Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 272 The inheritance of God King Wu is obtained

Chapter 272 The inheritance of God King Wu is obtained
In the inheritance hall, Wei Wen's figure slowly fell.

Looking up not far away, there was a huge peak deep in the hall.

"This is the Hall of Heritage? It's a little different from what I thought." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

The inheritance hall of the Duandong River line seems to have many functions, but here there is only a solitary mountain peak.

"As a successor of the Wu lineage, the main test is my understanding." The figure in black robe pointed at the distant mountain peak.

"There are 1000 basic inheritances on this mountain. You can get different basic inheritances after entering."

"This is just the most basic inheritance, a simple verification of whether you are suitable for my lineage of Wu."

"Only by observing the inheritance and understanding the seventh-level secret method at the Lord of the Universe level, you can enter the next level even if you pass the preliminary screening."

"Of course, if you can directly understand the eighth-level secret method, you can directly inherit Wu's secret method."

According to Wei Wen's understanding, there are only two inheritors of Duandonghe's lineage and masters of the universe who have created the eighth-level secret method, while there are several chaos masters in Duandonghe's lineage.

"If you can enslave the realm beasts, then the entire treasure of Wu belongs to you."

"As for things like world be honest, they are rare to encounter in millions of reincarnations. To put it simply, it depends on luck."

This is true. The God King of Jin also said that Luo Feng practiced the Nine Tribulations Secret Code and would be hunted down by the God King of the Food Kingdom after entering the Origin Continent.

Of course, Wei Wen is not very interested in the inheritance of Wu's secret method. After all, the secret method may not be suitable for him. He is following the ultimate path of time and space.

"To be honest, the Wu Kingdom has been destroyed, so the inheritance of the secret method is not valuable, and it is even a disaster in a sense." The black-robed figure said slightly embarrassed.

The endless dimensions of time and space turned into this huge dark sphere in an instant. The height of the dark sphere was so exaggerated that it was trillions of kilometers high!
The black hole rotated rapidly, and a trace visible to the naked eye appeared in the entire space of the inheritance place, and the surrounding space-time dimensions were continuously swallowed by the black hole.

"Easy?" The black-robed figure was also stunned, "Do you think that with the realm of the Lord of the Universe, it is so easy to create seventh- and eighth-level secret arts?"

"Because our purpose is to enslave the realm beasts. If you can get information about the realm beasts, you can get some of the treasures."

"As for you wanting to get Wu's treasures...these treasures are mainly aimed at realm beasts." The black-robed figure continued.

"It's so easy to get inheritance?" Wei Wen was stunned.

"You still think this is easy?"

Then his only target is Wu's treasure, which is just like the previous black hole treasure. That kind of thing is very helpful for Wei Wen to understand the way of black holes in time and space.

"Yes, it's simple. I don't need to observe the inheritance on the mountain because I have created my own eighth-level secret method."

"So as long as the standard is met, it will be given. Even if you can get the inheritance of Wu's secret method, you can pass it on to others at will."

"Once a strong person discovers that you practice Wu's inheritance, you will be regarded as a remnant of Wu and will be hunted down by the enemies of Wu."

Therefore, from the perspective of this black-robed figure, if Wei Wen can really understand the 8th-level secret method, there is no harm in passing it on to him.

The Wu Zhi Secret Technique inheritance in front of us also has a similar situation.

To put it simply, as long as the Lord of the Universe understands the 8th-level secret method, he will at least have the potential to dominate Chaos, and even hope to break through to the God King!

Wei Wen waved his hand, and the dimensions of time and space began to distort, eventually converging into a huge dark sphere. Countless dimensions of time and space were all suppressed in the black sphere...

"..." The black-robed figure looked confused, "Okay, you are right, the inheritance test is indeed very simple for you."

"You can actually create your own eighth-level secret method without any inheritance. I have never heard of it. Your potential is enough to obtain the inheritance of Wu's secret method."

"You come with me." The black-robed figure pointed into the void, and a space-time channel appeared in the void again.

Wei and Wen flew into it and entered a new space. The space was filled with endless lake water. There is an island in the middle of the lake. On the island is an ordinary wooden house. There is also a small pond in front of the wooden house.

"This independent space is the most important space in the secret space of inheritance." The figure in black robe looked at the pond and room below.

"As you can see, there are three black stones above the room. These are called memory stones, and they are also called inheritance memory stones."

"A large amount of inheritance information can be stored in it, and even a large amount of memory information of a peak powerhouse can be stored!"

"And these three stones... can be called the foundation of my Wu lineage's secret technique!"

Wei Wen looked down and found three relatively large black stones.

"Look at the pond next to the room."

The black-robed figure waved his hand, and all the water in the pond instantly flew up, revealing purple stones at the bottom of the pond. At a glance, there were probably tens of thousands of them.

"Look at that huge lake again." The black-robed figure waved his hand again.

In the endless lake near the small island, the endless lake water began to float like the heaven and earth reversed, and finally floated into the sky.

In the lake below, Wei Wen could see a large number of blue stones with his eyesight.

"These are all memory stones. They have different levels according to their colors." The black-robed figure explained simply.

"The three black inheritance memory stones are the most important inheritance, the most essential secret method in Wu's core inheritance, and the greatest contribution left by King Wu."

"And there are a total of 55132 memory stones in that pond, which also belong to Wu's core inheritance."

"But it is a hundred flowers blooming, which represents many schools, or secret methods, or refining treasures, or auxiliary means, etc..."

"The combat auxiliary means and secret cultivation methods contained in it, any inherited memory stone is enough to make you, the powerful people of the universe sea, crazy about it."

"These black and purple inherited memory stones are the pride of the Wu Kingdom and the hard work of many powerful people. They are completely valuable."

"Any memory stone is enough to start a super war."

"And these three... can make the super strong men in my hometown start a war with each other."

"So if you plan to pass on the information contained in these 3 and 12002 stones, you'd better be careful. After all, no one is guilty of the crime of harboring a treasure."


In fact, it doesn’t make any sense!

Because in the universe sea, it is impossible to see information above the True God. Even if Wei Wen wanted to transmit it, he could not transmit it.

If he enters the Origin Continent in the future, he will be rumored to be a powerful man who surpasses the True God, but this person also said that ordinary people are not guilty of harboring a treasure.

If it wasn't an extremely important person, Wei Wen would definitely not have spread the word.

Of course...the reason why the Origin Continent and the Cosmic Sea are like this is because of the current supreme rules of the Origin Continent.

If you were in other worlds, you would probably be able to see information above the True God.

For example, in the world of Lord Snow Eagle, there seems to be no limit to the realm of true gods.

Like the inherited secret skills that Wei Wen received in the sword world, many of the sword skills left behind by the sword masters have surpassed the true gods, and he can directly accept the inheritance.

(End of this chapter)

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