god can indeed accelerate time, but it doesn't require energy and resources. It is difficult to accumulate it to this extent." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

"And this black-patterned stone pillar has such power just standing here. It is indeed extraordinary."

(End of this chapter)

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