Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 269 Breakthrough to the Ultimate Dao Lord

Chapter 269 Breakthrough to the Ultimate Dao Lord
Almost at the same time that he realized the ultimate way of time and space, the aura around Wei Wen completely changed and became more powerful.

Even if he stood where he was, he seemed to represent the origin of time and space, and his breath became more and more ethereal, and his every move was integrated with the surrounding time and space.

Powerful and ethereal, seemingly completely different feelings, but they are perfectly combined.

Wei Wen's consciousness instantly crossed the endless distance and felt the true origin of the ultimate way of time and space.

This is the origin of the complete way of time and space in the chaotic universe, and it is also the "eternal and ultimate way" at the emperor level.

Although Wei Wen at this time is still far away from this complete path, there is no doubt that he has already walked on this ultimate path.

"The ultimate way of time and space!" A smile appeared on the corner of Wei Wen's mouth.

The real ultimate way, there is no such thing as a few strongest ways.

Because on the strongest path, there is a complete path, or the ultimate path.

Although this road is destined to be extremely difficult, once he succeeds, the rewards will undoubtedly be huge.

The birth of the chaotic universe. A large amount of chaotic power continued to surge into Wei Wen's body and the second soul.

Once Wei Wen breaks through Dao Lord, there will no longer be any such talk as Tao Wu's Eighteen Gods and Demons, the Thousand-Body Sacred Code, etc.

After breaking through the Ultimate Dao Lord, Wei Wen is comparable to the ordinary Four Path Lords, and he has been able to take advantage of many opportunities.


The entire chaotic void where Wei Wen was was shrouded in light from a layer of chaotic power.

If the true spirit is not perfect, there will be no breakthrough at all.

To become the Taoist Lord of Life and Death, one step leads to life and death. Every step of improvement is an improvement in the nature of Tao.

Breaking through to the Dao Lord level has great benefits. First of all, the divine power, soul consciousness, will, Dao heart, etc. have greatly increased.

At this moment, the complete deity and the second soul were sitting cross-legged facing each other, they both closed their eyes and began Daojun's breakthrough.

Because the best world to comprehend in the ultimate way is obviously the world of the Wild Age.

He won't have to stay in the world of the Wild Era, relying on him who swallows the stars and the world of Lord Snow Eagle to understand the ultimate way.

The speed of thinking will also increase.

Of course, the clones of the second soul also need to be unified to break through to the Dao Lord level.

Only at the mortal level, the second soul cultivated is excepted, because the second soul can be regarded as a new life according to the rules of the vast universe.

Especially the last step of combining the path, which would cause even Ji Ning to fail.

Every time it is promoted, Tao will be restructured, and naturally there will be risks.

"After realizing the ultimate way of time and space, there is no need to wait any longer. It is time to break through to the Tao Lord level." Wei Wen showed a smile.

By then, Wei Wen's will will definitely be able to easily reach the level of the Eternal True God, and even turning his will into a saint is probably not that difficult.

Of course, as the ultimate Taoist king, Wei Wen can be called the master of time and space in a sense. Naturally, there is no so-called life and death in one step.

The realm of the Tao Lord requires the union of the divine body and the clone, which is the so-called perfection of the true spirit.

It's just that the difficulty of Wei Wen's breakthrough will undoubtedly be higher.

Moreover, countless practitioners are stuck at this step, and it is normal for the Hedao to fail, because in the 10 Chaos Epochs of an era, there may not be a few emperors who have succeeded in Hedao.

And for every breakthrough, the main body and the second soul must break through simultaneously!

The breakthrough of the main body and the second soul alone will be affected involuntarily, and there is no way to achieve a successful breakthrough alone.

Therefore, in a situation like 'He Dao', for those Dao Lords who possess the second soul, there is only one chance to join the Dao.

It is impossible to ask the main body to combine the Tao once, and then learn from the experience if it fails, so that the second soul can try to combine the Tao again. In short, the main body and the second soul must go to the realm of the Tao Lord together.


Chaos outside the chaotic world of the gods, the power of chaos is surging into the sky at this moment.

The endless power of chaos formed a terrifying energy vortex. The scope of the vortex was so exaggerated that it was unimaginable.

The energy fluctuations generated were even directly transmitted to the chaotic world.

"This, this... such a powerful energy wave!"

"what happened?"

"Such a terrifying fluctuation is at least a breakthrough by the powerful Dao Lord, right?"

"And the fluctuations of the breakthrough are definitely not comparable to those of ordinary Dao Lords!"

The world realms around the Chaotic Void all came to the Void, looking at the source of the fluctuations in the power of Chaos in the distance.

The world-level experts only felt the originally peaceful endless chaos, as if a real dragon was stirring up turbulent waves. The power of the concussive energy made them all shocked.


In the chaotic space of the golden elixir in Wei Wen's body, the previous 36,000-foot-tall Taoist tree also absorbed Wei Wen's insights into the Tao of time and space and began to grow rapidly.

The growth rate of this Taoist tree seems to be very slow, but it is growing rapidly.

The Tao tree is getting thicker and thicker, and its height is also climbing crazily.

"The stronger the foundation of the Dao Lord of Life and Death, the thicker the Dao tree will be." Wei Wen said with a smile.

"Now that I have understood the ultimate way of time and space, there is no one strong enough to compare with me among Yiyiyijun."

Generally speaking, the height of a Dao tree is fixed. For example, the Dao Lord who just broke through may only be 4 feet, or even worse.

As the Tao Lord grows up, reaches the Four Steps, and after practicing for many years and reaching the edge of the Hedao, the Tao trees are all one hundred and eighty thousand feet tall.

But depending on the level of the Tao, the degree of thickness is different. The Tao of Ultimate Time and Space is undoubtedly the strongest one.

The Dao tree is getting stronger and taller, and it continues to extend and penetrate into the golden elixir chaotic space, making the space more stable and causing the chaotic space to continue to expand.

In the end, Wei Wen's Taoist tree grew until it stopped at 52,000 feet, which was the limit of a single Taoist master.

But the golden elixir chaotic space is expanding crazily, and the 'golden elixir' in Ji Ning's body is becoming more and more mysterious!
The aura of Tao Lord's divine power became more and more vast, and the divine body began to be restructured. "

The depth of his divine power began to restructure its essence, absorbing the power of endless chaos with the "Ultimate Way of Time and Space" as the core, and re-formed the Tao Lord-level divine power.

The mighty Tao Lord's aura couldn't help but spread out, surprising the strong men around him again.

Of course, under normal circumstances, Daojun's breakthrough only perfectly enhances the divine power to the Daojun level.

For example, Wei Wen's previous practice of Tao Wu's Eighteen Gods and Demons would also make Wei Wen's divine power stronger than the ordinary One-Step Dao Lord.

But the blue and white power generated by the Chaos Restriction will not be replenished by breaking through the Dao Lord.

The supply of blue and white power requires massive resources. Where do the resources come from?

Wei Wen had previously obtained a strange stone from the Mansion of the Gods. It was the material used to create the Treasure of the Universe, so the price was very exaggerated.

Wei Wen sold it after leaving Wan Shen Mansion and obtained 3000 million cubic meters of Chaos Spiritual Liquid.

Generally speaking, the average four-step master on the edge of Hedao only has a net worth of about 1000 million cubic meters of Chaos Spiritual Liquid.

(End of this chapter)

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