Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 267: Extreme Feedback, Accumulation

Chapter 267: Extreme Feedback, Accumulation

After the misunderstanding was resolved, some time passed before Yu Jingqiu's clone was successfully conceived.

According to what the two of them said before, she went to the God Realm and relied on resources to grow to the fourth level of heaven.

Dongbo Snow Eagle is already a world god and will go to the god world sooner or later.

Fighting alone in the divine world?
Even if he is a world god, it must be very difficult, otherwise his wife would not be forced to reincarnate in her previous life!
Wei Wen was his teacher. He thought that after going to the God Realm, it would be better to take refuge in Wei Wen directly. Could it be that he would have to take refuge in a stranger?

"Although senior has not established a force in the God Realm, he is the strongest person in the God Realm after all. What should I do? Why don't you consult the teacher!"

After Yu Jingqiu learned about Dong Bo Snow Eagle's thoughts, she naturally supported Dong Bo Snow Eagle to go to the God Realm to practice, so she directly suggested asking Wei Wen for his advice.

"That's fine!" Dongbo Snow Eagle didn't think much about it.

Then Dongbo Snow Eagle met Wei Wen in Wei Wen's temple and briefly explained his purpose.

After Wei Wen learned about Dong Bo Xueying's thoughts, he was not surprised at all.

And Dongbo Snow Eagle is not the best at the ultimate path, at least at the true god level, he cannot open up related paths, so the subsequent feedback will not be of much help to Wei Wen.

After all, even the ultimate Tao of Time and Space at the Dao Lord level is not the end of the Tao of Time and Space. He still needs to make progress.

It's a pity that Dongbo Snow Eagle doesn't know the importance of the guidance of a powerful person, because a powerful person masters the complete rules of heaven and earth and can teach any world god a complete first-level divine heart inheritance.

But in the same amount of time, Wei Wen's achievements in understanding the way of time and space may be tens of thousands or hundreds of millions of times more than the way of swordsmanship. The gap is so exaggerated!

Just like Wei Wen is best at the way of time and space, he is also good at the way of sword and sword.

Without knowing what the future holds, if you put anyone in Dongbo Snow Eagle's position, he would want to seek refuge with Wei Wen instead of choosing the Blood Blade God Emperor.

This is also the reason why most of the powerful world gods only stay at the first level of heaven.

If you want to comprehend a Tao that you are even less good at, the comprehension efficiency gap will be hundreds of millions of times, and the time consumed will be even more exaggerated.

After all, he easily became a World God under Wei Wen's guidance, and he has a lot of confidence in his talent.

After all, only if everyone understands the Tao that they are best at, their progress will be faster.

"But I may continue to look for opportunities before long, and there will be no strong person to guide you in the future!"

In this case, it is definitely the best choice for Wei Wen to retreat on his own to understand the way of time and space.

And if the World God does not have the guidance of a powerful true god and only relies on his own practice, it will actually be very difficult to make progress.

"Without the guidance of a powerful person, at most it would be difficult for me to practice, but it doesn't matter!" Dong Bo Xueying shook his head slightly.

Of course, Wei Wen probably gave Dongbo Snow Eagle some guidance and planned to retreat again to understand the way of time and space after he understood the ultimate divine heart.

Fortunately, Dongbo Snow Eagle is also considered an all-around player, so he is much less worried about this issue.

"Xue Ying, do you want to go to the God Realm to practice with me?" Wei Wen nodded, "I do have free time recently, so of course I welcome you!"

He believes that even if no one gives guidance, he will have the confidence to never stop moving forward.

In addition, even without Wei Wen, Dong Bo Xueying could still eat soft rice. The Fourth Heaven Realm God Yu Jingqiu and the Lord of Moxue Kingdom could give him enough guidance.

Like the fourth-level celestial god Moxue Kingdom, he has almost understood the complete rules of heaven and earth, and there is no problem in giving guidance to Dongbo Snow Eagle.

