Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 247 The Demon Clan’s Conspiracy

Chapter 247 The Demon Clan’s Conspiracy

"Enjoy the benefits of the black-patterned stone pillar space first!" Wei Wen continued to move forward.

Entering the true god-level will of the void for the first time is actually not Wei Wen's limit. He can continue to move forward and see more of the secret patterns of the black stone pillars more clearly.

As he continued to approach the black-patterned stone pillar, many strong men who had seen Wei Wen's arrival were secretly on guard, but now they couldn't help but be shocked.

"He is truly the strongest man in the universe!"

"No, even the strongest person in the universe usually doesn't have such a strong will!"

"Yes, he has surpassed Star Lord Beich in terms of will!"

"Star Lord Beichi has stayed under the black-grained stone pillar for nearly two reincarnation eras. With the acceleration of time, it is even more difficult to measure."

"His will is so strong that few of the strongest can match it, but this stranger can actually surpass him?"

The masters of the universe were shocked. The strongest people in the universe were divided into three, six, and nine levels.

"But it is said that this person is very powerful and has more talent than the original ancestor!"

With Wei Wen's strength reaching this level, he naturally did not deliberately conceal his identity, so someone soon discovered his origin.

Many universe masters exchanged information together, and Wei Wen's information spread throughout the universe sea at an extremely fast speed.

"He is the Lord of the Universe from the original universe era?"

"Just a breakthrough!"

"How is it impossible? It is said that this guy only spent hundreds of years to reach this point. This is so fucking outrageous."

Monster clan.

In addition to the three reincarnation eras, there are also two holy places, namely the East Emperor Holy Land and the Ziyue Holy Land.

At this time, within the original universe - the demon tribe, the insect tribe, the mechanical tribe and other ethnic groups also received the news.

Naturally, in the two holy land universes, many people speculate that there will be some hidden old monsters that fit Wei Wen's situation.

Why do we say three reincarnation eras? If the true god cannot break through and become the true god of the void, the small universe will naturally be destroyed after three reincarnation eras, leading to his fall.

"It is said to come from the human race!"

"Who is he?" Many strong men secretly guessed.

The two holy places can be regarded as transcendent, able to remain standing through the ages of reincarnation.

There are many strong people gathered in the black-patterned stone pillar space. After all, the advantages here are obvious. Strong people from various ethnic groups and forces in the three major reincarnation eras can be found here.

As for the era of reincarnation, from the birth to the destruction of the original universe, that is an era of reincarnation.

In addition to speculation, there are also many masters of the universe who are looking for information.

"How can this be?"

"I don't know you. You just broke through?"

The fact that Wei Wen is so strong in will usually means that he is not too weak in other aspects.

"Is it that lunatic's tribe?!"

"That guy Wei Wen has actually broken through to the Lord of the Universe?" Demon Zhenzu looked confused.

"He also went to the Universe Sea?" Dream Demon Ancestor was also confused.

In fact, since the rise of Wei Wen, they have been searching for news about Wei Wen in the original universe for a long time, but the protection of the human race is very strong.

Before they could think of any countermeasures, Wei Wen became the Lord of the Universe, as if he suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It was simply outrageous!

"First understand some of his actions in the black-patterned stone pillar space!" Zhenyao Ancestor was silent for a moment, and soon sent a message to a certain master of the universe in the demon clan's black-patterned stone pillar space.

... While the powerful men outside the black-patterned stone pillars were exchanging information with each other, Wei Wen also began to leave behind one of his own clones, one of the eighteen gods and demons of Tao Wu, and began cultivating in secret.

"The rules of time are extremely active here, and the clarity of understanding is higher!" Wei Wen couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

In fact, after growing to the point where Wei Wen has grown to the level of a true god, it is difficult to have any opportunities to help Wei Wen grow.

But he didn't expect that the space-time dimension of the black-patterned stone pillar space was extremely active. It was simply a holy land for hidden cultivation. Wei Wen began to wonder about the mystery of time and space.

But to be honest, the test of will and pressure here are very high.

At least with Wei Wen's Void True God-level will, he still cannot truly touch the core of the black-patterned stone pillar space.

But Wei Wen is not in a hurry. When he realizes the complete ultimate way of time and space, he will be able to break through the Tao Lord.

By then, with the thousand-fold increase in Tao Wu's Eighteen Gods, Demons, and Chaos Restrictions, his divine body will be stronger, and his soul consciousness and will will also increase.

At that time, he will not only be able to enjoy a higher flow rate of time, but also be able to go deeper into space and perceive the way of time and space with greater clarity.

Double the fun!

This time Wei Wen came to the space ark, and the black-patterned stone pillar was only one of his goals. After all, he only needed to keep a clone to enjoy the benefits of time acceleration.

He planned to go deep into the inner domain of the space ship to see if he could obtain some resources and opportunities, but these might not be as valuable as the black-patterned stone pillar space.

Wei Wen's other Tao Wu Eighteen God and Demon clones were just about to leave when they were discovered by the Lord of the Universe of the Monster Clan.

"Human Sword Immortal? Please stay!" The Lord of Black Scales smiled.

The demon clan has long known that Wei Wen has extraordinary will, so Wei Wen's achievements can be explained.

I thought Wei Wen had broken through to the True God before, but I was really shocked.

"Zhenyao Zu asked you to come to me?" Wei Wen smiled lightly, and a super strong spiritual will descended.


The Lord of Black Scales' complexion changed slightly, and he broke into cold sweat for a moment.

"Sure enough, if you want to forcibly enslave the Lord of the Universe, relying solely on the true god-level will of the void is not enough." Wei Wen shook his head slightly.

The original ancestor was able to enslave the master of the universe of the mechanical race, presumably because his will has reached the level of the eternal true god.

"What a strong will, no wonder he can go so far in the black-patterned stone pillar space!" The Lord of Black Scales was secretly shocked.

Even if Wei Wen cannot enslave the Lord of Black Scales, as an 8th level combat power, he can destroy even the 5th level Lord of the Universe with a wave of his hand.

The Lord of Black Scales is not even a fifth-level Lord of the Universe, so he can be easily killed by Wei Wen.

But this guy has a clone, otherwise he wouldn't be sent to contact Wei Wen. Killing him doesn't make much sense. It's better to see the purpose of the Lord of Black Scales first.

"What do you want from me?" Wei Wen became interested.

"Actually, although our demon clan has a bad relationship with the human race, at least we demon clan are not targeting you, but want to trade with you..." The Lord of Black Scale said softly.

Compared to the age at which most powerful men break through to become the Lord of the Universe, Wei Wen is too young, too young to be ignored.

But why can he break common sense and complete the countless years of accumulation of other universe masters in just a few hundred years?

Is it really because Wei Wen's talent is incredible?

This is not necessarily the case!

During the Genius War, Wei Wen attracted attention for the first time.

The strong men of the demon clan clearly remember that although Wei Wen's talent was strong at that time, it was not as ridiculously strong as it is now.

If it's not talent, what other reasons or opportunities could it be?

Therefore, after a brief discussion between Demon Zhenzu and Dream Demon Ancestor, they immediately came up with a big plan.

They swarmed up and killed Wei Wen, and the opportunity belonged to them!

As for why they were so confident, Wei Wen's only achievement after his breakthrough was that it took a long time to kill the third-level universe lord, Emperor Yan.

Wei Wen's strength, level four? !

Even if it's level five, so what!

(End of this chapter)

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