Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 253 The mountain guest appears and deceives

Chapter 253 The mountain guest appears and deceives
"But don't worry, if the ancestor has a reward, I will not take it all for myself, and you will also benefit from it this time." Beizhen Star Master added.

"Yes!" The other true gods of the Eastern Emperor's Holy Land nodded.

"What a strong aura. This, this, which force is this, the strongest in the universe?"

"I've never seen it before?" The God of the Divine Eye Clan and the Bald God looked confused.

It seems that like Wei Wen, this group of the strongest people in the universe is also unfamiliar, and they seem to be very strong.

"I, the North True Star Master of the East Emperor's Holy Land, have not wandered in the universe for more than 10 reincarnation eras." Beizhen Star Master glanced at Wei Wen and other powerful men.

"Eastern Emperor's Holy Land?" The Fourth Lord frowned.

"That's right." Star Master Beizhen said with a hint of contempt in his tone, "You are the true gods of the first reincarnation era. This primitive universe era has passed away, right?"

The true gods of the first reincarnation era are about to fall, but the true gods such as Beizhen Star Master, as powerful men in the Holy Land and the universe, can live forever, so it is normal to disdain them.

And this time they dispatched four true gods, which was more than the other strong men present.

"..." After hearing what Wei Wen said, the mountain guest didn't expect Wei Wen to be so direct, but the mountain guest never thought that Wei Wen knew his true background.

In the eyes of the mountain guest, Wei Wen is very mysterious.

As for quality, Beizhen Star Master believes that except for the original ancestor, he is worthy of everyone!

"I have no ill intentions towards you, maybe we can cooperate in the future!" Mountain Guest said with a smile.

In fact, even the founder of Giant Ax couldn't understand some of the things he did on Earth.

"Haha!" Wei Wen smiled, "I guessed that you had a secret, and you also guessed that I had a secret, but we can only rely on guessing!"

However, growing up to Wei Wen's level, although the process was completely different from what he thought, his goal was achieved.

2. On the huge black mountain peak, there is another figure wearing a blue robe sitting cross-legged.

Of course, Wei Wen's ability to know such secrets shows that he is not simple. This Wei Wen is indeed as he expected, and there is indeed a big problem!

Following a strange fluctuation in time and space, a huge mountain peak flew over.

"Actually, compared to me, you are the most curious. You actually reached this point silently, and you were able to suppress Meng Tu as soon as you broke through?"

So no matter what the origins of the two people are, as long as they don't transcend reincarnation, everything can only be guessed.

Wei Wen pretended that he did not know that the Mountain Guest was the God King, and was just going to pretend that he had discovered some abnormalities of the Mountain Guest through some clues.

"Sitting on the mountain?"

The mountain guest was silent for a moment, and instantly understood what Wei Wen meant. The original will of the universe would restrict the beings of the universe sea from telling information or inheritance beyond the true god.

He has also heard rumors about the extremely mysterious Mountain Guest, and this guy doesn't seem to be easy to mess with.

"Sword Immortal, right? Are you also entering the core area of ​​the space ship?" The mountain guest ignored everyone and flew over with a smile.

"That's right!" Wei Wen nodded and thought for a moment, "When I saw such treasures on Earth, I knew that they were created by you, the Mountain Guest."

Star Master Beizhen was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the other party would appear here and the slap in the face would come so quickly.

After all, he came to the universe sea adventure just to find the power to take revenge.

Wei Wen has the qualifications of a god king and is destined to be with him. No matter what secrets Wei Wen has, as long as he can help him get revenge, everything is worth it.

After all, the mountain guest is a god king, and there is something about him that attracts Wei Wen. Wei Wen was confident that he could fool the mountain guest. If nothing else, the mountain guest must be very curious about him and look forward to his potential.

Overall, a win-win!
"I hope so." Wei Wen didn't say much.

After all, there are many secrets that even if Mountain Guest wants to say, he cannot tell them at all under the suppression of the supreme rules.

However, Wei Wen could guess from what the mountain guest said that the mountain guest was willing to win over him.

"Should the mountain sitters join forces?" Star Lord Beizhen suggested, "As for who will ultimately own the treasure, everyone will have their own merits at that time."

Although there were many true gods at the scene, except for the mountain guest, none of them were taken seriously by the North True Star Master.

"Forget it, I'm not interested in the treasure here." The mountain guest smiled calmly.

The mountain guest ignored Star Lord Beizhen, but scanned the black hole space with a diameter of about tens of thousands of light years.

Although the black hole space is huge, it is lifeless. The only conspicuous object is a circle of broken walls at the edge of the black hole space.

The mountaineer took a step forward to the wall and briefly scanned the wall.

As a God-King who is good at refining treasures, he quickly determined what its material was.

In addition, there are also densely written words on the walls. Although most of the words have been erased and only a few traces are left, there are still a few words that are very clear.

The trace of spiritual will contained in it also makes it very easy for mountain sitters to understand its contents.

"I didn't expect that Wu, the pinnacle country, is gone, and their remaining strength seems to have failed to succeed. It's sad." Sitting Mountain Guest looked at this text and sighed slightly in his heart.

"I can't enslave things like world beasts even if they are placed in front of me now. It's normal for them to fail!"

Looking at the many true gods present, including Wei Wen, he probably looked confused.

At least he has been here for so long that he knows far less than the mountaineers.

But from Sishanke's words, he could understand some of the meaning.

As for why the mountain guest can see through it, he cannot see through it at all. It is probably due to the original will of the original universe or even the supreme rule. This is not an existence that he can currently compete with.

This is why in the cosmic sea, information beyond the true God is not allowed to appear.

But Mountain Guest could understand it, but it seemed to be of no use. He quickly brushed it and disappeared into the black hole space.

The mountain guest suddenly appeared before and said a bunch of inexplicable words, and now he left inexplicably, which made everyone present, except Wei Wen, look confused.

Wei Wen actually couldn't guess the specific thoughts of the Mountain Guest, but one thing was certain, that is, the Mountain Guest's goal was revenge.

If he remembered correctly, the previous Duan Donghe did say that their purpose of coming to the Universe Sea was to enslave the realm beasts.

It's just that the mountain guest would never have imagined that in this primitive universe era, there would actually be a birth of world beasts.

If he knew, he probably wouldn't be able to become a true god according to the law even if he was killed.

Even if he fights to the death, he will choose the path of divine power.

After all, once he enslaves the world beast, he will definitely be sure of revenge. After all, the growth potential of the world beast is incredible!

The God King of the Origin Continent...according to Wei Wen's expectation, it may only be comparable to the first level of the Universe God, and there are very few or even none of the second level.

Otherwise, why can the grown-up world beast directly attack a group of god kings?
(End of this chapter)

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