Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 254 The inheritance of the God King of Wu

Chapter 254 The inheritance of the God King of Wu
"God King, even with my talent, it will probably take a long time. Let's not think about it for now. The treasure in front of us is the most important." Wei Wen took a deep breath.

Near the black hole space, a few more powerful true gods gathered. In the face of interests, all the powerful true gods could put aside their hatred.

They know each other well that even peace is only temporary, and they don't mind adding insult to injury if given the chance.


As time goes by, the birth of the huge black ball is approaching the last moment.

The pressure was overwhelming, and the entire black hole space with a radius of 10,000 light-years was in turbulent waves. Even if Wei Wen wanted to get close to the black ball, it would be difficult.

This is not only because the level of the black ball's treasure is not low, but more importantly, it is the sudden explosion of the "black hole space" that has been dormant for countless epochs.

Of course, they are outside the black hole space. As the strongest people in the universe, they can of course withstand this shock wave.

Especially after sensing the power of the shock wave, their eyes became even hotter, ready to take action at any time.

When the momentum reached its peak - the black ball with a diameter of more than four light years finally completely left the abyss black hole and stopped in the void.

All the true gods almost unanimously, including the Skeleton Clan and the Divine Eye Clan, who had always been at odds with each other, also attacked the Beizhen Star Master at this time, but none of them attacked Wei Wen!

Crazy laughter rang out, and at the same time, streaks of gray divine power swept through the North True Star Lord.

Wei Wen and others could feel that the black hole that spread out throughout the black hole space began to shrink sharply, and the surrounding void seemed to fade, with the color rapidly changing from thick to light.

As for taking it away directly?

Because he is too low-key and seems to be a 'true god' who just broke through not long ago, so the threat level is not high?

Several true gods in the Eastern Emperor's Holy Land also took action to contain other true gods at this moment.

The coercion gradually subsided, and the golden secret patterns on it flowed with mysterious brilliance, causing the endless black hole in the black hole space to suddenly become quiet.

Wei Wen used a piece of divine power to try to refine it, but found that there seemed to be harsh conditions, at least he wouldn't be able to refine it in a short time.

"Beizhen Star Master, you are currently the strongest, and your Eastern Emperor Holy Land is the most familiar with this place. I think you are still in Xi'an and other places!"

The giant eye behind the fourth god of the Divine Eye Clan opened, and there was an ancient spear in his hand, which he struck at the Beizhen Star Lord with one blow.

If it cannot be taken away, different divine power marks will seep into the black square at the same time, hindering each other. Of course, no one can recognize the owner.

Even if the strongest man in the universe wants to take away the treasure that is a sphere that is several light years away and is like a black hole, it is impossible until he recognizes its owner.

Suddenly, the endless black holes rushed towards the abyssal black hole ball from all directions like a dragon sucking water.

"Star Lord Beizhen, you don't even have a small universe. Even if you are strong, refining will take longer. The most powerful treasure belongs to me!"

In fact, the refining of the most powerful treasure is not that simple, not to mention that this most powerful treasure is far from the true god level, and the refining process is much more complicated than the ordinary true god level treasure.

"What a joke. If you have the ability, go get it yourself. Interfering with me is nothing." Beizhen Star Master sneered. Next to him was a dazzling polygonal black sphere.

At this moment, the strongest people in the universe surrounding the black ball took action at the same time, using their divine power to try to penetrate into the black ball and try to refine it.

So the only way now is to drive away other competitors and create a separate owner-recognition environment.

Beizhen Star Master believes that he is the strongest, so he is naturally confident. Even if everyone joins forces, he is not afraid at all.

Wei Wen did not take action against Beizhen Star Master, not because Beizhen Star Master was strong, but because he was delayed by a strange voice.

"Wu...come...inherit..." A faint voice kept ringing in Wei Wen's heart. Listening to these voices, Wei Wen felt a turmoil in his heart.

Wu, as a time traveler, naturally knows a thing or two.

The Kingdom of Wu, the kingdom of gods that originated from the mainland, must also be a god-king-level force, and it seems that more than one god-king has appeared.

For example, the leader of the Wu Kingdom and the three generations of ancestors of the Duandonghe line.

If the boat in the tomb is said to be the inheritance of the Duandonghe line, then according to Wei Wen's judgment, it seems to be the inheritance of the God King of Wu.

"This may be the voice of a strong man's remaining will." Wei Wen couldn't help but guess.

Like the Blood Crystal, a relic left after the Beast God's death, it contains the impact of the Beast God's will.

Wei Wen had speculated before that the Beast God had an excellent talent for practicing the secret art of will.

It's just that the excellent talent is like this. Those strong people who have successfully practiced the secret art of will must have left behind even more extraordinary wills.

The current situation seems to be the remaining will of a strong man.

Of course, even though he thought so, he had been looking for the source of the sound. What if he guessed wrong?
Wei Wen no longer chose to refine the black hole treasure, but maintained a million times the speed of light and rapidly explored the black hole space.

In the past, the power of the black hole space was extremely explosive, but now it is extremely restrained. Except for the treasure that was born, the other areas are almost empty.

At this moment, Wei Wen, who was flying, suddenly paused slightly because he sensed a ray of light, a subtle ray of light.

Black holes can absorb all tangible and invisible matter, and light cannot escape from black holes, so the current situation is very strange.

Wei Wen moved closer to the light little by little.

Suddenly, a ray of light silently submerged Wei Wen's figure, and Wei Wen's figure instantly dissipated into the void like dust.

But the next moment, Wei Wen's figure walked out of the distant space dimension, and what had just been annihilated seemed to be just a space-time illusion.

"With this attack, if other true gods don't have palace-type supreme treasures, they are very likely to die!" Wei Wen thought to himself.

The core area is indeed very dangerous, and he has actually penetrated deep into the core area of ​​the core area. The degree of danger can be imagined.

If it were an ordinary true god, it would be impossible to choose to move forward unless he had a palace-type supreme treasure or was approaching his end.

But Wei Wen just sent out a clone of the Eighteen Gods and Demons of Tao Wu, and he didn't bring any treasure. If he died, he would die, and it wouldn't be a big deal.


Naturally, Wei Wen would not stop here. Although the surroundings were dangerous, he could still withstand it despite his ability.

As Wei Wen moved forward, the black hole space was always dark, the road could not be seen at all, and inexplicable dangers always broke out suddenly.

But Wei Wen relies on the two strongest secret techniques in the universe created with "time and space" as the core, and his ability to save his life is definitely not weak.

Just like the light just now, even if it really hit Wei Wen, relying on the defense of the black hole of space and time, Wei Wen would not be killed.

He has always been able to survive the many dangers in the black hole space.

(End of this chapter)

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