Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 268 The ultimate way of time and space

Chapter 268 The ultimate way of time and space
Just like a great scientist in the past life on earth saw an apple falling, and suddenly realized the gravity of gravity.

However, most ordinary people would never think of gravity even if they have seen it hundreds of millions of times. This is because they have high understanding.

With Wei Wen's understanding, he can easily capture this part of the inspiration!
"Haste makes waste." Wei Wen said thoughtfully, "Maybe I should change my thoughts and artistic conception."

Previously, he had always believed that time and space were the origin of everything, so he needed to constantly analyze the 'essence' of time and space.

Later, he understood that time and space are not time and space, and that time and space cannot be separated, otherwise it will be difficult to survive alone, and he successively realized several of the strongest ways.

It is not wrong to continue to explore the essence of space and time and study the origin of space and time.

If this method can be regarded as 'forward push', but now he plans to use another method to push backward.


The wild world.

In the Time and Space Tower, Wei Wen was discussing with the Time and Space Tower Artifact Spirit.

In fact, no matter which world it is, there is a path, and these paths will have an impact on the path of time and space.

“Sometimes taking a step back may lead to success.”


Gradually, the way of time and space gradually changed, and everything became silent, leaving only a loud bang at the last moment.

"This is..." Wei Wen suddenly felt that the five ways of time and space were attracting each other.


"The way of time and space." Wei Wen thought, and the dimensions of time and space flashed away, and cracks appeared faintly around him.

Like the most common five elements, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, these Dao villages are full of restrictions, like countless constraints.

"Of course, this is only a relatively elementary method. As this Tao continues to improve, such as two steps, three steps, four steps, and even eternity, it will truly reach the extremes of time and space."

"Once time and space comes out, no matter the five elements, or the swords, swords, etc., they can't restrain time and space. In a sense, it is the extreme of time and space." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

Just when Wei Wen realized the last and strongest way of time and space and felt so happy, he suddenly felt the faint connection between the five strongest ways of time and space.

It is precisely because of the destruction of other ways around him that Wei Wen's way of time and space is the only one.

Wei Wen tried again and again and verified many of his deductions in practice.

"At least with my current accumulation of knowledge, there is almost no hope of enlightenment."

With another thought, the dimensions of time and space trembled.

"As the saying goes, haste makes waste. I wanted to reach the extreme end of time and space before. This was not a mistake, but it was too difficult."

As long as there is a place affected by 'Tao', then the Tao of time and space will be restricted, and it will never be possible to reach the extreme end of time and space!


Therefore, Wei Wen does not plan to push the extreme of time and space now, but plans to destroy the influence of the surrounding Tao. If any Tao blocks the way of time and space, he will destroy it directly.

The last attempt obviously failed because the fluctuation range of space was too large.

The ways of time and space can complement each other because they themselves have great connections, because these strongest ways of time and space originate from the same origin.

"It merged so easily, which means that I am walking in the right direction of time and space!" Wei Wen also felt a hint of joy in his heart.

The way of time and space is extremely vast. According to different divisions, it can have different directions, and there are hundreds of millions of treasures with different artistic conceptions of the way of time and space. In fact, Wei Wen's previous concerns about the strongest way of time and space were just conjectures.

He may not be sure whether the way of time and space he realized is the strongest level.

Under normal circumstances, it is actually very difficult to combine into the strongest fusion.

Because the pieces of the puzzle are incomplete, it means spending more time thinking about various combinations.

And a natural combination like Wei Wen's means that the five strongest ways of time and space he has walked out are enough to represent all the artistic conception directions of the ways of time and space!
These five paths have summarized all the artistic conceptions of the "way of time and space".

Because when these strongest ways are truly analyzed, they indeed include all the artistic conceptions of time and space.

The five strongest ways are actually the five parts of the true 'complete way of time and space'. This is the ultimate way of time and space.

Unlike other strong men, masters like Mangya Master have also realized the strongest way, and even integrated several of the strongest ways.

But even if the Lord of Mangya has realized the three most powerful ways, or even integrated them perfectly, he has not actually understood all the directions of time and space.

But what about Wei Wen?

He has mastery of everything in the way of time and space, and contains all the artistic conceptions of the way of time and space.

It was as if he had all five fragments of the porcelain plate, so he didn't need to spend any thought at all, and he could put them together naturally and easily.

It seems that there is not much difference between the three strongest ways and the five strongest ways, but in fact it is not.

In this case, the power of his Tao still remains at the level of the strongest Tao, which is slightly stronger than the strongest Tao of the same level.

But the ultimate way of time and space is already superior to the strongest way, a whole level higher!

Moreover, Wei Wen's way of time and space has changed, and his current way of time and space is no longer limited to a fixed direction.

But Wei Wen suddenly had a feeling that this fusion did not increase his upper limit of strength. It seemed that the five strongest ways of time and space were perfectly integrated, but he still only stayed at the level of the strongest way?
It makes sense if you think about it carefully. They are both ways to fuse the strongest time and space. There is actually a gap between the three fusion methods of Mangya Master and the five fusion methods of Wei Wen, but the gap is not big, far from the level of qualitative change.

Wei Wen carefully recalled the plot of The Wilderness, and a sense of enlightenment arose in his heart.

The ultimate way of time and space should be a complete whole. Just perfect integration is not enough.

This can be seen from the fact that Ji Ning realized the five strongest kendos and integrated them perfectly, but failed to truly master the ultimate kendo. Wei Wen was actually not even close.

At this time, he immediately studied the shortcomings of integrating the five strongest ways, and started new thinking, thinking in the direction of Ji Ning's epiphany.

Wei Wen only felt that the fusion of time and space was becoming more and more smooth, and his understanding of the shortcomings of the strongest fusion of time and space became clearer and clearer.

He also felt that he was gradually touching that level of "the way of time and space", that is, the ultimate way of time and space.

It is true that Wei Wen's previous fusion of the strongest way of time and space already included all the foundations of the ultimate way. Although the gap between the two is huge, it is just a simple jump in the level of fusion.

Needless to say, Wei Wen's talent for the Way of Time and Space was absolutely confident in himself. In fact, his potential was quite terrifying.

The key is that he has a strong accumulation and extraordinary vision.

When he first integrated the five strongest ways, he noticed some of their shortcomings.

Later, I understood that the most perfect "Tao of Time and Space" should be a whole, and I have been pursuing enlightenment in this direction.

Wei Wen's thoughts were racing rapidly, but at a certain moment, an idea flashed, and a more perfect way of time and space appeared in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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