"You are confident!" Wei Wen smiled lightly, "But I actually have a suggestion that can point you to another way!" "In the divine world, the Blood Blade Divine Court will hold the Ten Thousand Flowers of the Divine Courtship once in tens of millions of years. Yan, your avatar is still a god at the moment, so you can go and have a look."

"Feast of Ten Thousand Flowers in the Divine Palace?" Dongbo Xueying was stunned. He didn't know much about the divine world.

"The Ten Thousand Flowers Banquet of the Divine Palace is about to be held?" Yu Jingqiu is the reincarnation of a world god who has been practicing for decades. He still knows something about it and directly introduces it to Dongbo Xueying via voice transmission.

"I will leave this universe soon. You have to think about this carefully." Wei Wen said directly.

The ultimate kendo becomes more and more difficult the further you go, and each breakthrough takes longer.

And he may need to look for opportunities outside Tianyu Universe, and he really doesn't have much time to give guidance to Dong Bo Snow Eagle.

Dongbo Snow Eagle was undoubtedly a piece of jade, but when it came to teaching disciples, Wei Wen was not as good as the Blood Blade God Emperor, who was once the most powerful person in the God Realm.

He didn't want to delay Dongbo Snow Eagle, so he asked him to try his luck at the Ten Thousand Flowers Banquet in the Divine Palace.

That's right, he just suggested that Dong Bo Xueying try his luck.

If there was no influence from Wei Wen, the Blood Blade God Emperor would indeed accept Dong Bo Snow Eagle as his apprentice.

But because of Zhou Weiwen's existence, many things have changed.

And Wei Wen remembered very clearly that the reason why the Blood Blade God Emperor accepted Dong Bo Snow Eagle was not because of Dong Bo Snow Eagle's talent.

The most important reason is that in the war with the Witch God and the Great Demon God, he was willing to sacrifice his own potential in order to save Yu Jingqiu.

But after Wei Wen broke through the master, he directly killed the two of them, and nothing like this happened at all.

If the Blood Blade God Emperor refuses to accept it, it is actually completely possible.

Whether it works or not, it doesn't matter if he leaves a clone in this universe.

After all, he projects more than one clone in this world, and he also has the Eighteen Gods and Demons who practice Tao Wu.

"Leave the universe?" Dongbo Xueying calmed down immediately. He thought Wei Wen was just simply retreating, but he didn't expect that he would leave directly.

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense. Wei Wen has easily grown to be the strongest man in the universe, and it is normal for him to leave the universe to find new opportunities.

Time flies, and under the acceleration of time, Dongbo Snow Eagle grows rapidly.

The ultimate is actually a Tao that Dongbo Xueying is very good at. During his extraordinary period, he realized the true meaning of the second-grade extreme penetration, and now he has reached the realm of the divine heart.

If you work hard, according to the progress of the original work, and time is accelerated, it actually won't take long.

It has to be said that Dongbo Snow Eagle has a very strong understanding, and he easily realized the ultimate divine heart and broke through to the second level of heavenly realm.

[Your bound friend Dongbo Snow Eagle has realized the Divine Heart of the Ultimate, and your understanding of the Way of the Ultimate has been improved! 】

The pole is also the way of correlation between time and space. The pole of God lies in the source of time and space, in the origin of all dimensions of time and space, in the beginning of the long river, in 'one'...

To be honest, at Wei Wen's current level, with the blessing of various opportunities, Wei Wen's talent in time and space is said to be second, and no one dares to say he is first!

Even though Dongbo Snow Eagle's feedback could not directly help Wei Wen realize the way to the strongest time and space pole, it still gave Wei Wen great inspiration.

At Wei Wen's level, all he needs is an introduction and inspiration.

A simple inspiration, with Wei Wen's incredible potential, is enough to make his rich accumulation burst into qualitative change in an instant!
(End of this chapter)

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